Do you pretend to not care?


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I really care about my hair. Now I get a loss and I understand how bad it affets my personality.


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The more I think about it the more it astonishes me how full heads and females brush it off as no big deal. Hair loss is absolutly horrific. I'd even put it on the same level as female hair loss, simply because women can wear wigs or extenstions without stigma. Or concealer for that matter, it'd just be another part of their make up.
But men are supposed to just put up with it and not to be so vain! it's madness. If we all stayed NW1's, even NW2's we would probably be the best looking we'll ever be around 30 which would soften the blow a bit when leaving your 20's. instead every day we're uglier than we'll ever look.
The thing is when people are moaning and winging on these forums it does sound vain and shallow, but then everyone is a little bit vain and shalllow anyway, they just would never admit it.
Hairloss takes away any individuality, or any style. Your hair and your clothes express yourself. Bald blokes, even if they're young loook odd in young person clothes. I didn't even ever really conform to a paticular trend or style. I never did anything to my hair, I used to like that I had a bit of an unkempt looking. I liked the fact that I came across as laid back about my apperance. But i've realised that actually that was my style. And now my only options apparently according to most peoples advice, are to get muscle and have a more clean-cut apperance. When I look into the mirror I don't see me anymore, and I don't feel like me.

But I of course don't really care about such trivial nonsense!