do women even like buzzcuts?


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I have a picture where I weight 83 kg. Every time I show it to people, they almost die from laughing. I look like John Goodman on it.

Pics please :)


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10% bodyfat will get rid of stomach fat. But, unless you have a significant amount of muscle from working out, you will look like a twig in clothes at that bodyfat.

not true, Im around 10% and still have it.
Those bottom 2 abs are just problem abs for a lot or people. Remember fat sits on top of muscle, so as your muscles grow in that area the fat gets pushed out. The ONLY time i got rid of it after say 26 was when I was double dosing fat burners, and also lived on my own so I could control my diet.


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The bottom line is that a lot of men are shooting for results that are not even possible to attain.

Surely if you make all these efforts and bust your *** in the gym, you should have visible abs, right?

It's a fantasy, a Hollywood-made fantasy. You don't have Hugh Jackman's personal trainers and steroids.

well of course, results will vary person to person. I Have some abs but they are not pronounced 24/7 you have to flex them like anything.
You cant be fooled by hollywood either. Photos are airbrushed, theres CG now and most guys will literally starve and dehydrate themselves for weeks for a 20 minute shoot.

You can still attain something, it just takes work. You cant say oh Im beyond help without trying. If your belly is that pronounced like an ethiopian kid than maybe there is something wrong you should get checked. Also if youve spent your entire life one way its much harder to change.
I know fred youve said you have run track or did something, I dont remember but your touted you used to do cardio, but have you ever weight trained?
Maybe that an area skinny fat guys need to look, get the chest and arms bigger to even it out. Perhaps Id be "skinny fat" if I never did that, who knows.

uncomfortable man

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Go join a bodybuilding website fellas. The title of this thread is do women even like buzzcuts. Maybe I should be moderator. Probably be better at it than wolf.


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If you are good looking to start with l, yes women like buzz or shaved heads. You gotta be masculine looking though, have dem nice jawline and high cheekbones bra

uncomfortable man

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I do. I just dont have hair to complete the look. I would be downright handsome if it werent for this ****. I have no control over my facial proportions though so that is why you dont see be going on bragging about it like others on here would. Cant take credit for what you cant control...something many on here should realize.

Wolf Pack

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I do. I just dont have hair to complete the look. I would be downright handsome if it werent for this ****. I have no control over my facial proportions though so that is why you dont see be going on bragging about it like others on here would. Cant take credit for what you cant control...something many on here should realize.

Then get some hair. As Swingline said you haven't even tried in that long speech to you. Don't you feel some shame being over 40, talking about this over and over again. You are bald through choice. That's right, it's hard to hear. But you are a weak person with no insight into his own life. You say you have the masculine face, get some hair to complement it. Now if you were upset about not having full hair, that's a different story. But your posts are more "look at me I have no hair." Well that's your own choice.

I have never moaned once about being a Norwood 2.5 and I know you hate me on here for not being a baldite but I get things done. Next summer I will be Norwood 1.5 That's it. No moaning or emotional instability on display.

Sympathy is only reserved for those who actually are in a situation beyond their control, hair loss or otherwise.


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Then get some hair. As Swingline said you haven't even tried in that long speech to you. Don't you feel some shame being over 40, talking about this over and over again. You are bald through choice. That's right, it's hard to hear. But you are a weak person with no insight into his own life. You say you have the masculine face, get some hair to complement it. Now if you were upset about not having full hair, that's a different story. But your posts are more "look at me I have no hair." Well that's your own choice.

I have never moaned once about being a Norwood 2.5 and I know you hate me on here for not being a baldite but I get things done. Next summer I will be Norwood 1.5 That's it. No moaning or emotional instability on display.

Sympathy is only reserved for those who actually are in a situation beyond their control, hair loss or otherwise.

Dude needs to get a wig or plugs. Until then. ..

uncomfortable man

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When I first started loosing I did my research, visited a few hair transplant places besides finding this site. I was being pro active but everything I learned told me that my loss was too advanced for medication to be effective and that a cosmetically acceptable head of hair was beyond my reach. I spoke to a man who was nw5 before his hair transplant and he told me the best I can hope for is a thin layer of hair on top with still visable scalp... after tens of thousands of dollars and multiple surguries. I found it unacceptable. Its a case of supply vs.demand and I didnt have enough supply, few nw5s do. I would have been fine with solid density from the hairline to the top of the head with a bald spot in the back but apparently that was out of the question. The more hair you loose the steeper the incline becomes both in terms of expense and execution.
Plus im poor, living paycheck to paycheck I can barely stay on top of my bills let alone save thousands of dollars for something that in all probability will be unacceptable. Im not like fred, with no kids and a high paying job. What do you want me to tell my family, sorry guys we cant eat this month because daddy needs to save up for that hair transplant? You say "just get some hair" like it is so fvcking easy. If it were that easy to do you wouldnt see anymore bald guys anymore, but is that the case? Us bald guys are not only victims of genetics and a prejudice society, but also of a medical/cosmetic industry that is shamefully inadequite. So thats TWO rocks and a hard place we find ourselves between.Would you be able to understand let alone sympathise with that, of course not!

Wolf Pack

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But have you had your own donor hair examined? How much donor hair do you have then? You mention density is a worry but you need an examination. There are some good Norwood 5 transformations. You also say it may be too thin hair and unacceptable, well that's a decision for you. Is it better how you are now shaving sly or some hair? I honestly think the density at the front, middle and hole at the back that you describe CAN be done. I met a guy who was Norwood 5-6 and he had a transplant. How does it look? Frontal 1/3 is thick and rest is a a bit diffuse grown out, but it looks good. You're waiting for the worse case scenario of being bald and also poor donor hair like Fred. That is rare.

You could have saved a little bit per month and got a better job for example. Where there is a will there is way. You're not a starving kid in Africa. You could go abroad to have a cheaper transplant. Turkey even Mexico if you don't want to waste money on a flight. At the age of 40 plus you really ought to have forward planning and some savings even with a family.


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I used a bic yesterday, thought i would see what it looks like, i like the result since you could hardly see the stubbles on the side, my pointy head shows abit more lol, i was like "oh my" when i saw it i admit, but i get used to it again, cold aswel but you get used to that aswell lol.


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You aren't 10% if you have visible fat on your abs. 10% is extremely lean to the point that you don't have a collection of fat anywhere. Just a thin film. You are likely closer to 15%. Everyone under estimates their bodyfat %.

Not all fat sits on top of muscle. At 10%, most fat you could further shed would be visceral.

I checked myself a few months back with one of those machines and it said 12%.

as for UCman, Ill say he is 40 so when he probably first started shopping around the tech wasnt where it is today and a LOT more expensive.
Now you have to really evaluate if at 40 with a wife and kids is it really even worth it?
Are you happily married UC? Why is it you worry so much if you already found your mate?
I personally have zero interest in the family life so this is why it bothers me.
To most people you would just appear as a bald family man. On another point I do recall a post a while ago where you said you grew in some funky large moustache, wear strange hats and work at a supermarket. Was this you?
In the end I think your first priority is getting out of that job for something else. ANYTHING else.
You need to fluff that resume and get out there. Get a second job to build it more. Whats your skill set? dont you smoke? STOP PISSING AWAY MONEY ON STOGIES! 10$ a pack and figure (lowball) 2 packs a day? $7100 a year, thats a hair transplant right there. Mine was about that.
Either way get your priorities corrected then worry about your hair.
If youre in a relationship you like than stop worrying as much. If your wife knows how much it bugs you then she would support your decision and help anyway.
Get a better job, easier said than done at your age but man you have to try. Go sell cars part time at night, its easy quick cash and you can put sales on your resume and use your current jobs cust serv exp to get that job.
Maybe Im screwing different people up tho, correct me if im wrong.


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You are bald through choice. That's right, it's hard to hear. But you are a weak person with no insight into his own life.

Again, truly ignorant statement. Nobody is bald by choice, unless they choose to shave their NW1 completely down, and even then it can't really be called bald as you have the shadow framing your face. And I find it extremely rude and ignorant calling uncomfortable man a weak person, you have NO idea what he's been through (because you are not bald). If anything he is a strong person for surviving this hell so long.

I have never moaned once about being a Norwood 2.5

Of course you haven't, because you are far from bald! If you were NW5 like Fred or uncomfortable man, you'd feel differently.


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And I find it extremely rude and ignorant calling uncomfortable man a weak person, you have NO idea what he's been through (because you are not bald). If anything he is a strong person for surviving this hell so long.

and on the same note you dont know if 1/3 of his story has ANY validity it is the internet. People love to gather sympathy points. none of us know his life but sometimes people do need a hard kick to get motivated, a "there there" just lets people know their struggles get them attention.
as my post prior to you asked him alot of questions

what IS his plan to get himself out of his mess, sorry UC but you sound a bit like my father who relishes in sympathy and defeat, but I dont know your full story.

Wolf Pack

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and on the same note you dont know if 1/3 of his story has ANY validity it is the internet. People love to gather sympathy points. none of us know his life but sometimes people do need a hard kick to get motivated, a "there there" just lets people know their struggles get them attention.
as my post prior to you asked him alot of questions

what IS his plan to get himself out of his mess, sorry UC but you sound a bit like my father who relishes in sympathy and defeat, but I dont know your full story.

Exactly. And not to big myself up or anything but I have told a bit of my story outside of hair loss to a bald guy on here reluctantly. He said I was strong. I just thought I was normal. So there you go. I will say it again, you are weak UC. I don't buy your big claims of how being bald has led to society burning you at the stake. Seems like something that wouldn't even be an interesting movie plot which says something.

And UC man, you question my mod abilities. You may find this hard to believe but there is a section outside of the "impact of hair loss" bit. Recently there has been stuff going on which has required the admin and staff to deal with. It's far more important than a mod being bald and singing "society sucks" with you.

- - - Updated - - -

Again, truly ignorant statement. Nobody is bald by choice, unless they choose to shave their NW1 completely down, and even then it can't really be called bald as you have the shadow framing your face. And I find it extremely rude and ignorant calling uncomfortable man a weak person, you have NO idea what he's been through (because you are not bald). If anything he is a strong person for surviving this hell so long.

Of course you haven't, because you are far from bald! If you were NW5 like Fred or uncomfortable man, you'd feel differently.

Lets just say I have gone though something much tougher. Objectively if anyone was asked from professionals to the public, they would say mine was tougher, hands down, except maybe a handful of people on here. I'm sorry but saying he is so strong for surviving, is crazy. He is bald through choice and it is a non lethal condition. Therefore, to moan about this for 20 odd years = weak. It's an uncomfortable truth. He is a victim of his own mind like some others on here. Nothing more, nothing less.

Firstly I wouldn't just become a Norwood 5, like that. I would use medication and transplants to have some hair. Okay it may not be full, but still. Sympathy is for people in a difficult situation beyond their control. I do understand you:

A) Young balding girl is rare
B) Lack of transplant option
C) More masculine/acceptable to be a bald guy than a bald girl

On a plus side you can wear a piece more easily. I haven't seen your pictures so it could even be BDD. I haven't come across a noticeablely balding girl.

uncomfortable man

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Seems like something that wouldn't even be an interesting movie plot which says something.

And all that tells me is that you rely on hollywood for your sense of morals and ethics. Bravo.

Swing, thank you for a refreshingly objective and genuinely usefull post. I used to think you were somewhat of a tool but compared to this Nazi aesthetics regime we seem to find ourselves under, they make you look like the dhali lama. I attribute that more to your age and your life experience than to your Norwood level. You are partially right about me btw. Although completley justified, I have privately wallowed for far too long. Its difficult to break such deep treaded routines especially with such an addictive personality. There are times where I cant tolerate it and I "wake"myself up to the posibility of change... how am I going to get out of this. A paradigm shift is needed indeed, even I can see that. Quitting smoking is a good start, and suggestion.

And thank you Evil for having my back there and calling out ignorence when whitnessed. Ironic that the moderator of a hairloss forum is a blatant baldist.

But to wolf directly, as for calling me weak. Fvck you. Evil is right, it takes more strength than you can possibly fathom to get up and face the world looking like I do and still smile, joke and have a friendly demeanor (which my job requires) after being repeatedly spit in the face. I doubt you would even leave the house if you found yourself in my lead shoes. THAT is weak.


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Wolf pack is done with the PC **** and is on the attack. Bald guys are starting to scatter like roaches when you turn the lights on.


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People are different and react to situations in different ways. My head could be better looking, im not the biggest fan but i cant see my future worrying about it, but some here see it as a curse sort of speak. Im using this example cause like i said i used a bic, and my headshape came to mind again, i will get over it and like before i wont "see" it anymore, but to someone else it wont be that easy, we shouldnt judge and go "oh i got over it so you should be over it aswell etc", cause it dont work like that, we should support each other, not who has it worse competition.