Is there anyone with baldness who isn't depressed or insecure about it? I got depressed by my hair loss, and even though I've accepted it baldness still depresses me.Our hair loss struggle has painfully displaced our identity I am encouraged when I hear testimonies like yours and other "prisoner's" like yourself who have learned that your determined minds are the real master even when it is self evident that your bodies may never literally shake the manacles of your oppression (hair loss).Depression and hair loss are inextricably twined. Aside from a cure or more likely better treatment we can rely on no one but ourselves to cope with the lifelong sentence of hair loss. The burden falls on oneself to adapt a coping strategy and solely up to our own state of self worth and will power to organize an escape. We will never completely forget our oppressor because we are physically bound to this condition and regularly lashed by the cultural bias' around us. Cynical by nature yet I have heard and read enough personal accounts such as yours to conclude they have merit. Just because we may be held captive in a chronic and oppressive three dimensional place, this limiting reality need not necessarily extend or superimpose itself permanently on our tortured and/or damaged psyche. We are all hair loss sufferers, yet never believe that hair loss sufferers is all we are. Life is all about seeking or exercising our inalienable right for freedom. Baldness has accomplished a damn good job getting us to lose sight of this elusive absolute truth.
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I'm waiting on Pilofocus and going in for a treatment ASAP. Fvck this disease. I need to fill in my temples and thicken up the rest a little and I'm done. 2-3,000 grafts and I'll be pretty satisfied.
Its going to be a while for pilofocus. I read a year and a half minimum.