
EVERYONE Will Get Finasteride Side-Effects Eventually


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I've lost track of why Micky_007 is still going now, Do you think he actually believes any of the non-hair loss information (twitter etc) i've been feeding him is true? Is he that obtuse? because I don't know why he is trying to use fictitious Points I have made up to try and prove a factual point.

I think I have even out flummoxed myself

But I agree its even annoying me now,

If he can't even tell when he's being trolled what's the point.

Keep trying to cover it up but your lack of knowledge is transparent, you just said the last time you used Twitter was 2006/2007 and you needed an explanation in "great detail", you even said only teenagers and dick heads used it but after you were embarrassed by being called clueless, naive and a boomer for your lack of knowledge on social media, you back tracked and tried to make it seem like you were being sarcastic.

You're just a liar, trying to cover his tracks. Regardless, the social media topic was highly relevant because the multiple* social medias I listed is where the majority of the population (which have regular access to the internet and between the ages of 19 to 60) are, and so disregarding the frequency and amount of people who post about their side effects on Finasteride on all of those social medias is truly dumb.

It was YOU who decided to fixate only on Twitter from the list of social media platforms I mentioned - which included platforms like YouTube, major hairloss websites and forums (and wasn't an exhaustive list), in YOUR attempt to derail the conversation and topic which was Finasteride.

It's funny you should be the one who said you lost track of why I've been going on, when you were the one trying to derail the topic, you were the one consistently asking questions about other stuff like social media in "great length", sending many memes, asking for the current definition of words (not your olden day definitions), etc. So LOL, pretty weak attempt of yours on trying to blame me for this and using reverse psychology.

You've also been the one sending like 3 to 4 messages for every one message sent to you and you're the one talking about other people going on. Lol. You're transparent AF.
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Nothing I post is what I think, I post based on the reaction i feel other people want or don't want to hear.


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Nothing I post is what I think, I post based on the reaction i feel other people want or don't want to hear.
Lol this is my first time on this forum for nearly a year, this Micky guy was trying to convince me to not use finasteride, I've been on it for 10 months and it has helped me regrow my hair to a NW1 with no sign of loss, because I started treatment early, he told me I was too immature to use the forum which is ironic coming from someone who gets trolled into explaining the merits of Twitter, thanks for trolling this guy as well as keeping the merits of finasteride known


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It seems you haven't read fully what I posted then.

What I posted definitely shows the FDA can't be trusted by several major sources and the Finasteride FDA approval is regarded by Pro-Finasteride users as the single most important sign that the drug must be safe and effective for the majority of people (which isn't the case).

"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is supposed to protect Americans from harmful drugs. But in reality, FDA-approval does not guarantee safety. Critics say Big Pharma funds FDA reviews of new drugs, creating a conflict of interest. The agency is too focused on approving drugs to appease Big Pharma and it lacks the proper authority and funding to protect the public"

Like I always say, Big Pharma secretly funds trials. It's pretty obvious the FDA can't be trusted as well as those pro-Finasteride studies which can easily be secretly funded by Big Pharma, especially when theres so many studies that prove completely opposite results showing how bad Finasteride truly can be.

Even Merck themselves admit not knowing what the long term effects are for younger men in their official FDA approval letter:

Here's a piece from Harvard about FDA:

"The bar for “safe” is equally low, and over the past 30 years, approved drugs have caused an epidemic of harmful side effects, even when properly prescribed. Every week, about 53,000 excess hospitalizations and about 2400 excess deaths occur in the United States among people taking properly prescribed drugs to be healthier.

Prescription drugs are the 4TH LEADING cause of death.

This evidence indicates why we can no longer trust the FDA to carry out its historic mission to protect the public from harmful and ineffective drugs. Strong public demand that government “do something” about periodic drug disasters has played a central role in developing the FDA.2 Yet close, constant contact by companies with FDA staff and officials has contributed to vague, minimal criteria of what “safe” and “effective” mean."

**So with Big Pharma funding studies in the FDA, do you really think they would simply stop at funding studies only at the FDA? Of course the people behind the secret funding at Big Pharma have brains to know if they want to make studies in the FDA look believable they will also need to fund other "independent" studies to make them have similar results. Why would they just stop at the FDA? There's nothing stopping them from stopping there so of course they won't stop there.
And if Big Pharma is able to bribe the most highly regarded regulatory body in the US, it's sure as hell going to be a LOT easier to bribe/secretly fund other "independent studies".

I repeat, if the 4TH LEADING cause of DEATH in the US is due to prescribed medication*, you can't seriously believe that there isn't a lot of manipulation going on with the safety and efficacy numbers being published by studies.

Next, it was said that sides on Finasteride are rare (obviously not true) and that in the cases where people get sides in Finasteride, they almost always go away after some time, but the study that was done on people who had Finasteride negative side effects had shown an EXTREMELY HIGH % of them who had persistent side effects. Which is a mighty big deviation from what is published.

Furthermore, you can go onto almost any hairloss related platform, whether it be hairloss forums like Hairlosscure2020,, Reddit, YouTube comments section under hairloss videos, Hairloss/Hair Regeneration websites, and you will always find way more than just a small percentage of users of Finasteride that report their side effects even in the comments sections. Its actually quite a significant % that report side effects on Finasteride or that it hasn't worked for them, which is a big contrast to the almost negligibly small % that Finasteride falsely claims are affected by sides or lack of efficacy.
So it becomes pretty obvious that pro-Finasteride numbers are heavily manipulated.
It's been a year and you're still using this stupid anti finasteride copypasta


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Lol this is my first time on this forum for nearly a year, this Micky guy was trying to convince me to not use finasteride, I've been on it for 10 months and it has helped me regrow my hair to a NW1 with no sign of loss, because I started treatment early, he told me I was too immature to use the forum which is ironic coming from someone who gets trolled into explaining the merits of Twitter, thanks for trolling this guy as well as keeping the merits of finasteride known

You were a NW1 already dumbass because you were only 18 years old. LOL. And it was around the beginning of this year.
You forgot to mention that your "hairloss" was actually just shedding you got from mixing hair oil incorrectly with insufficient carrier oil and/or you bought low quality oil and and you only told people afterwards you made a stupid mistake (as you yourself said).

Also, you forgot to mention your very parents, one of which is a doctor told you not to use Finasteride because you are 18 and it could potentially mess up your hormones, which it could, and is also what I advised. Funny how you like to leave out details.

It's probably more the fact that your scalp had healed from the damage from you mixing the essential oils wrong or by you using poor quality oils, so you saw regrowth which had probably been caused by shock loss and Telogen Effluviam, the almost 1 year was enough time for your scalp to heal.

Because, you mentioned yourself that you noticed lots of hair shedding Coincedentally whenever you applied your hair oils.

But if you didn't get sides that's also a possibility, not everyone gets sides but it's pretty standard that almost everyone, even Pro-Finasteride people don't advise people so young to use Finasteride.

You're also acting as if you were a NW2 or NW3 that went back to NW1 by using Finasteride, but you were a NW1 with slight* shedding due probably to your own fault of using cheap oils or improper mixing of oils.
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It's been a year and you're still using this stupid anti finasteride copypasta

Pretty dumb comment, because a year ago I didn't even post this exact message as I recently only started posting these different articles/studies as more and more new information became available. Also, it's called linking studies and quoting important parts, obviously one needs to copy and paste those, so you have no valid point there.
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You were a NW1 already dumbass because you were only 18 years old. LOL. And it was around the beginning of this year.
You forgot to mention that your "hairloss" was actually just shedding you got from mixing hair oil incorrectly with insufficient carrier oil and/or you bought low quality oil and and you only told people afterwards you made a stupid mistake (as you yourself said).

Also, you forgot to mention your very parents, one of which is a doctor told you not to use Finasteride because you are 18 and it could potentially mess up your hormones, which it could, and is also what I advised. Funny how you like to leave out details.

It's probably more the fact that your scalp had healed from the damage from you mixing the essential oils wrong or by you using poor quality oils, so you saw regrowth which had probably been caused by shock loss and Telogen Effluviam, the almost 1 year was enough time for your scalp to heal.

Because, you mentioned yourself that you noticed lots of hair shedding Coincentally whenever you applied your hair oils.

But if you didn't get sides that's also a possibility, not everyone gets sides but it's pretty standard that almost everyone, even Pro-Finasteride people don't advise people so young to use Finasteride.

You're also acting as if you were a NW2 or NW3 that went back to NW1 by using Finasteride, but you were a NW1 with slight* shedding due probably to your own fault of using cheap oils or improper mixing of oils.
Shush cope harder, I was a diffuse Norwood 1.5 and have now got a head full of thick hair thanks to finasteride. Also I was being autistic blaming it on oils and dermarolling when it was fairly obvious I had Androgenetic Alopecia, and I was just a nervous wreck about losing quite aggressively.

I've been off this site for a while and have never felt mentally better thanks to finasteride, whereas you are stuck in a spiral of hairloss that could easily be stopped by finasteride but instead you have chosen to spread what can only be described as waffle about finasteride on the internet. Other posters such as pigeon actually are pretty based but you using YouTube Twitter and hair loss comments as a survey statistic to inform your delusions about finasteride is just hilarious

"some of the greatest minds of our generation use Twitter" , I literally can't lmao bye go waste your time misspreading info about finasteride


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You forgot to mention that your "hairloss" was actually just shedding you got from mixing hair oil incorrectly with insufficient carrier oil and/or you bought low quality oil and and you only told people afterwards you made a stupid mistake (as you yourself said).
You are trying to discredit me as you actually can't admit that finasteride is a beneficial drug for the majority of people (I won't say a certain statistic because I do not care enough to start a debate) but the majority of finasteride users, like me use finasteride and get on with their lives, it's a small minority who stay and use these forums / youtube


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Shush cope harder, I was a diffuse Norwood 1.5 and have now got a head full of thick hair thanks to finasteride. Also I was being autistic blaming it on oils and dermarolling when it was fairly obvious I had Androgenetic Alopecia, and I was just a nervous wreck about losing quite aggressively.

I've been off this site for a while and have never felt mentally better thanks to finasteride, whereas you are stuck in a spiral of hairloss that could easily be stopped by finasteride but instead you have chosen to spread what can only be described as waffle about finasteride on the internet. Other posters such as pigeon actually are pretty based but you using YouTube Twitter and hair loss comments as a survey statistic to inform your delusions about finasteride is just hilarious

"some of the greatest minds of our generation use Twitter" , I literally can't lmao bye go waste your time misspreading info about finasteride

You posted pictures, and those were NW1, you thought you were NW1. 5 because the angle at which you took the pictures, and how you pulled your hair back and the lighting and several people from this forum told you the same thing.

Also, if you recall correctly, I also told you to go offline as you were becoming too paranoid and the stress and anxiety could cause more hair loss. You seem to forget all the good advice.
Only thing I warned against was Finasteride but I Said if you choose to use it is up to you.

Also, of course there are people who respond positively but i don't believe it is a majority. It's more like 50/50. It's like playing Russian Roulette.

Also, regarding Twitter, literally almost every major celebrity or big business uses Twitter how can you not know that???? LMFAOOOO

You got NBA players going from Lebron James, to Soccer Stars like Christiano Ronaldo and all the professional soccer teams, to Rappers like Drake, to most of the greatest Actors like Leonardo DiCaprio, to the f*****g presidents like Barack Obama, to the leading medical professionals with verified accounts, to JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, PwC, Forbes, Elon Musk, SpaceX, Bill Gates, Boxing World Champions like Mike Tyson, greatest boxing coaches like Teddy Atlas, ESPN, All Major News Channels, UFC World Champions, to the some of the greatest figures in Christianity like Bishop TD Jake's, to some of the greatest minds like Dr Jordan Peterson, Tony Robbins Eric Thomas, to f*****g Oprah Winfrey, Jordan Belfort and Tom Brady, LOL imagine thinking the greatest minds aren't on Twitter.

Twitter is literally one of the best and quickest places to get breaking news as well and information about almost everything from even Crypto to Stocks to trending news and events directly from the horses mouth.

Just say you don't know sh*t and move on.

Also, LOL at you assuming you know my hair. I've actually stabilized my hairloss naturally after quitting Finasteride. Also my hair is 80% better now than what is was when I was on Finasteride.

You just talk a lot of nonsense, you haven't changed a bit.
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You are trying to discredit me as you actually can't admit that finasteride is a beneficial drug for the majority of people (I won't say a certain statistic because I do not care enough to start a debate) but the majority of finasteride users, like me use finasteride and get on with their lives, it's a small minority who stay and use these forums / youtube

I'm not trying to discredit you, you discredited yourself. I'm simply rehashing what happened. Anyone who read/reads your old posts can see you had yourself posted who probably had that shedding from using un/underdiluted hair oils or cheap hair oils.

Also, it's definitely not a small minority who get sides on Finasteride. It's a big percentage. Also, you want to disregard and downplay negative testimonials on YouTube too? What's your next excuse going to be? That barely anyone uses YouTube to get a good idea? Lol YouTube is literally the second most used social media platform of 2021 with around 2.2 Billion active users and everyone knows anyone can post anything on video but reading the comments section is how to tell whether the video is legit or not, obviously any video with a large amount of negative reviews is most likely false - hence Anti Finasteride comments on Pro-Finasteride videos are highly relevant and also there's lots of anti-Finasteride videos on YouTube.

Furthermore, every new treatment in the pipeline is working on different Mechanisms of Action as compared to the MOA of Finasteride for a reason, if it were effective, there wouldn't be 40+ companies around the globe working on a better treatment and most mention not having the side effects associated with Finasteride as a key feature, so clearly it's not something small.
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I'm not trying to discredit you, you discredited yourself. I'm simply rehashing what happened. Anyone who read/reads your old posts can see you had yourself posted who probably had that shedding from using un/underdiluted hair oils or cheap hair oils.

I was being dumb when I said my hair loss was due to oils or whatever in retrospect, i clearly had Androgenetic Alopecia and was panicking, anyone with some sense who reads my old threads can tell that
Also, it's definitely not a small minority who get sides on Finasteride. It's a big percentage. Also, you want to disregard and downplay negative testimonials on YouTube too? What's your next excuse going to be? That barely anyone uses YouTube to get a good idea? Lol YouTube is literally the second most used social media platform of 2021 with around 2.2 Billion active users and everyone knows anyone can post anything on video but reading the comments section is how to tell whether the video is legit or not, obviously any video with a large amount of negative reviews is most likely false - hence Anti Finasteride comments on Pro-Finasteride videos are highly relevant and also there's lots of anti-Finasteride videos on YouTube.
Maybe you should stop focusing on using qualitative data and instead look at the quantitave data provided by studies, also the comments of YouTube videos are extremely biased because the majority of comments on videos such as Kevin Mann's are pro finasteride whereas if you went on an anti finasteride video, they're more likely to be against finasteride, it doesn't prove much.

Furthermore, every new treatment in the pipeline is working on different Mechanisms of Action as compared to the MOA of Finasteride for a reason, if it were effective, there wouldn't be 40+ companies around the globe working on a better treatment and most mention not having the side effects associated with Finasteride as a key feature, so clearly it's not something small.

No the reason why every other drug company is making a drug with a different MOA is kind of obvious, it's because finasteride already works via the 5ar pathway so there's not any point making a drug which does the same thing. I don't care about finasteride at all and if something better were to come out I'd definitely use it in place of finasteride, but you posting that finasteride the majority of people will get sides and your proof is YouTube comments?? Or Twitter?? Or terribly carried out studies by PFA network??

Lmao, this is the last time I'll post on this thread, but I can't deal with this cringe, you make all anti finasteride people look dumb, although like I said earlier there are some who make valid points but you are not one of them


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Also, regarding Twitter, literally almost every major celebrity or big business uses Twitter how can you not know that???? LMFAOOOO

You got NBA players going from Lebron James, to Soccer Stars like Christiano Ronaldo and all the professional soccer teams, to Rappers like Drake, to most of the greatest Actors like Leonardo DiCaprio, to the f*****g presidents like Barack Obama, to the leading medical professionals with verified accounts, to JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, PwC, Forbes, Elon Musk, SpaceX, Bill Gates, Boxing World Champions like Mike Tyson, greatest boxing coaches like Teddy Atlas, ESPN, All Major News Channels, UFC World Champions, to the some of the greatest figures in Christianity like Bishop TD Jake's, to some of the greatest minds like Dr Jordan Peterson, Tony Robbins Eric Thomas, to f*****g Oprah Winfrey, Jordan Belfort and Tom Brady, LOL imagine thinking the greatest minds aren't on Twitter.

Twitter is literally one of the best and quickest places to get breaking news as well and information about almost everything from even Crypto to Stocks to trending news and events directly from the horses mouth.


Also, regarding Twitter, literally almost every major celebrity or big business uses Twitter how can you not know that???? LMFAOOOO

You got NBA players going from Lebron James, to Soccer Stars like Christiano Ronaldo and all the professional soccer teams, to Rappers like Drake, to most of the greatest Actors like Leonardo DiCaprio, to the f*****g presidents like Barack Obama, to the leading medical professionals with verified accounts, to JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, PwC, Forbes, Elon Musk, SpaceX, Bill Gates, Boxing World Champions like Mike Tyson, greatest boxing coaches like Teddy Atlas, ESPN, All Major News Channels, UFC World Champions, to the some of the greatest figures in Christianity like Bishop TD Jake's, to some of the greatest minds like Dr Jordan Peterson, Tony Robbins Eric Thomas, to f*****g Oprah Winfrey, Jordan Belfort and Tom Brady, LOL imagine thinking the greatest minds aren't on Twitter.

Twitter is literally one of the best and quickest places to get breaking news as well and information about almost everything from even Crypto to Stocks to trending news and events directly from the horses mouth.
, You actually wrote an essay on the benefits of Twitter when we all know that Facebook is the best way to get news from celebrities XD


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, You actually wrote an essay on the benefits of Twitter when we all know that Facebook is the best way to get news from celebrities XD

If you consider that an essay I seriously wonder how much reading of actual essays you've done to think what I wrote is an essay, LOL.

Also, the guy 20YearsOnFin asked about Twitter explained "in great detail" and you also questioned it, so I killed 2 birds with one stone.

Sure you can get information from celebrities from Facebook but saying "Facebook is the best way to get news from celebrities" is naive, lol.

Remember, I never said Facebook isn't good, just that Twitter is also a good source of information and often faster at spreading news to a larger audience with a lot more accessibility to information from medical professionals on Twitter by simply "following" their accounts on Twitter as opposed to having to be a "friend" for most medical professionals who aren't "verified" on social media as celebrities. Yes i know Facebook has a follow option but it's a lot easier to come across medical professionals on Twitter who aren't verified and follow them than to stumble across medical professionals on Facebook unless their friends or mutual friends which is often unlikely.


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I was being dumb when I said my hair loss was due to oils or whatever in retrospect, i clearly had Androgenetic Alopecia and was panicking, anyone with some sense who reads my old threads can tell that

Maybe you should stop focusing on using qualitative data and instead look at the quantitave data provided by studies, also the comments of YouTube videos are extremely biased because the majority of comments on videos such as Kevin Mann's are pro finasteride whereas if you went on an anti finasteride video, they're more likely to be against finasteride, it doesn't prove much.

No the reason why every other drug company is making a drug with a different MOA is kind of obvious, it's because finasteride already works via the 5ar pathway so there's not any point making a drug which does the same thing. I don't care about finasteride at all and if something better were to come out I'd definitely use it in place of finasteride, but you posting that finasteride the majority of people will get sides and your proof is YouTube comments?? Or Twitter?? Or terribly carried out studies by PFA network??

Lmao, this is the last time I'll post on this thread, but I can't deal with this cringe, you make all anti finasteride people look dumb, although like I said earlier there are some who make valid points but you are not one of them

No one has to even read the posts but just looking at the pictures of your hair you posted was definitely not some advanced stage of hairloss, your hairline was intact similar to NW1 and you only had a bit of shedding.

You fail to realize that you can have even what is considered high standard double blind studies but the results can still be manipulated and falsified. That is exactly how so many drugs are passed by the FDA to market, as the 4th leading cause of death in the United States is due to prescribed medication.

Surely if that's the case then the drugs being passed by the FDA are seriously questionable. But don't take my word for it:

here's a piece from Harvard about FDA:

"The bar for “safe” is equally low, and over the past 30 years, approved drugs have caused an epidemic of harmful side effects, even when properly prescribed. Every week, about 53,000 excess hospitalizations and about 2400 excess deaths occur in the United States among people taking properly prescribed drugs to be healthier.

Prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death.

This evidence indicates why we can no longer trust the FDA to carry out its historic mission to protect the public from harmful and ineffective drugs. Strong public demand that government “do something” about periodic drug disasters has played a central role in developing the FDA.2 Yet close, constant contact by companies with FDA staff and officials has contributed to vague, minimal criteria of what “safe” and “effective” mean."

"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is supposed to protect Americans from harmful drugs. But in reality, FDA-approval does not guarantee safety. Critics say Big Pharma funds FDA reviews of new drugs, creating a conflict of interest. The agency is too focused on approving drugs to appease Big Pharma and it lacks the proper authority and funding to protect the public"

Like I always say, Big Pharma secretly funds trials. It's pretty obvious the FDA can't be trusted as well as those pro-Finasteride studies which can easily be secretly funded by Big Pharma, especially when theres so many studies that prove completely opposite results showing how bad Finasteride truly can be.

Even Merck themselves admit not knowing what the long term effects are for younger men in their official FDA approval letter:

Then you talk about Kevin Mann who also claimed to have sides on Finasteride but didn't admit it on his YouTube Channel until he was called out about it yet he calls DHT a trash hormone. Go to any endocrinologist and tell that DHT is a trash hormone in men and record their reaction. Lol
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Most of those "independent" studies about fina are from dermatologists aka the ones who prescribe it, there's a conflict of interest with many of them.

And a meta analysis has been done:

Adverse Event Reporting in Clinical Trials of Finasteride for Androgenic Alopecia: A Meta-analysis

Conclusions and relevance: Available toxicity information from clinical trials of finasteride in men with Androgenetic Alopecia is very limited, is of poor quality, and seems to be systematically biased. In a cohort of men prescribed finasteride for routine treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia, most would have been excluded from the pivotal studies that supported US Food and Drug Administration approval for Androgenetic Alopecia. Published reports of clinical trials provide insufficient information to establish the safety profile for finasteride in the treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia.

The meta analysis study analyzing the available data has nothing to do with the PFS foundation.

Now concerning the studies funded by PFS foundation, well if it's done by independent researchers who only care about objective data and real unbiased science I see no problems with it. Also who else will fund more research into this? For example their last study is done by Melcangi, seems to be a respected endocrinologist wanting to look into this.

And there is a TON of medical literature showing the importance of DHT , dangers of 5ar inhibitors and all of the effects it has on your body. I could post loads.

Anyway, said it many times anyone is free to take what they want. But the mechanism of how these drugs work and risks are downplayed and so there's nothing wrong with posting about the negative side of Finasteride.
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Interesting new video of an endocrinologist speaking about PFS.

Also new study from the endocrinologist from the video, but abstract not available yet:

Researcher who did the study is affiliated with Harvard Medical School

How routine pharmacovigilance failed to identify finasteride's persistent sexual side effects​

He needs a hair system


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Interesting new video of an endocrinologist speaking about PFS.

Also new study from the endocrinologist from the video, but abstract not available yet:

Researcher who did the study is affiliated with Harvard Medical School

How routine pharmacovigilance failed to identify finasteride's persistent sexual side effects​

So I watched some of the videos, some got PFS by taken small amount of Finasteride like just for a few months which is quite sad and shocking.

I am just glad there is progress on at least better solutions :


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Thanks for the study regarding topical finasteride from the itself company developer. where they said
"oral finasteride has proven effective in treating Androgenetic Alopecia"
the results are not very conclusive,
I agree it's from the developer and we all know oral finasteride is effective. Study is good because of lower dht inhibition in serum.