Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I just crush the pills and dissolve it in 96° ethanol.
How many pills do you put in and how do you apply it with a dropper or spray bottle?? I am thinking doing that but with CPA and topical minoxidil!


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Over 1 month on 100mg Bicalutamide + 1mg Dutasteride + 10mg oral Minoxidil...

Im not sure but when I take a photos I can see some new hairs in crown area.. What do you think guys or maybe they were just in resting phase or Maybe the quality of photos are different.. ehh

First photo 1 March
Second photo 6 April


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The last injection was done on February 26th, today I had my hormones tested and my E level is the same as after the first injection of estradiol lol. More than a month passed, but the level of estradiol did not fall. I don't know what this is about: maybe the cumulative accumulation was much stronger than I thought, and my E levels on the Enanthate course were huge
Now I am under supervision of the endocrinologist. We plan to start taking Clomid: after each cycle I will use Clomid, because it takes too long to restore the level of T levels, and this is more harmful to health and testicles


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The last injection was done on February 26th, today I had my hormones tested and my E level is the same as after the first injection of estradiol lol. More than a month passed, but the level of estradiol did not fall. I don't know what this is about: maybe the cumulative accumulation was much stronger than I thought, and my E levels on the Enanthate course were huge
Now I am under supervision of the endocrinologist. We plan to start taking Clomid: after each cycle I will use Clomid, because it takes too long to restore the level of T levels, and this is more harmful to health and testicles
but you still using bica and fina right?? What did your doctor said about that??Will you stop bica too??


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but you still using bica and fina right?? What did your doctor said about that??Will you stop bica too??
I will not stop Bicalutamide and finasteride. I haven't shown the results to the doctor yet. Interesting to hear what he has to say
I notified the doctor that I used HRT for hair. He was surprised lol.
The doctor specializes in post-cycle therapy for bodybuilders who have impaired T production after steroids, so I came to the right place.


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I will not stop Bicalutamide and finasteride. I haven't shown the results to the doctor yet. Interesting to hear what he has to say
I notified the doctor that I used HRT for hair. He was surprised lol.
The doctor specializes in post-cycle therapy for bodybuilders who have impaired T production after steroids, so I came to the right place.
Inform us after you visit your doctor brother!! Good luck :)


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Well, do not trust me if you want, I never think on side effects, otherwise I wouldn't be on this regimen.. i just react so bad to bica, do you think I don't want to use it? I'm pretty fucked up, ofc I want to use it, in fact I won't drop it, I'll just lower the dose.
Get on HRT,let me know how it works out for you.Once you do it there is no going back.
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The dosage of estradiol was too high if the level of E was high even a month after the last injection. Next time I will significantly lower the dosage of enanthate. Its cumulative effect was strong even with injections every 14 days. I greatly underestimated it and tested for levels after the first injection, before it accumulated
The endocrinologist said to take tests no earlier than a month and a half later. Now nothing can be done, you need to let the enanthate be excreted



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The last injection was done on February 26th, today I had my hormones tested and my E level is the same as after the first injection of estradiol lol. More than a month passed, but the level of estradiol did not fall. I don't know what this is about: maybe the cumulative accumulation was much stronger than I thought, and my E levels on the Enanthate course were huge
Now I am under supervision of the endocrinologist. We plan to start taking Clomid: after each cycle I will use Clomid, because it takes too long to restore the level of T levels, and this is more harmful to health and testicles
I hope you get better.


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Se qualcuno ha paura di perdere muscoli durante la terapia ormonale sostitutiva leggera o ha paura di ingrassare. Non accadrà, Almas è solo costretto a letto e non ha mai sollevato alcun peso in vita sua. Se vai in palestra non noterai alcun calo con basse dosi di e2 e/o bica. Non mi sto nemmeno allenando e sto ancora bene. Sono appena ingrassato perché mi aspettavo un intervento chirurgico alla mascella a marzo e solo con la dieta liquida avrei dovuto perdere il 10% del mio peso. Anche il gyno è ancora lì, da qui i capezzoli gonfi. Almeno non sembra crescere più... (Chirurgo ritardato) I capelli sono spessi nw0.View attachment 178446
sorry friend can i ask if you are using oestrogel? if so, in what dosage and in which area do you apply it? thank you
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So there is no such thing as removing the gland and never have gyno or puffy nipples again??Do you feel any pain like before the surgery??


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Estrogel 1.5-2mg belly,inner arms and thighs. If you are in this low range you will not have hpa axis shutdown in my experience.
but your recovery seems to me to have understood that it happened without E2 right? you see I have tried many .. at the beginning I was on spironolactone which kept me the situation .. then I switched to cyproterone, this for a year .. but taken from the enthusiasm I added 2mg of oral E2. never made worse choice for me .. i was having results but then all of a sudden my penis disappeared ... panicked i stopped E2 but it caused me the worst hair loss i ever had. now taken a little from your results are on bica 100mg, minoxidil 12mg, dutasteride 1mg. I don't think it can help me that much but still I hope so. E2 scares me I'm a man and I felt what it's like to have a dead penis..even when I was having great hair thanks to androcur and E2.


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Yeah i dont recommend e2 at all. Bica is sufficient. Im just using it in small doses because of hair greed. And yes I had most results on bica mono. It stagnated so I added e2 for faster results.
I know that feeling ... it is greed that led me to meltdown .. greed would give E2 another chance at least in the form of a gel .. but my head tells me to stay away from it .. anyway, I managed to get me to prescribe 17b estradiol by my doctor, but I made him put a% of 0.0001g per 100ml. and therefore 2 micrograms per application .. I don't know how much it can help but who knows.