True. People underestimate the true power of beauty I think. But blackpillers also underestimate the power of charisma/charm/etc. While the first is more important, the latter can be the difference between a simp and a slayer, no matter how good you look.
One of my best friends is ridiculously attractive. As in, people gawking at him on the street attractive. But he's also a "loser", judged by society's standards. Dropped out of high school to pursue painting, never held a steady job, etc. The typical artistic bohemian type. But he gets away with everything. He isn't even judged really, while other people would be seen as hobo's and failures in his position, while he has a wealthy and cute gf who supports him and pays for everyhing. While I was slaving away in uni studying STEM he was just breezing throug life experiencing everything it has to offer.
Beauty is by far the biggest privilege. More than intelligence/talent or wealth, which are second and third, in no particular order. Most just don't want to come to terms with it because that would be admitting that a vast dimension of life ( sensation and experience) is closed off to them