EVERYONE Will Get Finasteride Side-Effects Eventually


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So many "reputable studies" that more and more doctors refuse to prescribe fina because they see more and more men with side effects from fina after stopping and more and more medical authorities sounding the alarm.

Finasteride has been added to the 'list of drugs to avoid in 2021' by a French Medical Journal

Translation from the Journal 'Drugs to be Avoided for Better Care 2021 Report'

'Finasteride 1mg, a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, has a very high efficacy in modest androgenic alopecia in men: it increases hair density only slightly on the top of the head (by about 10%), and only for the duration of the treatment. It exposes particular sexual disorders (e.g., sexual dysfunction in erection and ejaculation, decreased libido), depression, suicidal ideation and cancer of the breast. When a drug is the chosen option, local minoxidil used with care is less dangerous.'

Of course hair transplant surgeons want people to take fina, they're biased and only care about your hair and the results they bring, they don't care about your health.

And if you're pulling the anecdotal card, I can too:

Large fina side effect polls:


160 people, 53% have side effects


545 people, 55% have side effects

I have too many patients suffering from post finasteride syndrome w irreversible cognitive and sexual dysfunction that I wouldn't use it for this indication. The pelvic pain from FTM in my opinion should be treated as menopausal atrophy/ GSM.

Sure so far you may not have sides (I see you're also only on it for 1 year, that's nothing), but that doesn't mean you're safe now, on the contrary. Many guys dismiss "less serious sides" like watery sperm or infrequent stings but that's a sign for worse to come. But like I said, in the end you can take what you want and I will and can't stop you, just like you can't stop me from posting the truth about 5ar inhibitors my weirdo friend.
Just FYI. Watery semen or the medical term “ejaculate volume” is actually a noted side effect, about 25%, however sperm count except for some individuals will typically change little, enough to not be a issue for reproduction.


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Completely and factually wrong:

"5alpha reductase blockers block conversion from testosterone to DHT, nothing else."

The following reactions are known to be catalyzed by 5α-reductase:[9]

The cope of these fina lovers is incredible, they don't even know what they're swallowing and the effects on their body...

Oh Pigeon, still here, still trying to get the word about that finasteride evil out there? Good job man.

Yup, coping in real life with all my hair, great girlfriend and morning wood, don't have time for hairlosstalk forums where people like you talk about hormones they actually know nothing about.


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Lol this is a disaster let’s just close the thread on this

“Read everything you can on finasteride then make a decision”

no one can disagree and as stated no one has a gun to the head saying you need to take it. Then also no one is gonna hang you by a rope if your do take it. End of discussion


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Oh my friend, no arguments and resorting to insults like the other idiot because I just showed you, you were wrong.
Where? I'm just saying how I'm coping or however you called it.

Lol this is a disaster let’s just close the thread on this

“Read everything you can on finasteride then make a decision”

no one can disagree and as stated no one has a gun to the head saying you need to take it. Then also no one is gonna hang you by a rope if your do take it. End of discussion
No, let's not.

I would be mad if for some reason I would never take anti-androgens because of these anti-finasteride hipsters here.

Armando Jose

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Interesting post, the real problem with finas is not able to reverse a NW6 to NW1.
So I don't think anything that works is going to come out for the next 12 years minus CB
cb with a absortion enhacer ?
Do you have a source for that?
Common sense
there are many ways to go about maintenance
Maintenace = prevention
Prevention better than cure
Too many idiots like Kevin on YouTube have spread the myth that DHT is only needed before puberty
Before or after?
BTW DHT is present in scalp hairs before puberty, Terminal hairs need a sebaceous gland operative.
I wish people spent time trying to figure out hairloss instead of writing random posts with their opinion about finasteride.
Yes, we need know the real cause of common hairloss
@Pigeon Well, what’s the alternative?
A lot of fear mongering in this thread. 5a reductase deficient people exist
There are not people with complete 5a reductase deficiencie
5AR deficiency is rare, it's most common in Las Salinas which has a whopping population of 6k. It's often recognized by puberty and when diagnosed is treated with some form of hormone therapy. These people aren't just born with a 5AR deficiency and cruise through life like a normal person who just happens to be deficient in this enzyme. Not to mention this condition is most prevalent in undeveloped/third world populations and they are often badly treated and regarded as abnormal outside of the Dominican Republic.
They are 5AR type 2 deficiency
First of all, 5AR exists in two different isozymes: 5AR type 1 (5AR1) and 5AR type 2 (5AR2)

Exactly, even a third type (5AR3)


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Where? I'm just saying how I'm coping or however you called it.

No, let's not.

I would be mad if for some reason I would never take anti-androgens because of these anti-finasteride hipsters here.
But somehow you and myself came to the decision to use finasteride myself using for 16 years. How did we do that even with people posting “anti-finasteride studies” which in reality are just studies showing the negative effects finasteride can have. It’s called intellect and critical thinking. Both sides people who do or don’t use it, should come to a conclusion based on those two above. In reality it’s better to be weary of finasteride then being blinded and looking for people who only give you a positive perspective.


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care more about hair than anything else in their life

hahaha 3000+ score in what, 2 years and you saying to me that all I care is my hair?

Cmon man, just say that your anti finasteride campaign is due to the fact that you can't take it. The same with OP.

Can't imagine what you guys are doing to smokers and fat people drinking cocacola in real life on this HealthyWorldBetterWorld campaign.

Just FYI, I'm not saying finasteride is healthy for any retards here that cannot grasp what's my point.


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@Armando Jose How is prevention an alternative to finasteride when Finasteride = Prevention? There is not really an effective solution for stopping baldness other than Fina atm.


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Lol you know the 3000+ score is people who reacted with a like to what I say and does not equate to how much time is spent here right? Anyway we're both on a hairloss forum...

And there is no anti finasteride campaign, I did not start this thread or any other anti fina thread. Check my posts if you don't believe me. But I am interested in hairloss and all types of treatments, hence me being on this forum. Luckily there are alternatives.

But take your pills, I wish you the best of luck.
Good response


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Lol getting a Finasteride prescription on the 27th, if I get sides, I will come back to this forum and join the anti finasteride club, if I don't, I will be able to get on with my life and not have to worry so much about hair loss


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Lol getting a Finasteride prescription on the 27th, if I get sides, I will come back to this forum and join the anti finasteride club, if I don't, I will be able to get on with my life and not have to worry so much about hair loss
Very true, as long as you did your research and monitor yourself, you should be fine either way. Again I think majority can agree, even if you have side effects a incredibly high percentage should be able to come off and once 5AR is restored go back to normal. If you get sides effects then definitely look at other threads for alternative treatments.
Stay healthy and well. Good luck


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I think after reading up on finasteride and its effects @Pigeon, I’d agree that PFS is a thing. Specifically the potential effect on neurosteroids. But because these affect only a fraction of finasteride users, I’d say if you like your hair enough go for it. I’m gonna take the MPMD stance on it and not say it’s harmless and I won’t say it’s an immediate sentence to permanent sides.

Not that it affects me much, I’m screwed with LPP


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The problem with this thread is not whether finasteride is good or bad, its that the opening post list a hypothesis, which makes generalizations, about everyone's experience on finasteride without simply asking some long term users of 10, 20 or 25years on finasteride what there experience has actually been like.

Its title says ''Everyone will Get finasteride side-effects eventually '' and then (This is about sexual side effects)

So instead of making generalizations I'll answer some of the points purely based on my personal experiences.

Usually by this time you will have aged 5 or so years, if you started in your late 20s or early 30s, and you might think that this drop in erectile quality is normal.
I have personally not noticed any loss of quality after 20years on finasteride
no man actually wants to believe that they have erectile dysfunction
Ive never had any thoughts of erectile dysfunction in my life, or experienced it
after a couple of years on the drug with normal erectile function most men will not notice or attribute to finasteride the increased time it takes to achieve and erection or the decreased maximal maintainable erection strength.
There is no increased time, its exactly the same function from my teenage years.
How long the male is able to hold an erection without physical stimuli THEN they'd have to report that 80-90% of men have side effects especially after 5 years on the drug
physical stimuli? are we taking Images or touching here? surely its not a useful skill to be able to hold an erection for hours on end for no actual purpose?
Also, the bigger your penis the more likely you will be of experiencing serious ED issues down the line with finasterde as it has a much heavier demand of blodflow and thus an overall healthier penis.
Down the line? How many more years down the line can one expect this happen if it hasn't happened yet after 20?
Anyone thinking you can have the same erectile function on finasteride as they did before it is a fool!
There are long time users, including myself who have the same erectile function as before they started. Its impossible to claim to know what every person on finasteride is experiencing.
The gap of 5 or so years makes worse erectile function harder to notice and/or attribute to finasteride
People have been taking this for 25years, why not just ask some of them.
but there is just no way around this fact: DHT is our most powerful androgen and it is 100% necessary for optimal penile function
May well be true.

like most average people who take finasteride I don't consider myself for or against finasteride, its just a product, I take it because, in my case its been effective, Ive never mentioned to anyone that they should take it, I've only posted this information here because, its making out that everyone who takes finasteride will experience ED issues, when in my experience that's clearly not the case
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Very true, as long as you did your research and monitor yourself, you should be fine either way. Again I think majority can agree, even if you have side effects a incredibly high percentage should be able to come off and once 5AR is restored go back to normal. If you get sides effects then definitely look at other threads for alternative treatments.
Stay healthy and well. Good luck
Thanks, I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about taking it though, but I need to find a way to get on with my life


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The problem with this thread is not whether finasteride is good or bad, its that the opening post list a hypothesis, which makes generalizations, about everyone's experience on finasteride without simply asking some long users of 10, 20 or 25years on finasteride what there experience has actually been like.

Its title says ''Everyone will Get finasteride side-effects eventually '' and then (This is about sexual side effects)

So instead of making generalizations I'll answer some of the points purely based on my personal experiences.

I have personally not noticed any loss of quality after 20years on finasteride

Ive never had any thoughts of erectile dysfunction in my life, or experienced it

There is no increased time, its exactly the same function from my teenage years.

physical stimuli? are we taking Images or touching here? surely its not a useful skill to be able to hold an erection for hours on end for no actual purpose?

Down the line? How many more years down the line can one expect this happen if it hasn't happened yet after 20?

There are long time users, including myself who have the same erectile function as before they started. Its impossible to claim to know what every person on finasteride is experiencing.

People have been taking this for 25years, why not just ask some of them.

May well be true.

like most average people who take finasteride I don't consider myself for or against finasteride, its just a product, I take it because, in my case its been effective, Ive never mentioned to anyone that they should take it, I've only posted this information here because, its making out that everyone who takes finasteride will experience ED issues, when in my experience that's clearly not the case
Hey as a fellow long time user how has your experience been in terms of hair quality. I won’t discuss people side effect profile as it’s difficult to pinpoint or access but, many people I personally know seem to be better off then baseline even after long periods. The people I know range from 3-11 years and all have said there hair is better then baseline.


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Thanks, I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about taking it though
Lol well it ain’t a “asprin”. Again I highly doubt (highly is a understatement) you will get permanent distinction especially if you have no prior history in drug reactions, concussions or mental disorders. If side effects are present then definitely get off.


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Hey as a fellow long time user how has your experience been in terms of hair quality. I won’t discuss people side effect profile as it’s difficult to pinpoint or access but, many people I personally know seem to be better off then baseline even after long periods. The people I know range from 3-11 years and all have said there hair is better then baseline
Hi, for me its still maintaining my hair well, it hasn't tapered off due to the length of time


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Hey as a fellow long time user how has your experience been in terms of hair quality. I won’t discuss people side effect profile as it’s difficult to pinpoint or access but, many people I personally know seem to be better off then baseline even after long periods. The people I know range from 3-11 years and all have said there hair is better then baseline
The only times I have lost a significant amount hair has been when switching to some of the generics released since 2014, there's been a few that for whatever reason, were not able to maintain my hair at all.