Did anybody else lose their mind when they started to lose their hair?


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Find a hobby or something like working out not to just better yourself or make yourself look more appealing, but to literally take your mind off of the tragedy that is slowly taking place on top of head.

My theory is working out makes people afraid to make fun of your baldness. I also think prostitutes should be legal for bald guys.


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I'm going through an identity crisis right now, I don't even like being seen in public. It's hard losing my hair badly at 17, real hard on me. Some days I've actually cried about it, because I'm so used to being able to talk to girls, and now I feel like I make them disgusted. And F2005, people are definitely super ignorant of what it's like to be losing hair. They say it's only cosmetic, and they say to suck it up, but we were born with hair. It's a part of our identities and it's being stripped from us.
Yeah..they say it's "only cosmetic " but these fools don't have the self awareness to realize that THEY judge people everyday on cosmetics.


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Nope, balding isn't a big deal as long as you have confidence. :cool:

All the fullheads I know have no confidence and get all the ladies. I wonder why....


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All the fullheads I know have no confidence and get all the ladies. I wonder why....
Yes...awkward and shy can be very "cute" on a dude with nice hair.
On a bald dude.......?


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My Regimen
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Yep, it's like any girl I've picked up, any successful approach I can remember, I was quite shy and awkward during the process.

And I'm talking about looking a bit anxious, stuttering (a little), getting red (I think). Having seen the end result, all of these didn't seem to matter.

Confidence is irrelevant. As long as you can actually overcome your anxiety and make your intentions known, you're good. Well, if the girl fancies you.

The only thing that matters.


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My Regimen
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Yea I went crazy when I lost my hair and I'm still crazy over it.

Don't worry, you're not alone. Society will always be there to remind you of that.

Cue Bald

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tl;dr - basically i don't care about jobs, it;s more for self image, and for girls that i care

I was a very shy guy but I'd say a 7 or 8 with the right haircut (sleek black, framing my face) - I;d turn up to parties or barbecues and girls would be over me easily.
Now I am a NW4-5, I occasionally go to a BBQ but now I tend to just play with my NW1 friend's toddler. No female attention. Ignored basically, played with the kids, talked with the guys about cars.

If I try to show confidence with a girl I know might share my interests (I saw a girl with a Maliwan shirt on once) and we got chatting and had a really good conversation. I got her number and we went down the pub with a few other friends. She saw my other friend there - the blond handsome one (I posted a lookalike in one thread somewhere) - she immediately gravitated to him and was hooked on every word he said - even if it was his boring job. Any interest in me was gone. She's not interested in me at all now. (He turned her down, I think he's gay tbh. He smells way too nice to be a male; anyone who always smells very nice tends to be a bit suspect in my book)

I'm ashamed to say now that the only thing that makes me happy are drugs and playing video games. If I was NW1 I'd probably have been married by now - srs- I know people say "Oh, people who whine about baldness will always find something else to BDD about" - but my hair is the main thing, and if I had the cash, I;d get a slight nose job - but no more than that. No chin dimple, no Wacko Jack stuff, just a bump taken out of the nose and it shortened a bit.
Just for the experience of having sex with a girl who was actually attracted to me. Imagine that.

I have a job but I am showing it harder and harder to fake being happy. People like me there but they are always asking "Are you alright" ? If I admitted I was bothered by male pattern baldness I'd be a laughing stock. There's a NW7 there married to a beautiful athletic blond women - but guess what - he is over 6', masculine, makes 4 times my salary, and his handsome - these are the very rare type of people that male pattern baldness actually work for - I'd say his male pattern baldness actually makes him look better than he would look with hair.

Every dream I have with me in it is set in the past when I have a NW1, having adventures and getting girls I never actually did. That's the most heartbreaking thing ever. Being on holiday at a sunny resort, meeting a beautiful girl who is madly in love with you and is playing with your hair at your apartment, you are just getting intimate and your alarm clock goes off, and you can see your NW5 in the phone reflection and know it;s just another crappy day at work.
Man, I need an Umar hair transplant bad. I have $10,000 i am supposed to be saving for a deposit on a house, but what would make me happier honestly?


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He smells way too nice to be a male; anyone who always smells very nice tends to be a bit suspect in my book)
Hahaha...this got me laughin!! You make a good point, dude!! A man shouldn't smell TOO pretty!!


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When reading this thread, it's really sad how this balding is ****ing young men's lives up. It sickens me that society doesn't take this more seriously.


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I have $10,000 i am supposed to be saving for a deposit on a house, but what would make me happier honestly?

Weren't houses in the UK insanely expensive? Like at least hundred of thousands of £? There was this news article I read not long ago that said 1 in 65 British people are worth more than £1 million.


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Weren't houses in the UK insanely expensive? Like at least hundred of thousands of £? There was this news article I read not long ago that said 1 in 65 British people are worth more than £1 million.

You can buy a hole in the north much cheaper - under $100,000 (US dollars) sometimes under $50,000 (US dollars)

You can buy a family house in a northern city in a decent area for under $200,000 (Us dollars)

London is insanely expensive.


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Cue Bald, you bring up some good points. Before hair loss, I was not a heavy drinker by any means and the only drug I ever did was weed, and that was very rare. After hair loss, I conditioned myself to polishing off an entire pint of Jim Beam (like 9-10 shots) and then go out to a bar or club. (I didn't drive though since I live close to a semi-big city and am also very close to NYC). I also started to get into semi-heavy drugs, something that I NEVER used to do. My own ethics prevented me from doing so in the past, but I figured that if the world and my life situation is far from ethical or fair, then why should I be ethical in such a cruel and unfair world? What I needed was an escape from my dismal and depressing reality, and drugs and heavy drinking offered that escape. I had some good times that I wouldn't have had if I wasn't "under the influence".

People without hair loss are so naive and ignorant of the plight of hair loss sufferers. When I confided in others about how hair loss has devastated my life, I've heard some of the stupidest things from some otherwise-intelligent people. Bulls**t like "if it wasn't this, it would be something else" or "oh, why don't you visit the cancer ward of a hospital". These are people who have full heads of hair, have NEVER shaved their head bald, and only talk in hypotheticals. "Oh, if I lost my hair I'd just shave my head and move on". Yet you've never seen them do it and you will never see them do it. They'll give all kinds of excuses and rationale, but words don't mean s**t and actions mean everything.

The bottom line is that we are all sick and tired of complaining and venting about hair loss, and we want to do something about it. We would spend loads of money and travel abroad for an effective hair restoration option. Unfortunately there just aren't any. (Finasteride gives terrible side effects for many of us and I am not interested in paying substantial money for the wispy, thin, comb-over coverage of an hair transplant). What pisses me off the most is that despite most hair loss sufferers's extreme desire to pay top dollar for a new and effective treatment, the vast majority of the hair restoration community is only committed to preserving the status quo and making obscene amount of hair transplant money. They know how much we suffer, yet all that they are interested in is pushing options that statistically most hair loss sufferer do not even want to deal with in the first place. That's what makes me sicker than anything.


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Ohh..yeah, the good old "cancer ward" advice. I wonder.. when was the last time any of these privileged bastards ever visited a cancer ward?
Next time a smug full head has a whinge about something "acceptable" to whine about. Ya know, girlfriend troubles, car repayments, electricity bills.....etc, I will advise him to visit a cancer ward.