I've been drinking five cups of strong green tea for the past two months, as well as a several cups of an anti-allergy tea at night (nettles, hawthorne, about 17 different ingredients), as well as rooibos as of recently.
My day tea has been gunpwder green tea leaves, pressed in a coffee press, not from tea bags, but actual tea leaves in a press. It's really the only way to do it. Tea in bags are the 'shavings and scraps' left over after the high quality leaves have been packaged for people like myself to enjoy.
I certainly feel amazing since I've started doing this.
On topic: I'd stopped finasteride about seven months ago, and minoxidil around roughly the same time.
I'm not suggesting that green tea is some miracle, but I've been drinking a lot of the stuff, However, and since starting on green tea, I've not felt the urge to buy any more of the stuff (finasteride/minoxidil). I figure my hairloss would hav e suddenly acceralted by now, but it really hasn't. I guess I'm waiting it out. But so far my hair has not changed a whole lot.
Billions of Chinese can't be wrong, I guess. Three cheers for green tea!
I really think the difference between westerners and easterners is GREEN TEA, of which they drink copious amounts. We drink Mountain Dew and Shlitz beer and Red Bull.
Now if anyone can prove this needling/green tea thing, I would definitely give it a shot.