Very good. The amounts used are so small that liver toxicity does not play a role, and there are some reports available of very good results with topical Bica. The main problem is solubility, which is very poor. DMSO should not be used in my opinion (furthermore, it makes you and everything you excrete smell like rotten eggs), which leaves a pure ethanolic vehicle. Since the half-life is so long, a good protocol would probably something along the lines of:
1mg/mL Bicalutamide in 98% ethanol (maximum solubility)
Once or twice per week, light needle the scalp with 0.3-0.5mm needles. Apply Bica solution generously. Scalp should be dry within a minute again. Should not take very long either, maybe 5 minutes give or take.
This is simply not true. You are projecting your n=1 case to all male pattern baldness sufferers, which is not only wrong but also dangerous. Bica may not have "worked" for you (although I still think you terminated the experiment way too early), it can and will still work for many others. I feel sorry for you that you have had to resort to HRT to get your desired results, but fact is that the majority of people will not need it to get very satisfactory results. We do not know if we can completely eliminate DHT in the scalp, but topical Duta (possibly in conjuction with oral Duta) should come pretty close. I also disagree that HRT cycles would be safer than Nandrolone. Nandrolone is actually a bioidentical compound, found in minute amounts in the body. The skin metabolizes Nandrolone to DHN which is much less androgenic than DHT or Nandrolone itself. You cannot use 5AR inhibitors on Nandrolone monotherapy, because this conversion would be inhibited. HRT cycles are not safer because:
1. E2 is used in supraphysiological amounts; E2 is dose-dependently carcinogenic
2. Large hormonal shifts are unhealthy for literally every structure in your body
Cycles are not sustainable and should not be done. If you want to get on HRT, use physiological dosages and stay on it for life. Nevertheless, I admire your willpower and consistent documentation.
By the way, eliminating all gonadal androgens does not get rid of adrenal androgens. There will always be conversion to DHT.