Despite the estradiol injections, due to the fact that I do not take Bicalutamide, my skin is VERY OILY. I have to wash my face every 30 minutes or else my face gets covered in a layer of oil. Tomorrow I will finally get my Bicalutamide and will start taking 150mg a day straight away so it starts working as quickly as possible.
Oily skin is torture. It is a pity that dermatologists do not prescribe Bicalutamide to people with oily skin and hirsutism. If the refusal to prescribe it to men can be justified by gynecomastia and cessation of sperm production, then there is no excuse for not being aware of its existence in female dermatology.
Bicalutamide is capable of bankrupting the entire cosmetic and anti-acne industry for women. Millions of creams against blackheads on the nose, acne, enlarged pores, and excessive oily skin are useless, while Bicalutamide can relieve women of all these problems without side effects. It's a pity that no one knows about him.