I have all the components for making RU, as well as a bottle of testosterone. I plan to inject and apply RU for the first time today.
Honestly, I'm scared as hell. I do not know what will happen. Will my face get worse? Will I go bald? If this works, will I be able to get my T production back? Will I have to suffer from weakness for several months or a year until T returns? In general, no matter what happens, it will be interesting. The worst thing that can happen is that I will start to go bald, and when I return to estradiol, the baldness will not stop.
I could get my T production back instead of using injections. However, despite people being discouraged me from doing so, I decided to use TRT for up to 6 months to save time that I would have spent on restoring my own T production. TRT will allow me to quickly know whether RU is helping me.
Another problem that might arise is that I won't go bald on TRT, but I will go bald on my own testosterone, because TRT differs from testicular testosterone in its free testosterone levels. Additionally, due to taking bicalutamide, it is possible that my exogenous testosterone will be 50% higher than what I get by injection.
As I once did with estradiol, I again weighed all the pros and cons, all the risks, and came to the conclusion that injections are the most optimal and fastest way to check whether RU is working.
Next update in a month.