Donald Trump Takes Finasteride. A New Perspective.


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Trump is a white supremacist a**h**.

Worst president ever. The problem is, lots of stupid Americans are religious.

All he has to do is wave the fetus flag. Support dead fetuses! What the f***?

There are two things wrong with his personality. He is a rich, spoiled piece of sh*t. And so are his sons
and daughters, for the most part.

Second, I think he has dementia.

He has narsassitic personality disorder and he is doing with the presidency the same thing he does with his 'real estate deals'
he is licensing his name and brand. This time its to Bannon and possibly Russia--which we will see as more comes out.
Steve Bannon is running the country and Trump is the brand aka figure head.
He licensed his name same way he licensed his name to most of his hotels and land deals..he does not actually invest money in them or make decisions about them.
Same sh*t here, he is just a figure head.
President Bannon is running country.


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He has narsassitic personality disorder and he is doing with the presidency the same thing he does with his 'real estate deals'
he is licensing his name and brand. This time its to Bannon and possibly Russia--which we will see as more comes out.
Steve Bannon is running the country and Trump is the brand aka figure head.
He licensed his name same way he licensed his name to most of his hotels and land deals..he does not actually invest money in them or make decisions about them.
Same sh*t here, he is just a figure head.
President Bannon is running country.

Who is
He has narsassitic personality disorder and he is doing with the presidency the same thing he does with his 'real estate deals'
he is licensing his name and brand. This time its to Bannon and possibly Russia--which we will see as more comes out.
Steve Bannon is running the country and Trump is the brand aka figure head.
He licensed his name same way he licensed his name to most of his hotels and land deals..he does not actually invest money in them or make decisions about them.
Same sh*t here, he is just a figure head.
President Bannon is running country.

Who is Bannon?


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I know you all are complete jokes when I see "Trump is the worst president ever," yet he's only been president for a month.

Obama takes the cake for worst president ever.

Trump lies more than any president i have ever seen in my lifetime which is saying a lot since i was born a year when Nixon was president.--it's okay you are offended by HRC lies--But you are a hypocrite NOT to be offended by are okay with Trump lying because you like his policies same way 68 million people were okay with HRC lies since they agreed with her policies.

-President for a month
-"Lies more than any president I've ever seen"

Literally not mathematically possible. Obama likely takes the cake for lies. Most Clinton supporters didn't even know her policies. If you were to ask why they're voting for her they'd say "because Trump is racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic" and more blah blah bullshit they can't prove.

You are okay with his grabbing women by pussy because you like his policies same way people were okay with Clinton sleeping with intern because people liked his policies.

so come on down from that high horse i think its a little too tall for you there.

Sorry, but "shooting the sh*t" in private with a close friend (while obviously joking and exaggerating) is not the same as committing adultery while President, which constitutes rape since it's from a position of great power.

You are upset over the money that goes to educating mexicans but you are NOT upset over the cost of extra ICE agents to do the actual deporting or the cost of the Wall. NOT to mention most illegal immigrants are actually paying taxes mostly to cover their asses--but regardless they are paying for that education you are objecting too. You just don't like Mexicans here so please don't pretend it's a $$$ out of your pocket issue. LOL you voted for a man who has cost tax payers more in one month of travel and security compared to a whole year for Obama family. You are Okay with this because you prefer his policies. NOT that he is saving you $$$.

Nice proof there that "most illegal immigrants are paying taxes". That's a straight lie. Most of them are paid under the table to fly under the radar and not get popped.

I'll happily pay for immigration agents if it will save us money in he long term. Pretty sure Obama added 10 trillion to the debt, which is more than all the other President's combined.
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My Regimen
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I know you all are complete jokes when I see "Trump is the worst president ever," yet he's only been president for a month.

Obama takes the cake for worst president ever.

-President for a month
-"Lies more than any president I've ever seen"

Literally not mathematically possible. Obama likely takes the cake for lies. Most Clinton supporters didn't even know her policies. If you were to ask why they're voting for her they'd say "because Trump is racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic" and more blah blah bullshit they can't prove.

Sorry, but "shooting the sh*t" in private with a close friend (while obviously joking and exaggerating) is not the same as committing adultery while President, which constitutes rape since it's from a position of great power.

Nice proof there that "most illegal immigrants are paying taxes". That's a straight lie. Most of them are paid under the table to fly under the radar and not get popped.

I'll happily pay for immigration agents if it will save us money in he long term. Pretty sure Obama added 10 trillion to the debt, which is more than all the other President's combined.

they pay taxes my friend and a lot of them.

money is not your issue you just dont like them. I mean tell me what other proof you need? I know you guys reject anything you dont like now as 'fake facts" lol

Trump is probably the most blatant liar of not just President i would say almost anyone who has been in public spot light for past 30 years...I cant think of anyone who lies as much as this person.
So yes he has lied more in 30 days than any other presidents first 30 days for it hard to predict from his lies over the past 8 years since he's become political the he will be the biggest liar in our history of a President? No not at all lying is his MO. Face it you knowingly voted for a pathological liar because you like the things he lies about.
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they pay taxes my friend and a lot of them.

money is not your issue you just dont like them. I mean tell me what other proof you need? I know you guys reject anything you dont like now as 'fake facts" lol

You screwed yourself with that biased article. Literally in the comments:

This statement, "we found that undocumented immigrants nationwide pay on average 8% of their incomes in taxes to state and local governments. In contrast, the top 1% of taxpayers nationwide pay on average just 5.4%." is completely disingenuous. The bulk of that is going to be sales tax, and it is as high as it is primarily because of the preponderance of undocumented immigrants in high sales tax states like California. You would need to compare what someone in the top 1% pays in state and local taxes in a common location.

If illegals were interested in working legally in the US, they would have followed the legal requirements for doing so. This article is just BS. Sure they pay state and local sales tax. A fraction of what they get back in education, social services and healthcare. Besides all the special privileges held out by the pandering politicians to them.

the one important issue that is not talked about is how much it cost we the US TAXPAYER to have them here. it exceeds the 11 billion dollars collected many times over. i've seen figures that show it cost 1/3 of a trillion a year. so the 11 billion collected is a drop in the bucket. funny how these type of figures always seem to be left out of these articles.

More educational information for you...

Federal government data shows that while roughly half of illegal immigrants file federal tax returns, the vast majority of them don’t pay any federal income taxes. Instead, they use these returns to claim refundable tax credits, which are a form of cash welfare. In other words, illegal immigrants mainly use the federal income tax code to collect money from U.S. citizens.

What is the cost of illegal immigration?

Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments. The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117.

No, I don't like ILLEGALS, because they are ILLEGAL. White, black, hispanic, asian, indian, etc., if they are illegal I do not like them. Legal immigrants/immigrant I welcome with open arms.

Trump is probably the most blatant liar of not just President i would say almost anyone who has been in public spot light for past 30 years...I cant think of anyone who lies as much as this person.
So yes he has lied more in 30 days than any other presidents first 30 days for it hard to predict from his lies over the past 8 years since he's become political the he will be the biggest liar in our history of a President? No not at all lying is his MO. Face it you knowingly voted for a pathological liar because you like the things he lies about.

You embody the average, arrogant, delusional, liberal dolt.
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You know... for whatever it's worth, which is almost precisely 0 as a random internet poster about politics on a hairloss message board, I agree with hairblues almost entirely in her posts above, and her posts about politics in other threads. And when I see stuff that is very wrong in my opinion, or obviously over the top trollishly offensive ("You embody the average, arrogant, delusional, liberal dolt."), I also have the urge to respond, as she and some others do. Before the election, I sometimes did...

But look at this conversation above. Whats the point? What could not be clearer is that both posters will never, ever convince the other of anything at all (and I'm included in this for sure). In fact just conversing about it just makes the thing hotter and angrier. And this is the situation in the country today. Two sides, absolutely sure they are right and the other is wrong. It's like a pre civil war situation, almost. Unfortunate and sad, a bad time for the country.


My Regimen
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You screwed yourself with that biased article. Literally in the comments:

This statement, "we found that undocumented immigrants nationwide pay on average 8% of their incomes in taxes to state and local governments. In contrast, the top 1% of taxpayers nationwide pay on average just 5.4%." is completely disingenuous. The bulk of that is going to be sales tax, and it is as high as it is primarily because of the preponderance of undocumented immigrants in high sales tax states like California. You would need to compare what someone in the top 1% pays in state and local taxes in a common location.

If illegals were interested in working legally in the US, they would have followed the legal requirements for doing so. This article is just BS. Sure they pay state and local sales tax. A fraction of what they get back in education, social services and healthcare. Besides all the special privileges held out by the pandering politicians to them.

the one important issue that is not talked about is how much it cost we the US TAXPAYER to have them here. it exceeds the 11 billion dollars collected many times over. i've seen figures that show it cost 1/3 of a trillion a year. so the 11 billion collected is a drop in the bucket. funny how these type of figures always seem to be left out of these articles.

More educational information for you...

Federal government data shows that while roughly half of illegal immigrants file federal tax returns, the vast majority of them don’t pay any federal income taxes. Instead, they use these returns to claim refundable tax credits, which are a form of cash welfare. In other words, illegal immigrants mainly use the federal income tax code to collect money from U.S. citizens.

What is the cost of illegal immigration?

Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments. The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117.

No, I don't like ILLEGALS, because they are ILLEGAL. White, black, hispanic, asian, indian, etc., if they are illegal I do not like them. Legal immigrants/immigrant I welcome with open arms.

You embody the average, arrogant, delusional, liberal dolt.

You are just giving opinion no facts

You are saying you think the article is bias--SHOCKING all news now is biased if it does not 100% agree with Trump and his lies. Get your news from Twitter LOL.

You are citing text but you are not giving your i am supposed to take your undocumented quotes but you rejected the one article i posted as 'biased' and lies.

You are going to call ANYONE republican, democrats, independent--weather they are moderate liberal, even the legitimate conservatives as "LEFT" because that is what ALL Trump True-believers do.
This is some Jim Jones sh*t.

You are entitled to object to immigrants that come here illegally.
For instance i am not thrilled with the ones here who commit violent crimes or repeated crimes--deport them.

But this money argument? LOL, its just a joke.

Yes i am sure you want to deport all the illegal Easter European hotties that come into USA and stay here past the time to go back home...lets send ICE to round them all up those damn models in clubs taking all the good jobs lol. Lets not pretend this is not about Latinos--who arguable are committing crimes.

You would have made a better argument if you stuck to crime which is legitimate and not faux financial burden.

EVEN Fiscal conservatives will debate you on the cost of illegals vs the money they generate for us.

And again i dont think you voted for Trump on financial issue.
He already spent more on security and travel in one month him and his family than the Obamas did for a whole year. Where is your fiscal conservative outrage over this?

I can quote you two articles on this subject but I am not going to bother because you will just scream "bias or fake news'
You can look it up for yourself they are very easy to find multiple articles.
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My Regimen
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You know... for whatever it's worth, which is almost precisely 0 as a random internet poster about politics on a hairloss message board, I agree with hairblues almost entirely in her posts above, and her posts about politics in other threads. And when I see stuff that is very wrong in my opinion, or obviously over the top trollishly offensive ("You embody the average, arrogant, delusional, liberal dolt."), I also have the urge to respond, as she and some others do. Before the election, I sometimes did...

But look at this conversation above. Whats the point? What could not be clearer is that both posters will never, ever convince the other of anything at all (and I'm included in this for sure). In fact just conversing about it just makes the thing hotter and angrier. And this is the situation in the country today. Two sides, absolutely sure they are right and the other is wrong. It's like a pre civil war situation, almost. Unfortunate and sad, a bad time for the country.

The point is to stand up and talk to people even when you disagree with them.

If you sit silently by thats a problem.

I'm actually a moderate by todays standards.

And i still do believe MOST people when you actually speak to them and get past the anger are really moderates on most issues.

And most people are not into Trump his own party i never saw so many critics of other Republicans than of Trump and Bannon.

So these Trump supporters can say everyone against them are just left or just Rhinos or just establishment republicans...that college kids are being paid and bussed into town halls from LA and NY LOL yeah they look like real Left lunatics to me little old ladies with blue hair--most of them are between 35 and 75. when they talk all sound like real City folk when they talk with there southern and mid western accents.



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And again I agree with what you wrote, including about silence being a problem (though the biggest problem is not voting, and I most definitely voted.) And I'm also a moderate, left leaning moderate. Though left and right have almost lost their meaning in the age of Trump.

Really I was referring to arguing with THIS GUY, the guy in this thread, and others like him. I'm 100% sure that he found not one of your points in the post two posts above this one in any way convincing. In no way will any of it change an iota of his opinion, ever. So I wonder what's the point (unless its to influence others who may be browsing the thread). The fact is that there is some % of the population, maybe 25-30% who are very, very fervently pro Trump and/or right or alt-right, and very, very anti- left. They arent ever going to change their opinion. For sure he is also not going to make you (or me) change our opinions either, not an iota. Especially not with lines like "You embody the average, arrogant, delusional, liberal dolt.". So hes also completely wasting his time and energy.


My Regimen
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And again I agree with what you wrote, including about silence being a problem (though the biggest problem is not voting, and I most definitely voted.) And I'm also a moderate, left leaning moderate. Though left and right have almost lost their meaning in the age of Trump.

Really I was referring to arguing with THIS GUY, the guy in this thread, and others like him. I'm 100% sure that he found not one of your points in the post two posts above this one in any way convincing. In no way will any of it change an iota of his opinion, ever. So I wonder what's the point (unless its to influence others who may be browsing the thread). The fact is that there is some % of the population, maybe 25-30% who are very, very fervently pro Trump and/or right or alt-right, and very, very anti- left. They arent ever going to change their opinion. For sure he is also not going to make you (or me) change our opinions either, not an iota. Especially not with lines like "You embody the average, arrogant, delusional, liberal dolt.". So hes also completely wasting his time and energy.

I don't write anything to change his opinion.

i write it for people like 'you' and for myself.

Why should we not write what we know to be true or our thoughts and opinions and yes good old facts because this guy might insult me? pff.


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I don't write anything to change his opinion.

i write it for people like 'you' and for myself.

Why should we not write what we know to be true or our thoughts and opinions and yes good old facts because this guy might insult me? pff.

Fair enough. And certainly I dont think theres anything wrong with debating/arguing with these people. As for me, though, I see something like this: "Fuckin libs, man... Go put on your balaclavas and loot another walgreens.", or asinine arguments against gun control like "libtard, hammers kill people, why dont we make them illegal too?" and at this point I have no desire to respond or engage. I used to, but I dont anymore. They are people from a different country.

Theres a lot of analysis of how we got to this point, the point of this president and people believing the most ridiculous, impossible articles being passed around facebook. For me the best analysis is the movie "Idiocracy". I'd recommend it to anyone who hasnt seen it, and to anyone who saw it a long time ago and doesnt quite remember it.
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My Regimen
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Fair enough. And certainly I dont think theres anything wrong with debating/arguing with these people. As for me, though, I see something like this: "Fuckin libs, man... Go put on your balaclavas and loot another walgreens.", or asinine arguments against gun control like "libtard, hammers kill people, why dont we make them illegal too?" and at this point I have no desire to respond or engage. I used to, but I dont anymore. They are people from a different country.

Theres a lot of analysis of how we got to this point, the point of president T and people believing the most ridiculous, impossible articles being passed around facebook. For me the best analysis is the movie "Idiocracy". I'd recommend it to anyone who hasnt seen it, and to anyone who saw it a long time ago and doesnt quite remember it.

I mean people can write books on how we got's so multi layered.

the name calling though--when they start doing that libtard, snowflake, leftie lunatic--etc its just hate and fear.
they are being conditioned to believe that anyone who disagrees with them is 'not one of them' meaning not American--and they are like programmed.

if they have a legitimate case to make (which some do put forward articulate arguments that are like "oh okay i can see what he is saying") they don't feel so flustered that they have to curse you out or attempt to degrade you.

Im not going to pretend i have not cursed people on out on internet--i have.

But the paranoia of rejecting legitimate articles because it does not gel with what Trump tweets? thats some freaky sh*t....Jesus this one girl a friend of a friends on FB kept insisting an article was 'fake news' I told her i saw same story on Fox...still "Fake its fake' I found the same f*****g story on BReitbart News with the same exact quotes. i pasted it for her "Still think its fake?" she deleted the post because she i assume hated to be shown she was wrong. Her ego was so stuck to just dismissing the story because it was not something she wanted to hear.


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I thought this was very interesting.

This might explain why he hasn't lost any of his hair (maybe).

Wonder what side effects if any he experiences? Is this drug known to make you racist and hate women?
He's a sleaze that's only interested in the objectification of women and thinks their role is to put food on his table and their pussys readilably available for the grabbing.

The way he bullies Rosie O'Donnell publicly due to her weight and appearances was appallingly immature and never in a million years thought that man then would some day be the leader of our country.

Good thing he's on propecia to keep his sex drive down.
It makes youvwant to order a young Russian bride. Also gives you a God complex.


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It makes youvwant to order a young Russian bride. Also gives you a God complex.


Just a kinda related thing. Here we are on a hairloss site talking Trump. Here's a good article that talks about how he has become completely inescapable, "on every outlet of any kind, political or not".

And again, I think "Idiocracy" shows why we are at this point better than anything I've read or seen so far. If you havent seen it please do.

>thats some freaky sh*t.

it is, hairblues, it is!! freaky is the word............


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Hairblues is literally wrong in everything they are saying. I smashed them completely in this "debate" and totally proved their article bunk. While I'm arguing on logic and fact, they're arguing on feelings.

And the OP couldn't even respond in the topic because he knew he's just all hot air. All he did was dislike my post and move on. Smart move, Yoshi ;)

This is why Trump won--because people have been waking up.

Even better, what's the first thing Liberals did when Trump won? Rioted. And it continues. "Tolerant left" indeed. Seems like they want a civil war, but don't realize how bad they'd lose.


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What I'm seeing lately is that Trump is losing the civil war against the deep state.

I doubt that he'll implement any meaningful reforms. It's just not looking good for him.


My Regimen
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Hairblues is literally wrong in everything they are saying. I smashed them completely in this "debate" and totally proved their article bunk. While I'm arguing on logic and fact, they're arguing on feelings.

And the OP couldn't even respond in the topic because he knew he's just all hot air. All he did was dislike my post and move on. Smart move, Yoshi ;)

This is why Trump won--because people have been waking up.

Even better, what's the first thing Liberals did when Trump won? Rioted. And it continues. "Tolerant left" indeed. Seems like they want a civil war, but don't realize how bad they'd lose.

A GOVT assessment document..I know you are still going to cry bias.

This is latest one i can find you can google yourself if you want more current information.

Taken from the conclusion

While unauthorized immigrants worked and contributed as much as $13 billion in payroll taxes to the OASDI program in 2010, only about $1 billion in benefit pay- ments during 2010 are attributable to unauthorized work. Thus, we estimate that earnings by unauthorized immigrants result in a net positive effect on Social Secu- rity financial status generally, and that this effect con- tributed roughly $12 billion to the cash flow of the program for 2010. We estimate that future years will experience a continuation of this positive impact on the trust funds.

Like i said...they pay taxes.


My Regimen
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What I'm seeing lately is that Trump is losing the civil war against the deep state.

I doubt that he'll implement any meaningful reforms. It's just not looking good for him.

I don't know. other than trade and an uncertain, i would say disjointed foreign policy he seems to be giving them what they want in 10 folds.


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I don't know. other than trade and an uncertain, i would say disjointed foreign policy he seems to be giving them what they want in 10 folds.

That's right.

His vision for detente with Russia is dying.