
EVERYONE Will Get Finasteride Side-Effects Eventually


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Anyone watching Rogan here?

Joe Rogan is undoubtedly a very intelligent and knowledgeable guy. He knows what he is talking about with Finasteride as well when he talked about the sides briefly. I agree with him.


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My point is, I just don't get why people like Micky_007 are arguing and plucking 50% figures out of thin air and rubbishing any study that Merck has been involved in, when even Merck's own study from 2003 suggesting a 1.7- 2% persistent sexual dysfunction after cessation of treatment in 55 year old's, would suggest an unacceptable risk when scaled over all age groups.

Didn't you just say Merck is stopping production of Propecia and Proscar?

Don't you think if Finasteride was so safe and effective they wouldn't cease production? If there weren't so many complaints relatively to the other drugs they produce they obviously would not stop production so surely the side effects of Finasteride are really bad and surely it's a significant amount of complaints their getting, much more than they would ever truly disclose.

I repeat, it's not hard to tell its way more than 1-2% of people who get Finasteride just by looking at social media platforms comments sections.
If it was hypothetically only 1-2% of people who get negative side effects, then those who get negative side s comments on social media platforms would always be drowned out by 50x or 100x more pro-Finasteride comments and that is obviously the furthest thing from the truth. Just on social media alone it's approximately 40% - 55% who report side effects on Finasteride or that it didn't help to stop their hairloss and also, just by looking around irl, hypothetically speaking - if anywhere near 70-90+ % of people positively responded to Finasteride, then the majority of the men in the world would have good heads of hair and that obviously is blatantly also the furthest thing from the truth.
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Didn't you just say Merck is stopping production of Propecia and Proscar?
Yep already stopped.
Don't you think if Finasteride was so safe and effective they wouldn't cease production? If there weren't so many complaints relatively to the other drugs they produce they obviously would not stop production so surely the side effects of Finasteride are really bad and surely it's a significant amount of complaints their getting, much more than they would ever truly disclose.
Who are you trying to convince? I'm already aware of both sides of the discussion.

I would imagine its not entirely down to finasteride, as other products are involved but Its going to have an overall effect that will allow them to try and clean up their image, while focusing on new products.

Merck have spun off all these products into Organon so they can list the company separately.

im not sure how many other troublesome products are in there, but it does mean if people want to complain about finasteride don't call Merck because they have unplugged the phone.,
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I repeat, it's not hard to tell its way more than 1-2%
The actual figure is not worth arguing over, it still becomes significant when its a percentage of 2.5million
hypothetically only 1-2% of people who get negative side effects
That old study says 1.7% get actual sexual sides, not negative side effects, it doesn't actually go as far as stating what percentage of those were considered persistent sexual dysfunction, these are the kind of things you should research if you are bored rather than just guessing figures.
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I don't know, could be because of many reasons.
Yes, in business terms its a fairly standard restructuring of a company for financial dividend & growth reasons, its just the hatred of Merck and the controversial nature of propecia that adds a bit of interest.
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Even the PFS foundation themselves are reporting it, so if its on their website it must be true.


FYI: Merck has sold Propecia and Proscar to Organon, which bills itself as a “global health care company dedicated to making a world of difference for women.” To report ADRs for either product, call Organon at (844)674-3200


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The actual figure is not worth arguing over, it still becomes significant when its a percentage of 2.5million

That old study says 1.7% get actual sexual sides, not negative side effects, it doesn't actually go as far as stating what percentage of those were considered persistent sexual dysfunction, these are the kind of things you should research if you are bored rather than just guessing figures.

It's ironic that you say the actual figure is not worth arguing over but then go on to mention a figure of 1.7%.

BTW I'm not guessing figures, its obvious just by looking on social media which are public platforms, that the data/studies from Big Pharma can are heavily manipulated/falsified, it doesn't matter which year or how many people supposedly were in the study.

As I said, if anywhere near only 1% to 2% of people got side effects on Finasteride, that would mean that there should be 100 TIMES MORE or 50 TIMES MORE pro-Finasteride comments/people on social media than there are anti-Finasteride comments/people - meaning there should relatively be so FEW anti-Finasteride comments/people that the pro-Finasteride people/comments should enormously drown out all the anti-Finasteride comments/people by 50X or 100x.

And is obviously absolutely NOT true. It's the furthest thing from the truth. So no, I don't believe any of those studies, especially those from Big Pharma and especially from Merck who surely knows how controversial and problematic Finasteride is, so they are ceasing production but using a trick to indirectly still sell it but under a different company name so they don't take on so much bad publicity.


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Believe what you want, pick any Rate you want, even the 1.7% Merck rate could still suggest 42500 experiencing sexual sides in the US alone How many do you need it to be?

Why bother to try and argue that 'everyone will get sexual sides' like the OP of this thread or even your stance that 50-60% will get negative sides,
when even stating one of the more conservative figures like'

'' 1 in 30 (3.33%) of people who try finasteride could experience sexual sides that may persist for months of years even after treatment is stopped'

should be enough to try and prove your point and dissuade many people from starting its use.

You are actually doing your own argument a disservice when you keep plucking 50-60% figures out of thin air and it ends up making any good you may be trying to do, seam less credible than if you just stuck to provable figures.

At the end of the day the statistic you should be researching is the 'persistent side effects upon cessation of treatment figures' , And this is the figure that nobody seams to be able to agree on. Side effects whilst on medication are always an possibility, and you could even argue that they are 'irrelevant' if they are temporary,

but being left with a permanent disability from taking a medication, that's only taken to treat an cosmetic condition would be a statistic that many potential users would be unwilling to ignore.
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As I said, if anywhere near only 1% to 2% of people got side effects on Finasteride, that would mean that there should be 100 TIMES MORE or 50 TIMES MORE pro-Finasteride comments/people on social media than there are anti-Finasteride comments/people - meaning there should relatively be so FEW anti-Finasteride comments/people that the pro-Finasteride people/comments should enormously drown out all the anti-Finasteride comments/people by 50X or 100x.
BTW None of this makes sense most people just live a normal life they are not dicking around 24hrs a day reporting pointless crap on social media.


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BTW None of this makes sense most people just live a normal life they are not dicking around 24hrs a day reporting pointless crap on social media.

That is the most false narrative ever. Almost everybody uses YouTube, Twitter, and a large amount of hairloss sufferers visit hairloss forums or hairloss/ hair regeneration websites. And it's a fact that it is highly common to find anti-Finasteride/people who report side effects or that Finasteride hasn't worked very often.

Finasteride is not a cure as we all know, it usually will at best make things worse before it gets better (in the occasional times it does get better for people) but even when it works, people go through quite intense shedding at least, which happens several times. The sheds on Finasteride are intense to bring most men to some hairloss forums or websites. Whether it be this forum which is one of the biggest, or others.

We are not living in the stone age, or in the time around when Propecia was FDA approved (which is when most people didn't even use the internet/Google). We are living in a time when even people in their 60's at the sign of something as small as a sore throat will use the internet to Google their symptoms. You really think people losing one of their most prized feature of their youth would not go into the internet and search about Hairloss or the shedding they get on Finasteride? Of course most would. In this way they get lead to hairloss forums, websites, blogs YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, etc and so thinking they wouldn't be posting questions or commenting is just naive.

Infact, most people who end up using Finasteride for Hairloss heard of it online first. We live in a day and age where people search online before going to the doctor or specialist, so trying to ignore the massive amounts of negative reviews on the internet is nonsensical.


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Believe what you want, pick any Rate you want, even the 1.7% Merck rate could still suggest 42500 experiencing sexual sides in the US alone How many do you need it to be?

Why bother to try and argue that 'everyone will get sexual sides' like the OP of this thread or even your stance that 50-60% will get negative sides,
when even stating one of the more conservative figures like'

'' 1 in 30 (3.33%) of people who try finasteride could experience sexual sides that may persist for months of years even after treatment is stopped'

should be enough to try and prove your point and dissuade many people from starting its use.

You are actually doing your own argument a disservice when you keep plucking 50-60% figures out of thin air and it ends up making any good you may be trying to do, seam less credible than if you just stuck to provable figures.

At the end of the day the statistic you should be researching is the 'persistent side effects upon cessation of treatment figures' , And this is the figure that nobody seams to be able to agree on. Side effects whilst on medication are always an possibility, and you could even argue that they are 'irrelevant' if they are temporary,

but being left with a permanent disability from taking a medication, that's only taken to treat an cosmetic condition would be a statistic that many potential users would be unwilling to ignore.

I believe it is in the region of atleast 40% of users on Finasteride that get side effects.

And the reason I did not leave it be is because it is obvious from the internet that there simply isn't 50X or 100X more pro-Finasteride people/comments on the internet than there are anti-Finasteride people/comments.
That's extremely obvious. If it were hypothetically the case, then Anti-Finasteride people/comments would always be drowned out by 50 to 100 more people for every anti-Finasteride comment/person (obviously that isn't the case).

Furthermore, regarding studies of people who had persistent side effects and after stopping Finasteride, yes while it is important to note that, it's also important to note that, as per a study, there where an extremely high amount of people who had side effects on Finasteride whom after stopping Finasteride, still had persistent, long term/permanent sides.
The discrepancy there is far too large from what pro-Finasteride studies have shown, for Pro-Finasteride studies not to be considered highly shady.


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Almost everybody uses YouTube, Twitter,
I can assure you the statement 'everybody uses twitter' is false and you would have to be pretty naïve and unworldly to make a stupid statement such as that.

As for the rest of what you have just wrote I have no idea what you are talking about so if its directed at me don't expect me to comment.


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I can assure you the statement 'everybody uses twitter' is false and you would have to be pretty naïve and unworldly to make a stupid statement such as that.

As for the rest of what you have just wrote I have no idea what you are talking about so if its directed at me don't expect me comment.

You'd have to be pretty naive to do something as stupid as misquote me. If you are going to quote something, do it in context. I said "ALMOST everyone".

People are not living under a rock, where they don't know YouTube exists and that they don't use it. Ofcourse I'm not referring to kids under the age of 12 nor am I referring to people over the ages of 65 (nor am I referring to people who are extremely poor because they most likely wouldn't be able to see a doctor to get a prescription for Finasteride anyway if they were so poor that they can't afford internet access and haven't even heard of and use YouTube) although there obviously are the exceptions. Hence I used the word "almost".


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No doubt you are all 3
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