
EVERYONE Will Get Finasteride Side-Effects Eventually


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@Micky_007 saw you talking about pyrilutamide, interesting new post:

Hey all,
Me, my friends and some online friends did a small group buy for pyrilutamide AKA KX-826 and none of us have experienced any negative or sexual side effects so far.
There’s 6 of us in total and we’ve all been taking Pyri for about 6 weeks now. Myself and two others got sides from finasteride and RU but no sides from Pyri (so far…). I personally got sexual sides from RU58841 on day 3 so I’m quite happy that I’ve been on Pyri for 6 weeks and Im absolutely fine.
For those who don’t know pyrilutamide also known as KX-826 is an androgen receptor antagonist similar to CB-03-01 or RU58841 but Pyrilutamide has a stronger binding affinity and longer half life. The majority of us are doing 0.5% everyday (similar to the Kintor pharmaceuticals phase 2 trial) and one of us is doing 1% everyday. The vehicle we are using is Ethanol to PG in a 7:3 ratio.
Whilst some of us have started to see very fine vellus hairs, no thick hair results just yet but it’s still very early on and we are expecting maintenance and a little regrowth by month 6. Once we have results I’ll be posting back here In the future
We also had pyrilutamide tested as we bought it from china, we told a lab to identify the compound and check for its purity, we didn’t tell the lab it was pyrilutamide and they confirmed it was pyrilutamide and the purity came back at 98.8%.
I thought I would let you all know as pyrilutamide is getting some traction across the discord servers, hairlosstalk and this subreddit.
Finally, my friends and I are also very interested in Kintor Pharmaceuticals androgen receptor degrader: GT20029. Once phase 1 trials for GT20029 are completed to establish safety we are going to add that to our regime to use alongside pyrilutamide.

This sounds quite interesting. I'm suprised they managed to get the compound so soon and at such good purity.

Of course we will have to wait for the official Phase 2 results from Kintor on Pyrilutamide scheduled to be released before end of this year,
This is really good news for all those waiting for something safer than all the current treatments :D

Thanks for sharing this!


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Ok, thanks for all the info, its a lot clearer now I think will can all agree the figure of 1.25 million people a year getting side effects in United States is most likely correct, at least we are making progress. Hopefully we can all move forward from here as the point's that have been presented seam fairly conclusive.


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I don't usually read any of the studies posted on this thread, so it's likely that its already been posted many times before, but have you referenced this one? its fairly old from 2003.

Finasteride and permanent sexual dysfunction​

When a side effect continues for three months, even after discontinuing medication, it is considered "persistent". The study of 19,000 referenced above had 3.8% of men who noticed some type of sexual side effect. The placebo group reported 2.1%. This leaves a 1.7% difference that likely represents a group who actually experienced sexual dysfunction related to finasteride.

Of this 1.7% group who experiences sexual dysfunction, not all will be considered persistent sexual dysfunction. Those who experience it for over three months (even after discontinued use) will likely have problems for months or years to come.

A blog post summarizing it here.

Think this is a link to the actual study

I haven't read much of it but would be interested in your thoughts.

I take it they actually found it was more like 50% but seeing as Merck were involved in the study they managed to reduce that a bit down to 1.7% with a bit of the old under the table hush money.
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That would mean out of 2.5 million, 42500 people in the US could be left with persistent sexual dysfunction. which while is way to high and i'm not saying that is an acceptable number, that would seam more like a reasonable figure than the rates you are quoting.
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That's your figure, 50% of the people on finasteride in the US gets sides, so we might as well leave it at that, as none of the studies are able to clarify the quantity that are persistent or not.


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A "random forum", that's actually ironic because if it was some low quality website you yourself wouldn't be using it, but here you are having posted 383 messages. If it was some random forum you're saying a lot about yourself for using it for so long.

Also, it's not just any forum, it's a hairloss forum. Its also one of the biggest and most popular hairloss forums on the internet.

Furthermore, a survey is a form of study. Just like there have been many pro-Finasteride people here, there are also anti-Finasteride people, so it's an excellent place to get an idea of how frequently side effects are on Finasteride.
Where else would you like studies to be taken? With people who also haven't taken any hairloss medication? Or only clearly funded studies (because how else are they to fund such expensive studies) that have data manipulated?

I've clearly shown that the FDA nor Merck can be trusted and they did what is considered "proper studies" for all drugs they pass to market, but obviously by the fact that there's so many deaths (4th highest number of deaths in the US are from Prescription drugs), then obviously a lot is wrong with the FDA that even their "proper studies" can't be trusted by what they release to market and obviously they must be clearly understating side effects.

With all due respect, you haven't shown or proven anything. I actually agree with you that the incidence of side effects is probably understated, but the conclusions you're drawing and the reasoning you're employing to get to those conclusions is so incredibly flawed I don't even know where to begin. You're just pulling random data and suppositions together and drawing conclusions from them which fit your narrative. If I were to read this as an outsider without any bias, I would probably be more inclined to believe the exact opposite of what you're saying, just based on the way you come across and the glaring flaws in your reasoning.


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I said most will get sides when taking it long term yes and I also said the severity of sides will differ. This is based on everything I've read.

But like I also said many times we need more and deeper studies, I believe both sides can agree with that.
So what do you think of this statement?

The study of 55 year old's is suggesting 42500 people in the US would be left with persistent sexual dysfunction, do you think the actual figure across all age groups is considerably higher than that?


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I'll have to read everythig from the study but again from all I've read, younger men are more prone to sexual sides than older men, especially because older men have a lower sex drive, etc already. I believe most older men don't notice much in that regard and even if they do they'll dismiss it and think it's because of age and not finasteride.
Im trying to prove the point for you. even the study of 19000 men over 55 if scaled to account 2.5 million current users in the US would suggest that 42500 people a year would be left with persistent sexual dysfunction after cessation of treatment.


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But you can't scale a study from older men to account for a population of all kinds of ages. Especially not when it comes to the younger population using finasteride for hairloss.
I don't get what you are saying? a mean figure of 42500 people left with persistent sexual dysfunction after cessation of treatment, should be a high enough number for you to prove your point of finasteride's non-safety regardless of how accurate it is when scaled across all age groups.
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But I believe the figure will be a lot higher for the younger age bracket for reasons I already stated.
Yes but who cares. if you say 40,000+ people a year are becoming impotent from finasteride use what other argument do you need?


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With all due respect, you haven't shown or proven anything. I actually agree with you that the incidence of side effects is probably understated, but the conclusions you're drawing and the reasoning you're employing to get to those conclusions is so incredibly flawed I don't even know where to begin. You're just pulling random data and suppositions together and drawing conclusions from them which fit your narrative. If I were to read this as an outsider without any bias, I would probably be more inclined to believe the exact opposite of what you're saying, just based on the way you come across and the glaring flaws in your reasoning.

It seems you haven't read fully what I posted then.

What I posted definitely shows the FDA can't be trusted by several major sources and the Finasteride FDA approval is regarded by Pro-Finasteride users as the single most important sign that the drug must be safe and effective for the majority of people (which isn't the case).

"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is supposed to protect Americans from harmful drugs. But in reality, FDA-approval does not guarantee safety. Critics say Big Pharma funds FDA reviews of new drugs, creating a conflict of interest. The agency is too focused on approving drugs to appease Big Pharma and it lacks the proper authority and funding to protect the public"

Like I always say, Big Pharma secretly funds trials. It's pretty obvious the FDA can't be trusted as well as those pro-Finasteride studies which can easily be secretly funded by Big Pharma, especially when theres so many studies that prove completely opposite results showing how bad Finasteride truly can be.

Even Merck themselves admit not knowing what the long term effects are for younger men in their official FDA approval letter:

Here's a piece from Harvard about FDA:

"The bar for “safe” is equally low, and over the past 30 years, approved drugs have caused an epidemic of harmful side effects, even when properly prescribed. Every week, about 53,000 excess hospitalizations and about 2400 excess deaths occur in the United States among people taking properly prescribed drugs to be healthier.

Prescription drugs are the 4TH LEADING cause of death.

This evidence indicates why we can no longer trust the FDA to carry out its historic mission to protect the public from harmful and ineffective drugs. Strong public demand that government “do something” about periodic drug disasters has played a central role in developing the FDA.2 Yet close, constant contact by companies with FDA staff and officials has contributed to vague, minimal criteria of what “safe” and “effective” mean."

**So with Big Pharma funding studies in the FDA, do you really think they would simply stop at funding studies only at the FDA? Of course the people behind the secret funding at Big Pharma have brains to know if they want to make studies in the FDA look believable they will also need to fund other "independent" studies to make them have similar results. Why would they just stop at the FDA? There's nothing stopping them from stopping there so of course they won't stop there.
And if Big Pharma is able to bribe the most highly regarded regulatory body in the US, it's sure as hell going to be a LOT easier to bribe/secretly fund other "independent studies".

I repeat, if the 4TH LEADING cause of DEATH in the US is due to prescribed medication*, you can't seriously believe that there isn't a lot of manipulation going on with the safety and efficacy numbers being published by studies.

Next, it was said that sides on Finasteride are rare (obviously not true) and that in the cases where people get sides in Finasteride, they almost always go away after some time, but the study that was done on people who had Finasteride negative side effects had shown an EXTREMELY HIGH % of them who had persistent side effects. Which is a mighty big deviation from what is published.

Furthermore, you can go onto almost any hairloss related platform, whether it be hairloss forums like Hairlosscure2020,, Reddit, YouTube comments section under hairloss videos, Hairloss/Hair Regeneration websites, and you will always find way more than just a small percentage of users of Finasteride that report their side effects even in the comments sections. Its actually quite a significant % that report side effects on Finasteride or that it hasn't worked for them, which is a big contrast to the almost negligibly small % that Finasteride falsely claims are affected by sides or lack of efficacy.
So it becomes pretty obvious that pro-Finasteride numbers are heavily manipulated.
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It's concerning yes.
My point is, I just don't get why people like Micky_007 are arguing and plucking 50% figures out of thin air and rubbishing any study that Merck has been involved in, when even Merck's own study from 2003 suggesting a 1.7- 2% persistent sexual dysfunction after cessation of treatment in 55 year old's, would suggest an unacceptable risk when scaled over all age groups.


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Looks like a low budget version of joey from friends.



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Surely he's got steroid meat head, face from all the juice