Ever notice their eyes go up?


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Maybe I'm hyper sensitive (i doubt it), but have you ever had a conversation with someone and you notice their eyes pan "up" a bit towards your hair? I'm a short guy and most people have an aerial view of my head, esp the crown (which has been bald since i was 13).

Anyway, I notice it and when people do it, I almost stop talking im so offended lol

:roll: :freaked:


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imlosinit said:
I'm definitely hyper sensitive (absolutely), but have you ever had a conversation with someone and you notice their eyes pan "up" a bit towards your hair? I'm a short guy and most people have an aerial view of my head, esp the crown (which has been bald since i was 13).

Anyway, I notice it and when people do it, I almost stop talking im so offended lol

:roll: :freaked:

I have corrected the small error in your post. Have a nice day.


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Well I did acknowledge the possibility, which is better than most.

Though it's still distressing.


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it doesnt happen all the time but I notice it when it does. It happens more often from guys who are losing their hair though than those who aren't.


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yeah, i am guilty of this. when i see a guy or am talking to a guy with worse hair loss than me, all i can think of is...that is my future. i tend to look at the head. i am sure they get annoyed but i bet they understand.

Bald Dave

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Now that you mention it my gf is always staring at my receeding hairline everytime she sees me. We live over 100 miles apart so we only ever see each other at the weekends and the first thing she does when she sees me is look up lol I like to wear concealer and the other day she told me to stop wearing it but I don't care what she says as wearing concealer makes me feel better about myself. She should respect who I am because I never make fun of her weight so she should do the same with my hair!


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Bald Dave said:
Now that you mention it my gf is always staring at my receeding hairline everytime she sees me. We live over 100 miles apart so we only ever see each other at the weekends and the first thing she does when she sees me is look up lol I like to wear concealer and the other day she told me to stop wearing it but I don't care what she says as wearing concealer makes me feel better about myself. She should respect who I am because I never make fun of her weight so she should do the same with my hair!

i know exactly what you mean man. When I wore Toppik, my girlfriend was always looking at my hair and I know she was thinking to herself 'what the f@&k is going on up there.' After a few years, my hairline was pretty bad and it was obvious unless i really spent time making it perfect, which i usually did but sometimes got lazy. i finally told her what i used and she told me she didn't like it.

then, when i stopped wearing it and buzzed my head, she was angry bc she thinks 'i don't look as cute or professional as i used to.'

make up your damned mind!


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Anthony83 said:
i know exactly what you mean man. When I wore Toppik, my girlfriend was always looking at my hair and I know she was thinking to herself 'what the f@&k is going on up there.'

LOL i know how that feels. my gf doesnt like the toppik until i stop using it


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I don't mind people staring at my thinning hair (or what left from it) as long as they don't do it in my face WHILE we are in a middle of a conversation; i hate it when they do that! im not a sensitive guy at all, but i would expect some common courtesy here, i don't stare at someones teeth or belly while im talking to them...
What i tend to do when i catch the ninja starers - just stop talking and look at their eyes with a "poker-face" look, its freaking funny to see the reactions tho, some people keep talking like nothing happens, others will stop and just leave, some will ask a stupid question, but all will have the same "cought on the act" face... lol human behavior is freakin funny indeed ! never let you down :p (my god... we are such fucked up animals :D)


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Yes, and it can be very frustrating. I have to admit though, sometimes when I see a young guy with bad hair loss my eyes do the same thing. I kick myself for doing it, but can't help myself sometimes.


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I notice the look up a lot from women. The very least they could do is what guys do when they
check out a nice set of breasts and use their peripheral vision.

uncomfortable man

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Aww, you beat me to the breasts. Darn.


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I noticed it too, mainly from women.


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imlosinit said:
Anthony83 said:
i know exactly what you mean man. When I wore Toppik, my girlfriend was always looking at my hair and I know she was thinking to herself 'what the f@&k is going on up there.'

LOL i know how that feels. my gf doesnt like the toppik until i stop using it

They want you to look good but dont like the idea of you doing anything that could be classed as vain or unmasculine.
People do it to me because my hairline is a hair transplant.

uncomfortable man

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Yeah, women expect you to make eye contact with them and not stare at their parts, so this would be a good opportunity to flip the script and say, "Hello? My eyes are down here!" But yeah, women expecting beauty to be effortless...so hypocritical!


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s.a.f said:
They want you to look good but dont like the idea of you doing anything that could be classed as vain or unmasculine.
People do it to me because my hairline is a hair transplant.

Depends on the woman though.

Meanwhile so many wear makeup, which is hypocritical.


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There is a difference, you guys look at women's breasts out of lust, they look at your head out of something else. I think its closer to trying not to look at an obvious scar someone has visible. Its really hard.

uncomfortable man

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Like a car accident or a train wreck, they can't take their eyes away from it.


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im always wondering what exactly they see, since my hair is kinda curly and wild....when wind blown, it can stick up and look weird. perhaps they see an exposed bald spot. i also use toppik from time to time, and i think it blends in nicely, but maybe they see it on top and think wtf