
end of baldness.they figured it out all.


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Our hair loss struggle has painfully displaced our identity I am encouraged when I hear testimonies like yours and other "prisoner's" like yourself who have learned that your determined minds are the real master even when it is self evident that your bodies may never literally shake the manacles of your oppression (hair loss).Depression and hair loss are inextricably twined. Aside from a cure or more likely better treatment we can rely on no one but ourselves to cope with the lifelong sentence of hair loss. The burden falls on oneself to adapt a coping strategy and solely up to our own state of self worth and will power to organize an escape. We will never completely forget our oppressor because we are physically bound to this condition and regularly lashed by the cultural bias' around us. Cynical by nature yet I have heard and read enough personal accounts such as yours to conclude they have merit. Just because we may be held captive in a chronic and oppressive three dimensional place, this limiting reality need not necessarily extend or superimpose itself permanently on our tortured and/or damaged psyche. We are all hair loss sufferers, yet never believe that hair loss sufferers is all we are. Life is all about seeking or exercising our inalienable right for freedom. Baldness has accomplished a damn good job getting us to lose sight of this elusive absolute truth.
Is there anyone with baldness who isn't depressed or insecure about it? I got depressed by my hair loss, and even though I've accepted it baldness still depresses me.

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I'm waiting on Pilofocus and going in for a treatment ASAP. Fvck this disease. I need to fill in my temples and thicken up the rest a little and I'm done. 2-3,000 grafts and I'll be pretty satisfied.

Its going to be a while for pilofocus. I read a year and a half minimum.


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Its going to be a while for pilofocus. I read a year and a half minimum.

I read end of year early next year from one of Dr. Wesley's test patients (Artista on BTT)


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buzz and smp? are we truly so option less. ? i am anxious because if my results relapse i am lost. lol.

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hellouser? ********* cant do sth to us? have you seen results. i suggest a flight to antalya-********* and then to rome milena. or try some wounding first.

2young, I think there's a pretty good chance that you will still retain most of your new hair until one of the "new-age" cures hits the market. Think of your situation like your post-puberty (18-19) years. How many years did it take for you to come to your pre-treatment condition? 5 years? 6 years? even more? Wouldn't it be safe to assume that your DHT levels are pretty constant in your 20s? If DR works to fully restore my hairline, I would look into the prevention treatments. I am interested in trying OC and other PGD blockers. I also wouldn't mind taking a low dose of finasteride to stabilize my hair loss.


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peacemaker i would like to believe in your theory thats what i think too.maybe yes they stay on for some years.lets see . still calibrating my protocol. good luck friend


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In 2016 you will be able to get these Chinese cloned hairs transplanted onto your head giving you a full head of hair! Who cares about some stupid tattooing technique? They have cloned hair. It isn't a drug, there are no clinical trials to be done. All they have to do is transplant it on your head.

If they team up with a hair transplant surgeon they could restore the hair of someone in just two weeks. They grow them in a petri dish (they grew nearly 10 000 in just 5 days in the study reported in the first post), so all they have to do is put it on your head using existing transplant techniques. No risk of cancer because they're not injecting stem cells into your head. No clinical trials. They've done it. It's finished.

how can you be so sure? anyway i am not gonna believe anything until its ACTUALLY there.


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If they aren't lying, what is left to do? They can already transplant hair. It's definitely safe. It's not a drug so there are no clinical trials to wait for.

The only question is whether they're lying or not. Nearly everyone else has lied, like Acell, and Propecia too when it came to side effects. I agree with you, I'm just saying if there's anything we should be getting excited about and waiting for, it's this. Not some tattoo operation.

Are there any hair transplant surgeons on this forum who can comment on this?

what about the fact that the hairs are created in a petri dish and not simply donor hairs, thus may have adverse reactions or may behave differently than normal hairs? it's not the exact same. i wouldn't be so sure there's no need for clinical trials...


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If they aren't lying, what is left to do? They can already transplant hair. It's definitely safe. It's not a drug so there are no clinical trials to wait for.

The only question is whether they're lying or not. Nearly everyone else has lied, like Acell, and Propecia too when it came to side effects. I agree with you, I'm just saying if there's anything we should be getting excited about and waiting for, it's this. Not some tattoo operation.

Are there any hair transplant surgeons on this forum who can comment on this?

The SMP tattoo is such a ridiculous 'band aid solution'... I can't even consider it a band aid. If wearing a toupee/hairpiece is considered by society fraudulent, then a tattooed hairline isn't all that different. I cannot accept these lousy workarounds... it's either all my own REAL hair or NOTHING. Accepting SMP is basically telling biotechs, doctors, pharmaceuticals and researchers that your content with mediocrity. That's not progress....

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what about the fact that the hairs are created in a petri dish and not simply donor hairs, thus may have adverse reactions or may behave differently than normal hairs? it's not the exact same. i wouldn't be so sure there's no need for clinical trials...

FDA won't allow it.... their too effing a*** to allow any REAL progress. Case in point: HASCI. Apparently Dr. Gho's method removes a transected hair follicle and is put into a petri dish as well, but the SUBSTANCE in the petri dish isn't approved by the FDA, therefor, HST isn't available in USA. This is of course this claim is supposed to be as legit as his 85% regeneration claim, lol.

That said, whatever is done with the cells outside needs to be approved.... but I don't see how using our own cells to be exact replicas is supposed to cause an issue. But screw that, no biotech or researcher should be running any trials with the fvcking FDA, it'd be decades away from a release with those bastards.


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Well I think testing is important, look at propecia, clinical trials have come out showing 95% of men have side effects compared to the 2% they claimed.

Can you provide the study with the 95% having side effects?
But real and severe ones, not "not having the morning wood" or stuff like this.


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They're cloned donor hairs. There is no difference between them and the original hairs.

Has there ever been anything done with cloning body parts for humans to implant into them? A clone should be 100% exact duplicate, so I agree with you, it should pose ZERO risks.


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We can only hope! Have any experts written about this on a blog or a big newspaper yet?

No clue, we'd have to do some research... I have a feeling it's never been done.

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Mid-2015 for pilofocus, and it will be for for 1500 grafts max (Spencer Kobren on the radio show yesterday). I would guess for 2000+ grafts procedures, it will be mid-2016.

The price will likely be very high and we would have to fly to New York.

I need 2x2000 grafts to fill my NW5. When I'm slick bald (in 1 to 2 years), I think I'll still have to call my FUE surgeon.

Was that Kobren's words or him repeating the words from Dr. Wesley? Artista, a test patient of Dr. Wesley's said the final instrument is being ironed out and should be done soon with some more trials starting within a couple months and then the procedure being put into practice by the end of 2014 for smaller sessions and larger ones next year.

*NOTE: Kobren himself admitted in the March 5th video he has NOT been in touch with Dr. Wesley for a while, so no, that 2016 projection you claim isn't likely true. Last small trial is supposed to take place by June at the VERY latest but likely between April and May, so potentially next month.


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RepliCel have not (yet?) provided the clinical data 24 months post-trials, but they recently uploaded updated investor info. I'll share my thoughts on this and the - quite interesting - one information tidbit in the presentation. I don't consider my interpretation to be the absolute truth so if you disagree or think I'm making wrong statements, please correct me. Just as a disclaimer because multiple people have rightfully expressed I should not make statements with certainty.

The clinical 24 months post trials data was not in the updated investor info. It was updated in March 2014, so maximum 7 days ago. I hope they will post the data that was presented at the 13th Congress of the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine too.

  • RCH-01 utilizes dermal sheath cup (DSC) cells
  • DSC cells are responsible for the regulation of the volume of dermal papillae (DP) cells
  • DP cells are responsible for the thickness and growth of a hair fibre
To me this sounds like they can consistently improve the thickness of hair. Assuming this applies to vellus hair - the thinnest hair we have - they would be able to make thin vellus hair thick again. What this would mean in extension is that this treatment would also work on your temples, i.e. restore your hairline. Vellus hairs are there after all - and if their treatment can consistently increase thickness, vellus hair would - at least that's what this sounds to me - become thick again.

They also said that Phase 2b (which is starting now) would end in the first half of 2016. Does anyone know if this is already enough for market approval (by FDA or EMA) or if phase 3 is also necessary?


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So this procedure may cost at least as a modern FUE right?

I am curious if this will cure people with non male pattern baldness, I am talking about cases such as alopecia totalis, universalis, erriata, DUPA. Anyone here want to give me your thoughts on that? Thank you in advance.


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So this procedure may cost at least as a modern FUE right?

I am curious if this will cure people with non male pattern baldness, I am talking about cases such as alopecia totalis, universalis, erriata, DUPA. Anyone here want to give me your thoughts on that? Thank you in advance.

Depends on the cost of the equipment and the time required. I don't think a doctor will spend much time harvesting the cells and waiting for them to be multiplied. But, if its not injections of the cells but rather having fully grown follicles to be implanted like an FUE, I wouldn't be surprised if a procedure were to cost as much as an FUE, if not more.

I think once a high enough demand is met, the price will drop.... you can be sure there will be a BIG demand though.


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Depends on the cost of the equipment and the time required. I don't think a doctor will spend much time harvesting the cells and waiting for them to be multiplied. But, if its not injections of the cells but rather having fully grown follicles to be implanted like an FUE, I wouldn't be surprised if a procedure were to cost as much as an FUE, if not more.

I think once a high enough demand is met, the price will drop.... you can be sure there will be a BIG demand though.

Well if they know what is coming, they know the end is near for them. Maybe the will get an alliance going and not offer this procedure here in USA.

What about my second question, do you think it maybe cure non male pattern baldness patients? I say this because it may not work for then but hopefully it does as well. Some could probably get their eyebrows back and maybe even eyelashes, who knows.


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I am as captivated as the next fellow by the recent developments and having some challenges of my own with the temptation to "put the cart in front of the horse".Once these wonderful claims can be substantiated we can work together to answer (or try and influence a change) anticipated cost concerns. Later on, after this glorious moment is completely realized, I am confident as both consumers and advocates that our concentrated voice(es) in unison will posses enough power to create a better pricing situation.


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All we have to do is pay 5 dozen Chinese Poor farmers that are bald to go under experimentation. Its the perfect scenario, they don't care about looks anyways, they get money and much likely a head full of hair.

Poor replicel, all their research will be completely irrelavent as well as some other researchers, maybe even follica.

I have always heard that biotech corps are the riskiest business to invest in and I didn't know why, but now I know.


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Not many diseases have been cured, but male pattern baldness has the big advantage of being a topical surface problem so I think it has a better chance then most. We just need to see a little more of this put together and working I think before getting too excited. Its a bit too early I think to say its nearly completely solved


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If they aren't lying, what is left to do? They can already transplant hair. It's definitely safe. It's not a drug so there are no clinical trials to wait for.

The only question is whether they're lying or not. Nearly everyone else has lied, like Acell, and Propecia too when it came to side effects. I agree with you, I'm just saying if there's anything we should be getting excited about and waiting for, it's this. Not some tattoo operation.

Are there any hair transplant surgeons on this forum who can comment on this?

getting excited and wait. . .well that is a very dangerous thing to do, in case this also hits the backburner. imo we should just make use of whatever is available and when anything comes, it will come and we will know.
Dont get me wrong though i really wish this finding culminates in some sort of a cure ASAP, but i aint gonna play the wait and watch game.

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getting excited and wait. . .well that is a very dangerous thing to do, in case this also hits the backburner. imo we should just make use of whatever is available and when anything comes, it will come and we will know.
Dont get me wrong though i really wish this finding culminates in some sort of a cure ASAP, but i aint gonna play the wait and watch game.

You're god damn RIGHT!

Why the hell do we need to wait if the stuff works and is safe? Why should we watch our best years get pissed away because of stone age regulations that need not apply to hair follicles? We've suffered enough from the social torment, it's about effing time we gained some respect from society RIGHT NOW.