Embarrassment of re-growth?


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No pics please. I only have a couple pics left. I lost almost all of them over the years.

I have moved a handful of times and I've lost almost all of my pics. The few I have left are mediocre pics of me and one is side-view.

And anyway there's a big difference between making judgments about mediocre pics of some guy versus competing against that same guy in real life. People's TRUE judgments about another man's looks come to light during real-life competition, when one guy yields. Everything else is just bullshit. And I already know which one of us would win. It would be the same guy who ALWAYS wins whenever I'm in the game.

We need to focus on Pilofocus.

I'm not judging, but this looks like a very poor excuse. No group photos? No family photos?

Wtf. Also your eagerness to dislike posts is very rude. I just asked. Acting like this makes it seem like you lied about yourself and your adventures. I can't take just the word of it if someone claims to had been 10/10. I want to see what a 10/10 male looks like.


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Why do you edit posts lol. Anyway do as you wish. Censoring eyes is just opening MS Paint and putting a black rectangle over the eyes, no big deal.

I don't want to alter my pics.

Besides in the pics of me with long hair the way I look with long hair is too distracting so you can't imagine how I might look with shorter hair. The only shorter hair pic I have of me is side-view.

If Pilofocus works then we'll get our hair back. Then we can both hit the same clubs together. We'll both hit on the same women and then you'll have a real-life test about my looks. You'll either win or lose. Everything else is bs.


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As you wish. But if we get our hair back and you want to hit some clubs with me that's cool. People who hang with me have fun at the clubs. I understand that it's about everyone having fun, not just me. That's why I've let other men pick up women I was also interested in sometimes. I've thrown some battles so other guys could win. By thrown I mean I've let other guys win because it was the right thing to do. I'm not a heartless person.

Do men in their 40's still go to clubs?


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It's a stupid question on so many levels that it's hard to figure out where to begin, but I'll try.

Your issue suggests you can't figure out on your own that a big reason why single guys in their 40s mostly don't go to clubs is that they've lost their looks. You don't seem to realize that if they were to get a reasonable facsimile of their looks back they might start hitting clubs again.
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It's a stupid question on so many levels that it's hard to figure out where to begin, but I'll try.

Your issue suggests you can't figure out on your own that a big reason why single guys in their 40s mostly don't go to clubs is that they've lost their looks. So you don't seem to get it that if they were to get a reasonable facsimile of their looks back they might start hitting clubs again. And this is common sense.

Now I get it and understand ;)


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My pics are all over the forum. I'm a NW2-2.5. Hairloss isn't my problem. I have social anxiety. I'm 6'3" @ 210 lbs and 10% body fat. My appearance isn't what's making me incel. It's my anxiety.

Do you go to clubs & parties?

Do you like the nightlife?


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Did you get into the nightlife hitting clubs and parties in other towns before you moved to where you are now?

I didn't really start going out ever until I was around 25. I used to hang out with a small circle from my MMA gym, they would go out a lot and I would join in every so often, but because I was a framecel and from around 13-24ish (I weighed around 130 lbs) I would not participate in anything like that. But to answer your question I did once in awhile.