EGCG (topical) stimulates hair growth study.


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bababooey said:
I'm willin to try as well.

Anyone know a good source of this green tea extract?
I googled and found some liquid versions but I dont know if egcg has an expiration date.

Many places sell egcg powder. You can get it cheap in bulk powder, but for preservation I'd get it in pills and store it in the fridge just to be safe.

Mix it up in distilled water. Metal ions break it down.

It needs to be in acid solution too, for maximum life span. I don't know what the ideal acid is. I'd use salicyclic acid. White vinegar would work, but smell. Limon juice is good, but the vitamin c would break down eventually. Maybe the artificial lemon juice is best. It just needs a few drops. Alpha lipoic acid is another option.

Then buy medical grade DMSO, like 99.9%. Add maybe 10% or so to the distilled water, as a penetration enhancer. Add 2-3 capsules to a 60 mL bottle. You want a glass bottle and glass eye dropper so the plastic does not dissolve.

If you store it in the fridge, less egcg will disolve, but it will have a longer shelf life. A glass syringe with a cap (no needle) would keep all air out and be the best.

Then squirt in on your scalp 1-3x a day. Egcg is so cheap, you could use a lot of it.

Now if someone can post me a link to a class syringe for squirting, or even a glass eyedropper and glass bottle pair.


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finfighter said:
It would be helpful information, if we new the measurments that were used in the experiment along with the freaquency.
I found this websight if your looking to purchase some, they have 90 gel caps for 8$. ... m_medium=c

That is the stuff. Break the capsules open and dump them into the mixture. Do not add old to new. Make a fresh batch each month.

You can get 25 grams of bulk powder for $18. So these capsules are a deal.


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goten574 said:
Finish line said:
I've been drinking five cups of strong green tea for the past two months, as well as a several cups of an anti-allergy tea at night (nettles, hawthorne, about 17 different ingredients), as well as rooibos as of recently.

My day tea has been gunpwder green tea leaves, pressed in a coffee press, not from tea bags, but actual tea leaves in a press. It's really the only way to do it. Tea in bags are the 'shavings and scraps' left over after the high quality leaves have been packaged for people like myself to enjoy.

I certainly feel amazing since I've started doing this.

On topic: I'd stopped finasteride about seven months ago, and minoxidil around roughly the same time.

I'm not suggesting that green tea is some miracle, but I've been drinking a lot of the stuff, However, and since starting on green tea, I've not felt the urge to buy any more of the stuff (finasteride/minoxidil). I figure my hairloss would hav e suddenly acceralted by now, but it really hasn't. I guess I'm waiting it out. But so far my hair has not changed a whole lot.

Billions of Chinese can't be wrong, I guess. Three cheers for green tea!

I really think the difference between westerners and easterners is GREEN TEA, of which they drink copious amounts. We drink Mountain Dew and Shlitz beer and Red Bull.

Now if anyone can prove this needling/green tea thing, I would definitely give it a shot.

People in England drink loads of tea, yet hair loss is very common. Either the differences between green and black tea are that great, that it causes Easterners to suffer less hair loss, or it's the fact that milk cancels out any benefits tea has (regardless of colour). Then there is white tea, it's suppose to be even better for your body than green, yet I never hear it get mentioned much.

EGCG is destroyed by the intestine and the liver long before it reaches the hair follicles. And if you did get enough, it would function as an androgen receptor blocker on the rest of your body. Topical is the way to go.


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JLL said:
CCS said:
JLL said:
The two main differences between Asian and English people in regards to tea is that the latter drink black tea, sometimes with milk, and the former drink green tea without milk.

Add lemon juice to the green tea. Or at least orange juice. The acid helps you absorb more.

Are you referring to the study that was based on a computer model? According to another study, ascorbic acid prevents green tea catechins from degradation but citric acid doesn't. So it's not the acidity itself, it's the type of acid.

I also heard from Bryan and Old Baldy that ascobic acid degrades rapildy in solution. Sure, it may preserve other stuff, but when it breaks down, it becomes an oxidant that can hurt your skin. Still, proctor uses it in his topicals, and says he has a way of preserving it. I tested the pH of his stuff, and it is very acidic.


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oyo said:
CCS said:
GlasgowCelt said:
If the tea turns brown I don't drink it.

Every bag of green tea I've bought has always made brown tea. When I go to a sushi place, the tea is green. Where do you buy the GREEN tea that is not brown?

I think as soon as the leaves dry up, they turn brown. Might just be chloriphil.
I bought green tea extract capsules and they are brown too.

black tea is affected by the pH of your water. red to dark brown or so. sort of similar to cocoa. lots of flavonoids do this.

i think brown green tea is just from buying junk though. get good loose leaf from an asian food store or tea shop.

I think the fresher stuff has chlorophil in it. All the egcg powder I've ever bought was brown. So are apple polyphenols, and so is cocoa powder. I don't think brown is a bad thing. But if you drink green tea that is grean, you know the leaves were very fresh and still had chlorophil in them. As for the powder, they probably separated the chlorophil out in the concentration process.


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would one need to skin needle, or would mixing it with retinol-a/tretinoin do the trick?


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I'm sitting here at home drinking a nice cup of green tea, when I came across an article saying that women who drink green tea have 13% lower estrogen levels, which is important to know considering estrogen (and IGF-1) cause breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. So I decided to google the terms "green tea IGF-1" and "green tea estradiol". Not surprisingly I found that the green tea polyphenols EGCG increased IGFBP-3 (which is shown to be low in men with male pattern baldness) and that these same polyphenols help to decrease circulating estrogen levels as well.

The study below shows that EGCG (a polyphenol found in green tea) can compete for binding to the estrogen receptors.

Also, if you look at the molecular structure of EGCG it looks similar to estradiol (and D.H.T.)!

Estrogen Receptor-Mediated Actions of Polyphenolic Catechins in Vivo and in Vitro
M. G. Goodin*, K. C. Fertuck, T. R. Zacharewski and R. J. Rosengren*,1
* Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and National Food Safety and Toxicology Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824

Recent investigations have demonstrated that polyphenolic catechins inhibit breast cancer cell proliferation and tumor growth. However, the ER-mediated effects of the three predominant catechins (EGCG, ECG, and EGC) have not been extensively examined in vitro or in vivo. Therefore, EGCG, ECG, and EGC were examined for their ability to compete with [3H]-17ß-estradiol ([3H]-E2) for binding to ER and ERß and to elicit reporter gene activity in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells transiently transfected with either chimeric ER or ERß. EGCG and ECG displaced [3H]-E2 from GST-hERdef (D, E, and F domains of human ER fused to GST) or from full-length human ERß. Additionally, only EGCG elicited Gal4-hERdef and Gal4-mERßdef-mediated reporter gene expression (EC50 values: 28 and 19 µM, respectively) in MCF-7 cells cotransfected with a Gal4-regulated luciferase reporter gene. In cotreatment experiments, EGCG (1–50 µM) and ECG (1 µM) decreased E2-induced (1 nM) ERß-mediated gene expression 35–50%. In vivo, no catechin induced estrogenic responses (uterine weight or uterine peroxidase activity) in immature C57BL/6 mice. However, when mice were cotreated with E2 (10 µg/kg/day, 3 days) and either EGCG (30 and 50 mg/kg/day, 3 days) or ECG (50 mg/kg/day, 3 days), uterine peroxidase activity was increased 2.3-fold above that elicited by E2 alone. In conclusion, EGCG and ECG bind to ER and ERß, but only EGCG elicited ER-mediated gene expression in vitro. However, both of these compounds moderately increased E2-inducible responses in vivo. ... t/69/2/354


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misterE said:
I found that the green tea polyphenols EGCG increased IGFBP-3 (which is shown to be low in men with male pattern baldness) and that these same polyphenols help to decrease circulating estrogen levels as well.

It seems polyphenols have a generally good effect on the epithelial cells and blood system. It's anti-oxidative effects for blood flow, and vasodilation can help with removing arterial plaque, which would improve blood flow to the extremities, and also balance blood pressure. This is critical for the natural remedies in regards to hair loss.

Anti-oxidents prevent LDL cholesterol from becoming oxidized by free-radicals, thus becoming arterial plaque. When this plaque forms, the body naturally pushes it to where it's going to least effect the core functions of your system, and not immeaditly harm you (i.e., micro-cappularies, extremities, sexual center) and over time builds up closer to the core of the blood/circulatory system (The Heart), and in return increases chances for Heart disease and stroke. (Did I mention vertex balding has been found to have association with heart problems?). Also, the increase in arterial plaque leads to higher blood pressure.

Now, I've been coming across all this Cayenne pepper and it's positive effects for blood flow, but in regards to T.C.M., this is a very 'hot' herb, and in both Indian and Chinese medicine, men with hair loss are told to avoid hot, pungent, and spicy herbs, and with personal experience, after my hair loss started, when ever I eat hot and spicy foods my hair is dryer, thinner and the scalp feels even hotter than usual. (I have dry thin hair loss, and this worsens it for me) In Ayurvedic medicine, hair loss is commonly seen as one of the three doshas (the Pitta dosha) to be in excess, causing rising heat and destroying collagen in the process - (I've been taking Daburs Vatica coconut oil w/ other herbs to stop hair fall and restore nutrients to scalp and hair with good indications so far) . While I'm on the subject, when my hair loss began and continued, I noticed a decrease in collagen, blood vessels in the scalp, and the skull feels hardened and more rigid than it did before.
I wanted to take something for the blood system with this vasilodating effect but wanted to avoid potential worsening of my hair loss, so when I came across Pomegranate, it fit the bill.

Pomegranate is loaded with polyphenols, and has even more than red wine, apples, grape seed, green tea etc., which seems to be a feat., seeing as alcohol can have an adverse effect on the liver. Pomegranate has a cooling anti-inflammatory effect which can also be of much use to hair loss sufferers seeing as the inflammatory action in the epithelial cells can further choke the hair roots (Only living part of the hair), causing less nutrients to reach it, and furthering the condition. ~ male pattern baldness sufferers have an average of 2% blood flow in the scalp as non-male pattern baldness sufferers have 10%....
So I went out and bought the cheapest POM drinks I could find, which is a special on POM mixed with green tea, So I bought a few went home, had one, and sure enough, I felt more blood in my head, and as if I felt more awake. I went on to look up Green tea and Pomegranate effects, and the catechins in green tea increase the effect of the other polyphenols from the pomegranate by 3 times!

What I'm beginning to wonder is what's DHT/Estrogen's connection to Arterial plaque is....?

misterE, It's time we get to the bottom of male pattern baldness and make a natural remedy a REALITY! posting.php?mode=reply&f=32&t=52057#


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I believe that anything that can reverse atherosclerosis, diabetes, and prostate enlargement, can and will promote hair regrowth, considering you use ketoconazole shampoo to displace all the estradiol and DHT that has accumulated on the scalp throughout the years, thanks to SHBG.

Hero Caldwell Esselstyn has shown that atherosclerosis and diabetes will be reversed if you follow a very very low fat, high fiber starch based vegan diet, rich in raw fruits and vegetables. Also, studies have shown that dairy products cause prostate enlargement due to all the hormones, fat, cholesterol, lactose, casein and contaminates found within dairy products.

I personally believe that dietary fat is the problem.

So now that diet is covered, exercise of any kind is shown to increase nitric oxide, improve insulin sensitivity and increase SHBG which grabs hold of "free" testosterone and prevents it from converting to estrogen or DHT.

Many doctors have shown that 90% of diseases can and will be reversed on a very very low fat, high fiber starch based vegan diet, rich in raw fruits and vegetables. These doctors include: John McDougall, Joel Fuhrman, Caldwell Esselstyn, John Robbins, T. Colin Campbell, Jeff Novick, and Neal Barnard...But I doubt you'll see them on mainstream media!

And who ever reads this...I hope this sticks: The "big three" diseases associated with male pattern baldness are atherosclerosis, diabetes, and prostate enlargement.


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misterE said:
I believe that anything that can reverse atherosclerosis, diabetes, and prostate enlargement can and will promote hair regrowth

With this in mind I've compiled a specific list of foods which are safe to eat, and can tackle male pattern baldness, through these three health problems, using them as a grounds for what foods prevent, reverse, and heal the body, and using elements of natural medicine;

0. Green Tea!

1. Grains - Oats, Flax, Quinoa, Cream of Wheat, - Couscous

2. Vegetables - Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Bell peppers, Leeks -- (use less of the following, but consume some) -- Garlic, Onion, Tomatoes

3. Fruits - Apples, Oranges, Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Pomegranate Juice, -- (use less of the following, but consume some) -- Bananas, Grapes

4. Seeds/Nuts - Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, Coconut (Coconut waters good too), Generally avoid eating too many nuts, eat Walnuts, Peanuts

5. Beans, especially Black and Garbanzo

6. Oil - Olive oil, try not to cook with extra virgin, and sunflower oil to cook with (consume less oils/fats in general

7. Aloe Vera to drink - not sweetened, ginger rarely, and rarely yogurt with probiotics.

With that said, try your best to eat in season, especially Watermelon in summer for Lycopene, Pomegranate and grapefruit in other seasons. Pumpkin seeds in fall.

Substituting some grain intake for vegetables, such as broccoli would be very good for increased fiber intake.

misterE said:
I personally believe that dietary fat is the problem.

This seems to be a major role, if not the main case

misterE said:
So now that diet is covered, exercise of any kind is shown to increase nitric oxide, improve insulin sensitivity and increase SHBG which grabs hold of "free" testosterone and prevents it from converting to estrogen or DHT.

Also another idea is to slow and stop seminal emissions, with avoiding even "holding back orgasm", even coming close increase testosterone conversion rate to DHT, so by practicing Chi-gung, or that type of meditation, (which isnt like normal meditation, will assist the body in regenerating itself how it did when you were a child, try Mantak Chia.

The Fat Problem --

Another thought, since our diet (mainly in the states) is high fat, sugar, stimulants, hormone polluted foods, genetically modified, and chemically treated, we can easily assume our liver and gallbladder are stressed out and suffering, especially the gallbladder since it is in control of bile flow/excretion, and digestion of fats. So by preforming a preliminary detox to these organs before taking the rest of the foods, and natural treatments, would increase the chances for it working, 2 weeks prior to detox, eat mainly fruits and veggies, and drink more water less tea and consume some olive oil.

take one-two weeks of liver/gallbladder detox tonic (no milk thistle if you have bad allergies to ragweed), then proceed with foods

Oh yeah, all of it will work much better if we get some sunlight and running daily


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I agree for the most part, yet I believe that nuts should be eaten on a very very rare occasion! Any fruit and vegetable should be consumed whenever and animals (meat, poultry, fish, and eggs) and dairy should be avoided at all costs!

Also; NO OIL!

Don't be fooled into thinking there are heart healthy fats. Olive oil is promoted as heart healthy, but research has shown that olive oil decreases blood flow! People think that if they switch from saturated-animal-fat and partially-hydrogenated-oils to pouring olive oil over everything, they will be healthy...this is wrong...dead wrong. Vegetable oils are not healthy; most of the oil is oxidised, it decrease blood flow, it still contain saturated fat, most of the phytonutrients and fiber have been stripped away, and they contain large amounts of omega-6 fatty acids, which are very inflammatory when out of balance with omega-3.

When a human eats fat, the body automatically stores the fat away for times of famine (which never happen in developed countries). The stored fat or body fat, contains a nasty enzyme called aromatase. Aromatase converts "free" testosterone (testosterone not bound to SHBG) into estradiol (a female hormone). Estradiol is a very very nasty hormone because it promotes the feminization of the male body and personality. Also when estradiol binds to SHBG it has the same effects as DHT!



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Firstly, I forgot avacado as another healthy summer eaten nut, an mango is great fruit too.
misterE said:

Oil can be more harmful when heated up, seeing as all the coldpressed nutrients shift into a toxic like state, which further aggravates heat w/rising, liver/gallbladder, and the lymphatic system. Yet, Olive oil in it's cold pressed form, can be very healthy for these same symptoms, and provide moisture. But the problem is still the fat content, so avoiding it can be healthy, but if you like and want to include it for other reasons, have it sparingly, and, weekly - bi-weekly use.

Further, taking (few) powerful supplements can be of good use;

Vitamin E w/tocotrienals or w/selenium
CoQ10 Ubiquinol
Vitamin C take w/ light vitamin A, avoid taking C with Polyphenols
B-complex, and Niacin for flush

Adding Herbs (eat with often);

Rosemary (less)
Oregano (less)

Mushrooms, they are loaded with healthy vitamins, minerals, and brain functioning salts, in TCM mushrooms directly effect the health of the 'Shen/spirit' or your brain/mind and Consume mushrooms with later day foods;

Shitake, Reishi
and other non-button mushrooms

The problem with soy,
In america, due to all the processed foods, we have been consuming very high levels of soy since we have had fast food, chips, snacks etc... Nearly all of our food is processed with soy and corn, which comes to an excess promoting imbalance and problems, furthermore, soy in this country has been genetically modified since the 80's, thus, changing it's interaction with the cells in your body, soy has healthy proteins, enzymes, good estrogen, when used moderately, as we look towards the Chinese and Japanese especially, thier hair loss and general health is well. Since soy is good, but can be bad, especially from america, or anywhere it's outsourced by major distributors and companies with american structure, it may only be safe to consume soy in it's pure form, 'edamame' from japan, from an original soy farm, untouched by genetically modified seeds.

Generally avoid soy, Take soy only if you desire.

Essential oils are good to get a message with, and to smell, don't buy incense;

Lavender (light)
Vanilla (light)
other wood oils are naturally healthy for men, and beneficial to the liver system

Water - Water has some other problems, when drinking from tap, or, bottled, it's best to use a good water filter, and buy water from minimally treated surces

Finally adding organic dark-chocolate (70% pure or more ) sparingly help with more polyphenols, optional, and in evening

Now that food is completely covered, I wanted to add the importance of the retaining from sexual activities;

In Chinese medicine, when you are conceived your parents pass down a piece of their life essence to you (DNA), decisions in your life leads to changing the essence in many ways, as with your parents and their ancestry. The sex. center or (root) is in charge of reproducing, Jing (your life energy after birth), The kidneys store and house Jing both prenatal and postnatal. Prenatal Jing comes from your parents, and is what becomes drained when kidneys and adrenal glands become stressed, this energy is the most difficult to restore and recover, some monks say you can, but some say you can, I believe it's possible, but only with Chi-Gung.

The Kidneys are responsible for the element of water in the body, draining it, maintaining it, replenishing it etc... all water pathways lead to the kidney as it is an ocean of life. The root chakra is in charge of adding new water as some energy from foods, which pass in the waterways or rivers and flower into the ocean. There are two ways the main life sustaining essence can be directed, either the root and kidneys, water is retained and eventually evaporates and is passed to the 'heavens' or sky, and rain back down flowing back into the ocean again, the heavens or sky is like your head, hair and bones. The water or Jing can also be 'sent to the ruins', where the waterways flow to the earth and are to never return, this is masturbation, and in excess, straining the kidneys, forcing them to use more of your ancient stored energy to live. It's like a sacrifice, and when you keep sacrificing yourself, you die. Otherwise, retention, and promoting key energy flow through the microcosmic energy system, naturally heals the body. -- Unics and children rarely face this probem of hair loss.

Also, running is so good for you, and I can't stress that we all should get a healthy sweat and circulation, also benefiting the microcosmic energy flow daily.

Mantak Chia


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I like how you mix spirituality in with your regimen/theories...I believe that spirituality is very important in this day and age...and it's easily forgotten due to all this new technology and gadgets and what have you...keep up the good work pal!


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misterE said:
I agree for the most part, yet I believe that nuts should be eaten on a very very rare occasion! Any fruit and vegetable should be consumed whenever and animals (meat, poultry, fish, and eggs) and dairy should be avoided at all costs!

Also; NO OIL!

Don't be fooled into thinking there are heart healthy fats. Olive oil is promoted as heart healthy, but research has shown that olive oil decreases blood flow! People think that if they switch from saturated-animal-fat and partially-hydrogenated-oils to pouring olive oil over everything, they will be healthy...this is wrong...dead wrong. Vegetable oils are not healthy; most of the oil is oxidised, it decrease blood flow, it still contain saturated fat, most of the phytonutrients and fiber have been stripped away, and they contain large amounts of omega-6 fatty acids, which are very inflammatory when out of balance with omega-3.

When a human eats fat, the body automatically stores the fat away for times of famine (which never happen in developed countries). The stored fat or body fat, contains a nasty enzyme called aromatase. Aromatase converts "free" testosterone (testosterone not bound to SHBG) into estradiol (a female hormone). Estradiol is a very very nasty hormone because it promotes the feminization of the male body and personality. Also when estradiol binds to SHBG it has the same effects as DHT!


Oh gosh... this is wrong on so many levels I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Good luck to anyone trying out a diet based on this advice.


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Lord_Justin13 said:
In Chinese medicine, when you are conceived your parents pass down a piece of their life essence to you (DNA)

Actually, this happens everywhere in the world. :)


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Oh gosh... this is wrong on so many levels I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Good luck to anyone trying out a diet based on this advice.

Not necessarily, although fat intake is important, there are many sources, of different structured fats. For male pattern baldness sufferers a great one are seeds, and some nuts.

One issue here in the states, is how we've been eating fast food, and processed foods, high in fat foods, highly heated oils, and all these foods are of extremely low quality. A lot of the oils we consume, are already over-processed so far, it contains little of it's complete original form, the phytonutrients, the catalysts for them etc...

check out John Robbins and Food Inc.

I believe a big problem is cooking these oils, and at such hot heat, it turns it into a toxic death punch.

Another issue is most of us have been consuming them our whole life, and are overloaded on them already, hence, it would probley be safe to take a break once in a while.

timbo said:
Lord_Justin13 wrote:
In Chinese medicine, when you are conceived your parents pass down a piece of their life essence to you (DNA)

Actually, this happens everywhere in the world.

I hope so! Or else I'd need to reconsider storks flying in children, and cabbage patch kids.

First, I added the word "DNA", to help those who have not studied TCM, to correlate the idea, and to the full context of what I was saying, with a western form of thought. The real point I was getting at is you only have so much of this vital, powerful, lifeforce, and by releasing the post-natal type of this energy, it forces the body to use more of your kidney stored original 'essence'., Which in turns assists in creating a mal-nutrition for the kidney blood and energy tracts.

I'm just referencing TCM., Even though I've read many practices in the world with religion, spirituality, ancient medicine etc... using same techniques for deriving the same end means. I.e., Meditation was first notably reported to be used in Judaism for a long time, though people generally think of Asian practice.


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Lord_Justin13 said:
although fat intake is important, there are many sources, of different structured fats. For male pattern baldness sufferers a great one are seeds, and some nuts.

One issue here in the states, is how we've been eating fast food, and processed foods, high in fat foods, highly heated oils, and all these foods are of extremely low quality. A lot of the oils we consume, are already over-processed so far, it contains little of it's complete original form, the phytonutrients, the catalysts for them etc...

check out John Robbins and Food Inc.

I believe a big problem is cooking these oils, and at such hot heat, it turns it into a toxic death punch.

Another issue is most of us have been consuming them our whole life, and are overloaded on them already, hence, it would probley be safe to take a break once in a while.



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CCS said:
bababooey said:
I'm willin to try as well.

Anyone know a good source of this green tea extract?
I googled and found some liquid versions but I dont know if egcg has an expiration date.

Many places sell egcg powder. You can get it cheap in bulk powder, but for preservation I'd get it in pills and store it in the fridge just to be safe.

Mix it up in distilled water. Metal ions break it down.

It needs to be in acid solution too, for maximum life span. I don't know what the ideal acid is. I'd use salicyclic acid. White vinegar would work, but smell. Limon juice is good, but the vitamin c would break down eventually. Maybe the artificial lemon juice is best. It just needs a few drops. Alpha lipoic acid is another option.

Then buy medical grade DMSO, like 99.9%. Add maybe 10% or so to the distilled water, as a penetration enhancer. Add 2-3 capsules to a 60 mL bottle. You want a glass bottle and glass eye dropper so the plastic does not dissolve.

If you store it in the fridge, less egcg will disolve, but it will have a longer shelf life. A glass syringe with a cap (no needle) would keep all air out and be the best.

Then squirt in on your scalp 1-3x a day. Egcg is so cheap, you could use a lot of it.

Now if someone can post me a link to a class syringe for squirting, or even a glass eyedropper and glass bottle pair.

I going to try EGCG.

Can I just mix it with Distilled water and DMSO, or do I have to use ethanol as well?

Which one do you recommend that I buy?

Simplest would be Teavigo @90% EGCg I suppose.
