Do you guys see progress?!


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Don't mean to be negative. The last pic just kinda reminds me of when John Travolta uses Toppik to conceal his hairloss:

View attachment 59772

You should put a pic up with your hair combed back/up in order to shut up any skeptics ;-)
Hahah! So what you are saying is that because my hair is short, dark, and resembles that of travolta's then it must be concealer? I'm going to assume that you don't have short hair, because if you did you would understand that it doesn't "comb back or up". It simply lays forward man. See, the best part about my hair loss recovery is that I don't need to convince anyone. I just need to be content with it myself, which I very much am. Thus, Using concealer and trying to pass it off as my actual hair is fruitless. Also, for any skeptics? Haha. You are the only one man, and by no means do I feel like I need to prove anything to you. My pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy your day pal.


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Gosh, I am feeling pretty confident in my hair lately. So, this is for you Joshua. My hairline in its rawest form; straight out of the shower, wet, and slicked back! I hope this eases your mind friend. Haha!


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I see your nirvana-like contentment without feeling the need to prove anything lasted a solid 30 mins ;-) My mind is quite at ease as always, thanks for caring bud :) Thanks for the pic as well, I always like those unsolicited full frontal wet showerpics! :oops:
Hahaha! Touché.


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Update 4/8/18:

Hey guys. It’s been a while since I’ve been on the boards. Since the last time I posted, I’ve grown my hair out (which I enjoyed for a few months, but shaved it all off again after 3-4 months). I am currently in the process of growing my hair back out again, in so that I can comb it and style it. On feb 16th I shaved my head to a number one. And below I posted 2 pics of my hair today; almost two months grown out. One is really up close of my hairline under bright light, and the other is at a distance in normal room light. I hate the ugly stages in between where my hair gets puffy, because it’s too short to lay down. Instead, I look like mega mind . But In all, I think my hairline might have thickened - even if just a little. I guess as long as I’m above baseline I will be happy. Let me know what y’all think.


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My Regimen
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Thanks for sharing your great story. You got a great attitude towards all this. Your results are from finasteride only?


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Thanks for sharing your great story. You got a great attitude towards all this. Your results are from finasteride only?
Hey John! Ha, to be honest my attitude isn’t always great as it pertains to the hair loss. I have my days where i struggle with it. I think my results have given me some peace of mind though, and allowed me to feel better about - like I’m doing something to control it. Ya know?

Yes, I haven’t used anything else other than finasteride once a day - proscar tablet cut into 1/4ths.


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This picture really shows the drastic impact finasteride had on my hair. I know how dark and depressing this experience can be. I know how much this curse can impact ones self worth and self esteem. I know how much it hurts to have no control over this situation, and how helpless it feels. I really hope this can give you all some hope. Keep your heads up and keep fighting the fight!


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This picture really shows the drastic impact finasteride had on my hair. I know how dark and depressing this experience can be. I know how much this curse can impact ones self worth and self esteem. I know how much it hurts to have no control over this situation, and how helpless it feels. I really hope this can give you all some hope. Keep your heads up and keep fighting the fight!
Wow nice results!When did you start to notice regrowth,was it early on or?


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Wow nice results!When did you start to notice regrowth,was it early on or?

To be honest, my mind was so hyper focused on my hair when I first started, and I catastrophized the situation a great deal, so I failed to see any results in my hair for a long time. But, now in hindsight when I compare all of my progression pics, I see just how much improvement, and how fast those improvements happened. The first 6 months on finasteride there were large gains, and at that time I was fluctuating my dosage because of sides. I didn’t start taking a full dose until I was about 9 months or a year into treatment. This is when the biggest gains happened for me.

But even now, I have days where I think to myself - “damn, my hair is worse than last year”. But, when I compare it to images from last year, I can see that my hair has in fact gotten better - not worse.

So to give you a straight answer - growth happened early on for me. But, I only noticed that growth because of pre/post pics, and it was not something I noticed with my own eyes in the moment. So, I highly recommend that you take pics as you progress, so that you can notice those changes as well. Our eyes and mind play tricks on us - they can’t be trusted. Haha.


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Hey fellas . It’s been a while since I’ve been on the boards. So, I wanted to update you all, which will likely be my my last update ever.

I have been taking finasteride for approximately 3 years, and I have had phenomenal results. My hair seemed to have gotten better each and every month that passed - eventually restoring my hairline to 85% and the rest of my hair 100%. It was life changing when I was down, and when I was struggling to accept hair loss as part of my life.

Despite my success with finasteride, it was not without cost. As most of you know, I experienced side effects (gyno) at the beginning of treatment, and worked with an endocrinologist to overcome it - something I was eventually able to do. But, over the past three years I have matured, developed increased acceptance of myself, and most importantly found a beautiful woman that I am going to marry.

As such, I opted to stop taking finasteride and let it all go. I stopped taking finasteride cold turkey (under observation of endo w/blood monitoring) a little more than 4 weeks ago. Since stopping I have noticed numerous changes in my body...all of them sexual in nature and all of them positive. The first week I didn’t notice much at all, but the start of the second I started to get random erections through out the day and frequent erections at night. I noticed that I developed a stronger craving for sex and for women. Likewise, I have been able to get erections quicker and harder than while I was on finasteride. Lastly, my orgasms have become more pronounced - you know tingle from head to toe.

Now, While on finasteride I failed to recognize these sexual side effects because they seemed to develop so slowly over time...or maybe I was just so focused on my hair that I didn’t care? Whatever the reason, these were side effects I was experiencing. They didn’t necessarily impact my life negatively at the time, but now that I know what it’s like without finasteride again, I won’t ever be able to go back - no matter how bald I am.

Currently, I am feeling optimistic as I believe I have passed the typical window for a post finasteride crash (at least based on my subjective research), and so I hope to leave finasteride and all the good/bad that came with it behind with this last post.

I will get on over the next two days and field any questions you all may have, and I will leave you with a final picture update before I shave it all off with “no guard”.


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My Regimen
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Hey fellas . It’s been a while since I’ve been on the boards. So, I wanted to update you all, which will likely be my my last update ever.

I have been taking finasteride for approximately 3 years, and I have had phenomenal results. My hair seemed to have gotten better each and every month that passed - eventually restoring my hairline to 85% and the rest of my hair 100%. It was life changing when I was down, and when I was struggling to accept hair loss as part of my life.

Despite my success with finasteride, it was not without cost. As most of you know, I experienced side effects (gyno) at the beginning of treatment, and worked with an endocrinologist to overcome it - something I was eventually able to do. But, over the past three years I have matured, developed increased acceptance of myself, and most importantly found a beautiful woman that I am going to marry.

As such, I opted to stop taking finasteride and let it all go. I stopped taking finasteride cold turkey (under observation of endo w/blood monitoring) a little more than 4 weeks ago. Since stopping I have noticed numerous changes in my body...all of them sexual in nature and all of them positive. The first week I didn’t notice much at all, but the start of the second I started to get random erections through out the day and frequent erections at night. I noticed that I developed a stronger craving for sex and for women. Likewise, I have been able to get erections quicker and harder than while I was on finasteride. Lastly, my orgasms have become more pronounced - you know tingle from head to toe.

Now, While on finasteride I failed to recognize these sexual side effects because they seemed to develop so slowly over time...or maybe I was just so focused on my hair that I didn’t care? Whatever the reason, these were side effects I was experiencing. They didn’t necessarily impact my life negatively at the time, but now that I know what it’s like without finasteride again, I won’t ever be able to go back - no matter how bald I am.

Currently, I am feeling optimistic as I believe I have passed the typical window for a post finasteride crash (at least based on my subjective research), and so I hope to leave finasteride and all the good/bad that came with it behind with this last post.

I will get on over the next two days and field any questions you all may have, and I will leave you with a final picture update before I shave it all off with “no guard”.
Good for you man and I wish you the best. However, does this woman you want to marry know you took fina and that you decided to stop and go bald? What does she think about it?


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Because you would not want to go bald in your 30’s.

Haha. Yes you are correct, I once did not want to go bald in my 30s. But, I have spent a great deal of time working on myself as a person over the past three years...and well...believe it or not...I have come to accept going bald in my 30s. In fact, I shaved my head bald with a BIC razor and I like it - although not more than me with hair. But still, where I am at in my life I am content with it and accept it for what it is. This isn’t for everyone, and I greatly respect those who see it different. But, I didn’t want to be controlled by my appearance of a pill for the rest of my life. So, I opted to face it head on.


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Good for you man and I wish you the best. However, does this woman you want to marry know you took fina and that you decided to stop and go bald? What does she think about it?

Haha. Good question man. At first, I was afraid to tell her, but I eventually did tell her. I explained to her my situation and how my hair would change once I stopped and without surprise she was totally supportive and enlightening. In fact, she really made this whole process easier. She explained that most women know that men go bald, and it’s something women accept in men - again most women. She added that she never liked me for my hair in the first place, and to prove it to me she told me to shave it all off before I stopped taking it and she’d show me she loved me just as much. So I did. And she commented everyday on how “sexy” my bald head was.

At the end of the day...think about all of the people you love in your lives...then ask yourself why you love them. I guarantee you never say “I love them cause they have hair”.


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Haha. Good question man. At first, I was afraid to tell her, but I eventually did tell her. I explained to her my situation and how my hair would change once I stopped and without surprise she was totally supportive and enlightening. In fact, she really made this whole process easier. She explained that most women know that men go bald, and it’s something women accept in men - again most women. She added that she never liked me for my hair in the first place, and to prove it to me she told me to shave it all off before I stopped taking it and she’d show me she loved me just as much. So I did. And she commented everyday on how “sexy” my bald head was.

At the end of the day...think about all of the people you love in your lives...then ask yourself why you love them. I guarantee you never say “I love them cause they have hair”.
You’re a very lucky man.