When I saw a 'hair specialist' she told me the only treatments which work are finasteride and minoxidil. It made me so frustrated, because she wasn't listening to me about how difficult it is having to live with testosterone in my body. I was so overwhelmed with emotions, that I just couldn't help myself from crying! But, you can't discuss options with doctors since they 'know it all'... I waited five months for that appointment, and they weren't even allowed to prescribe finasteride. And, she got my norwood diagnosis completely incorrect and put me as an NWV. My ethnicity doesn't bald in that pattern, we bald in a diffuse pattern...
However, my dermatologist is willing to listen to me. I am seeing an endocrinologist in July and I'm going to tell him/her that I am non-binary, and that knowing I have testosterone in my body is making me miserable. I have read quite a few stories on reddit about them expressing that they are non-binary/androgynous and they can prescribe bicalutamide/flutamide/cyproterone acetate. (I'm not actually non-binary, I don't know what that is in all honesty!)
We should never rely on the 'help' of doctors, since they are insanely irritating and don't do much. At this point, it explains why government funded medical care is dying out...