lifting heavy is for idiots. By the way lifting heavy is relative between person too person. Lifting adequate weight enough to induce a progressive over load, time under tension, and actually activating is all that's needed for growth. This is what I would call lifting 'heavy'. Once the overload is achieved all that is needed to to pump the muscle, and stretch the fascia.
This throwing weight is the funniest crap I see in the gym all the time. These same people look like garbage all year, but they have these so called numbers right? Not rele. How you can properly gauge the weight when the ROM is always different and their's no actual progress. The so called strength gains tend to fluctuate as they say from what they eat apparently but in fact they could never lift said weight properly to begin with. Then they will go on about not wanting to cut because they will loose gains LOL. How can you loose something you never gained to begin with. When they do cut weight, it's all fat and then reality is in their eyes of how small they ACTUALLY ARE.
Bodybuilding is all drugs. The sooner you can accept this the faster your mind will be at ease. Strength gains naturally are typically maxed out within a couple years of training, and drugs are needed to actually get bigger, and stronger. That fat, and water bloof isn't gains! Actuall muscle tissue takes years to develop, and even on steroids takes a long time to gain.
Don't get me wrong, a great body can be built naturally. But it will be nothing like someone on gear who knows what they're doing. Most naturals will look stringy when they're lean, but can get to low body fat. Depending on bone structure it can look good or bad. That or becoming the infamous perma bulker, the water logged trash that walks around thinking they are big, with big power lifts but infact are quite small. This group tends to be the over weight fat kids or mesos who don't have a hard time putting on weight that put on a bit of muscle and bloof and are suddenly massive in their own eyes.
Oh and cycles are the most retarded thing ever. Imagine shutting down your whole hormone system, then kick starting it. repeating the process. Their is only ON, and not OFF if you want to gain muscle and look like you lift. When you're ready to come off then it' time to start taking the ancillery drugs, but this cycling is even worse on the body then staying on. It'll take months to fix the damage. In fact staying on TRT levels for those over 35 is better then being a natural with low tesosterone.