What, you think people would prefer to read HatPrisoner's posts? Hair loss is a tiny part of my life. I have lot's of other interests and abilities which I can bring to the table. You've made hair loss your entire life, and you're 34 man, time for a reality check. Who would want to read such posts?
The reason I don't leave is because I enjoy posting here. Just because I agree with his posts about getting out and enjoying life instead of wallowing in misery, why on earth should I leave? What bizarre logic is it, to think that you have to be depressed about hair loss in order to post here? Is this HappinessLossTalk forum?
The only reason I visit the impact forum is I sometimes like to offer help and suggestions. In total I've probably spent upwards of an hour responding to your posts, along with other people, and you just dismiss all the help you're given and continue like a broken record. It's attention-whoring. This isn't such a bad thing, it just makes you annoying, but when you then tell people to "go die" and other bullshit... then it's a step too far and people will begin to get really pissed off with you.