Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Do you space out when you take your medications?
spacing out Estradiol is important, becaise of how the detection from the HPG axis works..

I really don't know if spacing the other meds matters, but I do it anyway because I like the idea of my hair consistently getting hit by something beneficial throughout the day.

cypro however has a long half life so its fine to take once a day, it also will build up in your fat..

with spironolactone when I took 200mg, i took 100mg morbing and night


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I feel like you’re mad lol. Lewis is kind of the real deal and I actually asked him about the results of the test and he said his seti is 99% pure and when I told him I was going to have it tested, he claimed it was 97% pure...
so he changed his mind after you questioned him?? that doesn't sound like a good sign


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you mean this may adjust T/DHT to the normal level after you stop ?
yes, not every effect of hormones are reversible after prolonged use.. but its a risk, there are individual tolerances. it may be lower than normal after stopping.. or it may recovery to the same level but take many months to do so.


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hi all.
my hair loss stop but no regrowth.
what is next..?

currnet regime:
25 cypo + 6 estriadol

by the way...
is it wise to reduce cypo to 12.5 ??

Tank you
how are you taking the estradiol?? how many months with this regimen?

consider adding finasteride, dutasteride, or minoxidil


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Ok, thanks bridgeburn.
Just to be sure for my own piece of mind, I'm taking the 50mg Cypro and the 2mg Oestradiol pill once in the morning and applying the 1.5mg Oestradiol gel once in the evening. Is this ok or do I need to split the pills and gel so that they're 12 hours apart instead of 24 hours apart?
thats sounds good. the only thing I would change is taking the pills sublingually or buccally instead of orally..


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[QUOTE = "bridgeburn, post: 1783048, miembro: 130663"] finasteride no funciona mejor después de 5 mg [/ QUOTE]

ey bridge ... deje de tomar flutamide solo Me quedé con dutasteride 0.5 y finasteride 1 mg más minoxidil topico ... cree que perdí mucho cabello por dejar flutamide ... Espero no tener una tendencia muy agresiva ... a pregunta si sabe algo sobre el síndrome de dominancia del estrógeno ... eso puede ser lo que me causó una gran recuperación en 6 meses, consumí estrógeno, generalmente 4 mg, pero uno o dos keses consumieron 8 mg ... ¿qué piensa?
shedding can be a good thing or a bad thing but only time will tell. starting or stopping anything suddenly, whether its flut or estradiol is likely going to cause a shed. don't change things so often


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You have more hair than i'd know what do with lol Hopefully you can retain it for the rest of your days, good luck bridgeburn. Btw do you think i should hop on spirinolactone right away, i already take 0.5mg dutasteride and 10mg of oral minoxidil, plus topical minoxidil, i would like to drop the topical, i don't want to wait and be at the point of no return, i read gyno is not so big a problem with spironolactone. I would be taking 100mg morning and 100mg at night.
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It will make gyno worse because breasts have high aromatase
I understand, I began to smear and it became worse. and it is written that the gel against gynecomastia.


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How long have you been on these meds? What feminizing effect have you noticed so far? Still producing sperm?
Been on Cypro & estradiol pills for 2 months, the gel for about 3 weeks so far. This is in addition to proscar and minoxidil for the last few years.
I have the expected feminizing effects - minor gyno (so far), 80% loss of chest hair, facial hair is about 20% thinner, libido is reduced significantly, face is smoother and I no longer get the occasional spot here and there on my face. I'm also more emotional, empathetic and affectionate to my wife! There's no sperm production at all which is the only thing my wife has noticed! I can still orgasm though just as easy as before starting these meds. I think I also have some fat redistribution but I'm not too sure.

I can live with the negative side effects providing my hair loss stops and I get some regrowth. I'm adding dutasteride to this regimen which should arrive next week.

Mr. Grey

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Been on Cypro & estradiol pills for 2 months, the gel for about 3 weeks so far. This is in addition to proscar and minoxidil for the last few years.
I have the expected feminizing effects - minor gyno (so far), 80% loss of chest hair, facial hair is about 20% thinner, libido is reduced significantly, face is smoother and I no longer get the occasional spot here and there on my face. I'm also more emotional, empathetic and affectionate to my wife! There's no sperm production at all which is the only thing my wife has noticed! I can still orgasm though just as easy as before starting these meds. I think I also have some fat redistribution but I'm not too sure.

I can live with the negative side effects providing my hair loss stops and I get some regrowth. I'm adding dutasteride to this regimen which should arrive next week.

do you have some regrowing with this regimen? did you have some result?


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do you have some regrowing with this regimen? did you have some result?
It looks like I have some fine vellus hairs coming through in some areas, they’re barely noticeable though. My hair loss is noticeably continuing.


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Btw do you think i should hop on spirinolactone right away, i already take 0.5mg dutasteride and 10mg of oral minoxidil, plus topical minoxidil, i would like to drop the topical, i don't want to wait and be at the point of no return, i read gyno is not so big a problem with spironolactone. I would be taking 100mg morning and 100mg at night.
do it, f*** hairloss