
EVERYONE Will Get Finasteride Side-Effects Eventually


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"bu..bu.. why not many zix results?!"
Haha ...Why no Zix results?.....let me give you a about the fact it doesnt stop proggressive male pattern baldness.


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Of course a fool like you won't see when the actual joke is on you.
Yes the joke is on people that take treatments, that have actualy arrested their hairloss makes perfect sense.


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Why are you always repeating your retarded comments that have been adressed multiple times already? You really are demented old man.
The question is...if you are so smart why are you still replying?


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At the cost of their health
Yes Its their health!. Who are you Mother friggin Teresa?

But again I sometimes forget I'm on a hairloss forum full of desperate fools like you who value their hair more than their health.
You said you dont care what other people take , so why would it be a concern of yours?

And stop coping with "I have no sides", you obviously have cognitive sides, your brain is rotten from 20 years without enough DHT to sustain proper function.
Yawn....not this line again.


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To everyone: this is what fina does to your mind, be warned.
To everyone... believing in zix may make you spend four years of your life trying to prove finasteride is a cope.


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It took you 20 minutes to come back with that?


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Even your fishing jokes sink without a trace.


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Nope sh*t aswell try again.


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Keep barking for my attention dog.

If you want to talk about dogs. Ive found you a good meme, about what happens if you take peoples advice and hop onto finasteride.



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Were you abused as a child?


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I don't mean to be disrespectful to you but your posts have inconsistencies and contradictions.

You make emphasis on the thread that we're in, and that it's specifically about side effects, wanting to justify the nature of all the posts you have made talking about the danger of this drug. You admit once again with this that the only thing you have interest in, is focusing on the potential negative aspects of this drug. And that is fine, do it, but don't claim at the same time that you're looking for transparency, because you're not, and it can be perceived by some as hypocrital behaviour.

You have the life porpuse of leading this campaign to raise awareness about how dangerous Finasteride is, reaching the conclusion that the only rational thing to do is obviously to not take it! But so far people do not listen to all these rants and still take it, and that makes you feel like you're not understood, thus you need more evidence, thus you need more studies... to further validate the negative aspects of the drug for people to stay away from it.

Sometimes I feel like you and Micky secretely wish everyone to lose their health, sexual functions and hair altogether if they dare to take a few Finasteride pill. Getting excited when somebody has an unsucessful story and discoraged if they have success. If people were to listen to all the things posted here many lives wouldn't have improved and many people wouldn't have regrown hair or halted their hairloss for even up to 20 years. Those things do happen, it's not all terrible side effects, but I know that you have no interest in that type of transparency. It's only about the negative things, after all this is what this thread is for...

He doesn't understand the correct concept of hypocrisy, and is unable see he's forever being an hypocrite, he will claim of course he does, then proceeded to use a list of blatantly hypocritical examples to prove he's not a hypocrite.

All of his phony, cheap, copy and paste put downs he uses are equally hypocritical as they all could equally apply to him rather than his intended targets.

His reply to what you have just posted will just be a rehash of the last response he made to you, coming to the same conclusion that you are in fact wrong and he is unsurprising completely right yet again.

Surprise Surprise, he expects everyone to listen to his criticism of them but is unable to accept any criticism of his self?

I wonder what that makes him?, mmm i'm sure there is a word that describes somebody like that? what's that word again? I can't think?
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I'm going to stop responding to the same fina cope that is posted here multiple times.
Man who claims he's going to ignore people multiple times, then keeps doing the exact opposite

= hypocrite.
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Keep barking for attention troll
Man who claims yet again he's going to ignore people multiple times, then keeps doing the exact opposite

= Triggered hypocrite.