But even if you watch old movies, there were no bald ones at 20.
The same can be said for today.. c'mon man, the better looking people are more likely to be selected to star in movies. That's why it seems there's more cases. Baldies are selected to play the role of villain or loser characters. Characters in 20's won't be chosen for a movie if they have pre mature balding in any cinematic era.
I do not argue that testosterone harms or does not harm hair. I see that my hrt (ESTRO, DUTA, PROGEST) works too. But how then to comment on this?
especially the first link
It makes total sense to me that there is a correlation between higher T and lower DHT.. look, T turns into DHT, when T turns into DHT then of course T is lowered. If there's lower 5ar then there's also higher T. finasteride and dutasteride increase T through that way and they are clinical approved for hairloss.. That does not mean that T is good for hair. Raising T through the lowering of DHT is good for hair because DHT is stronger than T and despite the increase of T, you are in a better position than where you were before.
high DHT, low T= bad for hair, low DHT, high T= better, low T, low DHT, high E= good
Regarding the second link. Its saying that estradiol has some effect on prostate proliferation and could make prostate cancer worse? Macho grande was trying to argue estrogen as the main culprit. Bryan posted one study which was a counterpoint:
"Estrogen reduction by aromatase inhibition for benign prostatic hyperplasia: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial using two doses of the aromatase-inhibitor atamestane."
Radlmaier A, Eickenberg HU, Fletcher MS, Fourcade RO, Reis Santos JM, van Aubel OG, Bono AV.
Department of Clinical Development Oncology, Schering AG, Berlin, Germany.
BACKGROUND: The concept of estrogen withdrawal by an aromatase inhibitor in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) was assessed in a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter trial. METHODS: Two hundred and ninety-two patients with clinical symptoms of BPH were randomly allocated to one of the following treatments for 48 weeks: placebo or the selective aromatase inhibitor, atamestane, at a daily dose of 100 mg or 300 mg. Both doses of atamestane significantly reduced serum concentrations of estradiol and estrone, and produced a slight, dose-dependent, counter-regulatory increase in peripheral androgen concentration. RESULTS: Clinical symptoms improved during treatment in all three groups. Even after 48 weeks, the effect of active treatment did not exceed the effect seen with placebo. Overall tolerance of 100 mg atamestane was excellent, but 300 mg showed a slightly increased incidence of side effects compared with placebo. CONCLUSIONS:
The conclusion from this study is that the reduction in estrogen concentration using the selective aromatase inhibitor atamestane has no effect on clinically established BPH.
Still the thread seemed to show that estradiol can maintain some prostate size, which I'm honestly glad, cause I don't want to have any T or DHT and it'd probably be disastrous if the prostate shrunk to nothing.. And obviously DHT is way worse for prostate, cause finasteride and dutasteride are drugs used to treat BPH, despite the fact that they raise estradiol to some degree.
Can progesterone be used instead of cyproterone, for example, utrogestan 100 mg 1 tablet 2 times a week? will he work like tsiproteron?
Progesterone doesn't have all the same effects of cypro. Progesterone doesn't block the androgen receptor. High amounts should have some antigonadotrophin abilities through PR activation such as cypro does. But cypro can do this with much lower amounts cause its really alot stronger. Progesterone is good, to lower 5ar since it utilizes to make neurosteriods. Something which cypro doesn't do.
And of course progesterone is safer.
You couldn't replace totally cypro with progesterone alone and you'd need more than 2 tablets a week.. I think taking some spironolactone to block receptor, high amounts of P and a little E would give a sorta similar replacement. (blocked receptor + Anti-gnhr + PR activation).
Can progesterone completely replace estradiol? Will there be osteoporosis?
No, it can't. We need estradiol to maintain bones. even men with high amounts of T but take aromatase inhibitors like letro get bone and joint problems.. unless you can guareentee enough P turns into E, it can't replace. Also, estradiol is a strong anti-gonadotrophin.