first 3 months of use I was very inconsistent with finasteride due to sides. I was taking .25mg EOD and sometimes I would go 3 to 4 days without taking it. Since getting the sides under control in January of this year I started to take 1.25mg daily. I have noticed a decrease in shedding, but it's not consistent. I have taken before and after pics, but can't tell a difference in some of them or I think I'm biased - as I'm looking for improvements. I need non biased opinions. Do you guys see improvement?!
The first two pictures are from October of 2015, and the others are from April 2016
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On May 27th I visited my hair Doctor again for the first time in 6months. We redid the basic I tests such as measure density, miniaturization mapping, and compared side by side photos taken in November vs current. Needless to say, the improvements were obivious on all tests - gains have been made. Nothing drastic, but it improved. After this appointment I opted to buzz my head to a number 3 to keep myself from counting hairs, and worrying about my hairloss. I have chosen to forgo minoxidil for now, and have just added trichomin shampoo and conditioner. Since shaving my head I have felt a lot better, and don't think about my hair all that often. I wish o would have buzzed it a year ago! I was initially really scared and thought it would make my thining and frontal recession more noticeable, but it intact did the opposite.
update 6/5/16:
I buzzed my head to a number 3 two weeks ago. Here are pictures of what it looks like
UPDATE 12/22/16:
I have been taking a full recommended dose of finsateride for almost a year - 11 months to be exact. I have been absent for some time, because I have had "success"; seldomly thinking about my hair Now. I attribute most of my "success" to the fact that I shaved my head, and I happen to look half decent with the buzz cut. But, another part of my success is definitely attributed to finasteride. I haven't made much in terms of gains, but I have definitely maintained over the course of a year. Any breast pain and or side effects that I once experienced from dosing finasteride have been absent for 9+ months, thus I take my pill daily without reservation or much thought. The minor increase in gyno is still present, and I assume will be until I get it surgically removed. But, it also hasn't gotten any bigger since the first few months on finasteride. Anyway, I am posting this update because I recall how frustrated I got during my "bald crisis" when I'd discover posts without follow ups. I have had my head shaved to a number one for the past 6-7 months, so comparison pics are difficult. Here is the only one I could find where my hair was longer than a "buz". Merry Xmas all! It gets better. Good luck with your regimens!