Desperate... Turned Away By Dr. Rahal


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Can't hair transplants give you normal density at the hairline if you use a lot of grafts and have thick donor hair and if you don't have a large area to cover? I've seen pretty impressive results on the hairline/temples.

Sometimes it can be enough, for most you will require additional surgery to go over the same area and add density.

What you see are nit picked photos high lighting 5% of there surgeries.

Surgeons do 1-2 patients a day mon-Friday . Average at about 300 patients a year.

Over at htn the doctors typically post every 5 days a result. The less active around once every 7- 14 days.

We are seeing on average 2-7 results a month by doctors that are performing hundreds upon hundreds of surgeries.

Lol at thinking knit picked photos are averages.


My Regimen
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Ye, that guy has way more recession than me, but still you can see I don't have temple points too, right?

And I think receding temples (especially my right one, not the photo you took as example, which is my left temple) and lack of temple points justify my wish of having a transplant done, I think it's enough if your whole objective is to fix/restore your original hairline.

Also, many celebrities fixed their hairline before going Norwood 3, like Bradley Cooper (he was barely Norwood 2) and Ben Affleck, and their transplant is very obvious to the eye but still they don't have noticeable differences in density.

Plus, what I'd like to get is to have my hairline back, which is very similar to Christian Bale's one (that's why I brought this example up)

I think it's pretty easy for a world-class skilled surgeon like Dr. Rahal (I repeat, I think he's the best in the game for youthful and dense hairlines) to give me that back, ok, maybe 23 is not the most suitable age but still, in a few years (when I'll be 25-26), since I'll maintain my hair + further thickening by Duta (just started with that after 1 year and a half on finasteride) and Minoxidil, I think I'll be able to go that way (IF Dr. Rahal will accept me, I'm not considering any other surgeon because I really think he's one the best, out of question, and of course he's the best for hairlines like I said).

The point is being on meds won't regrow my temples and hairline, we all know that, then I don't know nothing but a top hair transplant to have my hairline back... that's the point

Ben Affleck wears a hair piece. And you have some serious body dysmorphic disorder. You need to see a psychiatrist.
This is a mental health issue.


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I kind of think like him. Im a perfectionist with higher standards then what treatments currently allow. I want that perfect Norwood 1 teenage hairline forever or as long as possible. I dont think its wrong at all, but I might agree surgery is a bit drastic.
Take finasteride, and just see how that goes it might be enough if your hair loss is recent. In a few years there might be much better options, and you can see how it progresses if its worth more drastic steps.
When your 50 years old I think most men that care now will still care about their hair then. Yes maybe you will have more on your plate to deal with, but you dont wake up one day and completely not care what you look like or who you are.


My Regimen
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Im a perfectionist with higher standards then what treatments currently allow.

Which is the reason why 60,000 people joined this site.
I agree with you surgery is not a good option for the OP today. In a perfect world he could have a super dense hair transplant. Not in this. Then again, in a perfect world he would not be thinning at all.


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Which is the reason why 60,000 people joined this site.
I agree with you surgery is not a good option for the OP today. In a perfect world he could have a super dense hair transplant. Then again, in a perfect world he would not be thinning at all.

Most people are to niave to understand what a transplant can accomplish.

We are conditioned by a highlight of a surgeons best work. never seeing the other 95%, and what there results are like.

It simply is not worth the risk:reward for OP.

What happens when he has that cobweb appearance that doesn't match his native surroundings. He will looks worse then he did prior to surgery,.


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Turkish surgeons will dense pack the sh*t out of your hairline and not leave anything left for the future progression of male pattern baldness. Go look at Erdogan or *********


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Most people think they do great hairlines. Well then you're out of options. You'll just have to live with your high density adult male hairline.


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Most people are to niave to understand what a transplant can accomplish.

We are conditioned by a highlight of a surgeons best work. never seeing the other 95%, and what there results are like.

It simply is not worth the risk:reward for OP.

What happens when he has that cobweb appearance that doesn't match his native surroundings. He will looks worse then he did prior to surgery,.
I think people need to see more cases in real life of what transplants can do. I have seen at least 5 cases in person and two were on hair transplant doctors and I can tell you I was not super impressed. They all still look diffuse and my hair even looks better on video and in photos than in person. I have seen hair systems in person that look better than some transplants. So that is why I am not running to Rahal myself at this point. I don't have the hair caliber to get a great result anyway. I have to face that fact too. I wish I had hair like the Puerto Ricans here. I have never in my life seen such thick hair. They have better hair than the PR females.


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Then how can I fix my hairline to bring it back to a nw1 with temple points?
stop obsessing over menial bullshit for starters.

Go live your life.

I would truly hate to see what you would do to yourself if you woke up with real baldness through out the scalp.

Go to Turkey if it bothers you that much, they will take anyone.


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My Regimen
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I'm not considering Turkish butchers, I'm only trying to figure out what I can do for restoring my hairline to a nw1...

Is Replicel the only option?


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He may have meant "i only deal with more advanced cases to concentrate my efforts to help the most hurt".

You can get the job done other places

Aren't my temples fucked up/beyond saving without points too? Just tell me if I'm right


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Take dutasteride, maybe try RU too. That is all you can really do. I would wait on the transplant. In a few years maybe something comes along that can help restore more hair
Oh yeah of course use minoxidil too. So for sure use dutasteride/minoxidil and see where that takes you in a year. Add RU too. That alone might get some regrowth you just have to see and be consistent.