Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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my plan now is this dutasteride 1mg, minoxidil 12mg, bica 150mg for the first 3 weeks then I go down to 100mg. topical bica and lotion with dutasteride 0.1g and estradiol 17b in micrograms. I hope to win.

michel sapin

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Yeah i dont recommend e2 at all. Bica is sufficient. Im just using it in small doses because of hair greed. And yes I had most results on bica mono. It stagnated a little so I added e2 for faster results.
do you get unwanted body/facial hair from 5 mg oral min? is it a key element of youre regimen?


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If someone is scared to lose muscle while on light HRT or scared of getting fatter. Its not gonna happen, almas is just bed ridden and never lifted any weight in his life. If you go to the gym you will not notice any decline on low e2 doses and/or bica. Im not even working out and still look okay. I just got fatter because i was expecting jaw surgery in march and with liquid diet only i was expected to lose 10% of my weight. Also gyno is still there,hence the puffy nips. Atleast it doesnt seem to grow anymore… (Retarded surgeon) Hair is thick nw0. Im on T blockers last 9months.View attachment 178446
Can not agree with you... I shed muscles and gain fat a lot with 3 months 12.5mg CPA + 1mg E2, then over 1 month 100mg Bicalutamide mono...

So that’s what over 4 months AA/E2 can do to your body composition...

Last half year was VERY stressful for me too. Im not going to the gym anymore so I think it had a lot of impact too...
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Can not agree with you... I shed muscles and gain fat a lot with 3 months 12.5mg CPA + 1mg E2, then over 1 month 100mg Bicalutamide mono...

So that’s what over 4 months AA/E2 can do to your body composition...

Last half year was VERY stressful for me too. Im not going to the gym anymore so I think it had a lot of impact too...
Bro i have the exact same problem like you i had 8% body fat and arround 68kg.Then i started avodart back in 2020 and i lost strength and muscle also brain fog everyday i went 64 kg but i was still 8% body fat visible ab definition! But in december i started bicalutamide and after arround 3 months i gainned body fat and major water retention probably from 20 mg oral minoxidil but still Bicalutamide fked my metabolism i am currently 66 kg 2 kg fat gain but completely different composition i hate it man but hair is more important! I also have puffy nipples and a little gyno on both sides disgusting!!Bicalutamide doent't give me headaches but i need a lot of sleep and i get tired very very fast! I will add androcur tablets to my topical minoxidil about 300mg worth of pills and see what happens> i am also beeing taking Abilify and anafranil and i don't have depression or other mood issues but i have no motivation to do anything bro i feel like an elderly old man 75 years old.I force myself to train with body weight and i am doing cardio but still body composition does not change no matter how much i exercise or how clean and low calorie i am eating even low fat and eating starchy carbohydrates 3 times a week doesn't work.Before Bicalutamide i i did low fat and restrict starchy carbohydrates once a day 3 times a week i would drop even more fat in a matter of 1 2 weeks now i look like sh**t.Been on bica for 5 months
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Bro i have the exact same problem like you i had 8% body fat and arround 68kg.Then i started avodart back in 2020 and i lost strength and muscle also brain fog everyday i went 64 kg but i was still 8% body fat visible ab definition! But in december i started bicalutamide and after arround 3 months i gainned body fat and major water retention probably from 20 mg oral minoxidil but still Bicalutamide fked my metabolism i am currently 66 kg 2 kg fat gain but completely different composition i hate it man but hair is more important! I also have puffy nipples and a little gyno on both sides disgusting!!Bicalutamide doent't give me headaches but i need a lot of sleep and i get tired very very fast! I will add androcur tablets to my topical minoxidil about 300mg worth of pills and see what happens> i am also beeing taking Abilify and anafranil and i don't have depression or other mood issues but i have no motivation to do anything bro i feel like an elderly old man 75 years old.I force myself to train with body weight and i am doing cardio but still body composition does not change no matter how much i exercise or how clean and low calorie i am eating even low fat and eating starchy carbohydrates 3 times a week doesn't work.Before Bicalutamide i i did low fat and restrict starchy carbohydrates once a day 3 times a week i would drop even more fat in a matter of 1 2 weeks now i look like sh**t.Been on bica for 5 months
Yea, my weight is almost same, but my body fat went from about 10% (veins on abs) to about 20% and my lean muscle mass decreased. We are taking anti-androgens... so what do we expect? :/

Do you still loose ground on Bicalutamide? I mean hair loss
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Yea, my weight is almost same, but my body fat went from about 10% (veins on abs) to about 20% and my lean muscle mass decreased. We are taking anti-androgens... so what do we expect? :/

Do you still loose ground on Bicalutamide? I mean hair loss
No hairloss man!Horrible side effects bro... cruel. FML


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Atleast you are not loosing your hair anymore.. I feel like im still thinning despite taking this shitty drugs
That is horrendous man.. does oral minoxidil work for you??


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That is horrendous man.. does oral minoxidil work for you??
Nothing works on me, CPA, E2, Dutasteride, Finasteride, Oral minoxidil, Topical minoxidil, RU. Now im trying Bicalutamide but Im pretty sure it wont work.

Now when Im taking AA im thinning everywhere... armpits, pubic hairs, facial hairs thinned by about 60%, head hairs
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I'm almost 3 weeks on 150mg bicalitamide. the nipples are swelling despite having been operated on for gynecomastia a year ago. almost absent sperm. but excellent sexual function. I don't give a damn about these side effects just to get results on the hair. the only one that terrifies me and I have already experienced is the decrease in the size of the penis, but without estradiol it will not happen.


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I'm almost 3 weeks on 150mg bicalitamide. the nipples are swelling despite having been operated on for gynecomastia a year ago. almost absent sperm. but excellent sexual function. I don't give a damn about these side effects just to get results on the hair. the only one that terrifies me and I have already experienced is the decrease in the size of the penis, but without estradiol it will not happen.
inform us if despite the gyno surgery tits getting bigger!! I don't get it why this is happening :( seems like some degree of gyno is inevitable even if you have glands removed!


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it happens because the entire gland has not been removed ... albeit to a lesser extent but it happens, you can be sure. it depends on the drug as regards .. after the operation I tried both spironolactone 200mg and cyproterone 25mg both in mono therapy and neither of them caused me gynecomastia. bicalutamide on mono therapy causes me gynecomastia


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Can not agree with you... I shed muscles and gain fat a lot with 3 months 12.5mg CPA + 1mg E2, then over 1 month 100mg Bicalutamide mono...

So that’s what over 4 months AA/E2 can do to your body composition...

Last half year was VERY stressful for me too. Im not going to the gym anymore so I think it had a lot of impact too...
This replicates my experience. I had relief and low body fat before HRT, but after about 5 months I started to gain fat mass.
On bicalutamide without estradiol, I was embossed. Since Bicalutamide does not lower T, it did not change my body composition.

Decreased testosterone reduces your BMR, slows down your metabolism, and causes you to store fat - this is the reason why obesity is more common in older men, and also the reason why eunuchs had a higher percentage of body fat. It is also the reason why women have a higher percentage of body fat than men, this is natural.
This effect will not occur if you use Bicalutamide without E or a small amount of E that will not reduce your T to female levels, thus maintaining the anabolic and fat burning effect of testosterone. Anabolic steroids work on the same principle, helping to reduce fat mass.



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Im not going to the gym anymore so I think it had a lot of impact too...
In fact, iron training has little effect on fat loss because it doesn't burn as many calories as people think. An hour-long workout at the gym burns about 200 calories depending on your weight, which is very little. Much more depends on the calorie content of your diet.
Previously, I worked out with iron 4 times a week. Along with this, I kept a small calorie deficit, and very quickly reduced the percentage of fat. But in retrospect, I understand that the key to losing weight was a calorie deficit through food, not exercise.


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it happens because the entire gland has not been removed ... albeit to a lesser extent but it happens, you can be sure. it depends on the drug as regards .. after the operation I tried both spironolactone 200mg and cyproterone 25mg both in mono therapy and neither of them caused me gynecomastia. bicalutamide on mono therapy causes me gynecomastia
when you were on 25 mg cpa how long did you use it??did you have any results regarding hair regrowth/thickenning??