Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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are you advising such doses in your mind? right now somebody will listen to you and start taking such doses! don’t know don’t advise! I talk with MTF, their modes are safe from the point of view of health and hair. I and MTF myself
he is not advising bro :) he just says that spironolactone is very weak in terms of being an antiandrogen and if you chose to use it as an androgen blocker you would need very high doses of it and it does not worth because of its side effects


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I really hate how I have to deal with this sh*t. getting gyno, having to take pills everyday, doing endless hours on research on super difficult prostate cancer papers, all because of balding.

I can't believe this world. it is not fair to go bald. I hate seeing everyone around me with full heads of hair and my diffused scalp in comparison, especially at my age. screw this world. there is no way I'm having kids. I don't have good genetics.

I mean, if you can dislike my posts over 2000 times in a short period of time, I’m pretty sure you can take the time to take these pills once a day


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I really hate how I have to deal with this sh*t. getting gyno, having to take pills everyday, doing endless hours on research on super difficult prostate cancer papers, all because of balding.

I can't believe this world. it is not fair to go bald. I hate seeing everyone around me with full heads of hair and my diffused scalp in comparison, especially at my age. screw this world. there is no way I'm having kids. I don't have good genetics.
have you tried Rogaine + Microneedling??? i have recently started it (it has been more than one month) and its working for me :) it is safe with no sides effects


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he is not advising bro :) he just says that spironolactone is very weak in terms of being an antiandrogen and if you chose to use it as an androgen blocker you would need very high doses of it and it does not worth because of its side effects
he is an excellent anti-androgen, he writes sh*t! I use 50 mg spironolactone and 2 ml estro, I mtf! Subsequent doses of spironolactone will increase over the next 2 years to 50-200 mg and estro 2-12 mg


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I really hate how I have to deal with this sh*t. getting gyno, having to take pills everyday, doing endless hours on research on super difficult prostate cancer papers, all because of balding.

I can't believe this world. it is not fair to go bald. I hate seeing everyone around me with full heads of hair and my diffused scalp in comparison, especially at my age. screw this world. there is no way I'm having kids. I don't have good genetics.

You don’t need to do research on these medications anymore, you’re just digging yourself deeper into an obsessive state rather than just relaxing and letting the medications do their job. Just be grateful that you caught your alleged hair loss early rather than late.


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he is an excellent anti-androgen, he writes sh*t! I use 50 mg spironolactone and 2 ml estro, I mtf! Subsequent doses of spironolactone will increase over the next 2 years to 50-200 mg and estro 2-12 mg
not every one respond to a specific drug in the same way


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most people here block DHT, it doesn't stop their hairloss.

then they either go on the spironolactone/estrogen route, the cpa route, or the bica/raloxifene route. then they complain why they are still balding..

first of all spironolactone is an INSANELY weak anti androgen. 1mg of Spironolactone only blocks 0.6375ng/dl of total testosterone and it has partial agonist activity.

cyproterone doesn't reduce T that much but a lot more than spironolactone. Cyproterone by itself lowers T by around 40-70% and weakly inhibits the AR with partial agonist activity (albeit a lot stronger than spironolactone).

and then with bicalutamide. yeah this is the strongest route but I swear 90% of the people I see on bicalutamide on reddit are on letrozole/taamoxifen/raloxifene/arimidex all at the same time and at high doses bc they can't handle gyno. Most of the medical literature supports the theory that Bicalutamide blocks 8x more Total testosterone than spironolactone if not more. And with silent antagonist activity.

castration is tons stronger than all of these. the best plan is to use high dose cpa with low dose bicalutamide or Low dose bicalutamide with high dose cpa.

I tried bicalutamide for 4 months by itself and I regained my hairline but my top was still balding (although a lot slower than when I took dutas, spironolactone, estrogen, cpa by themselves or together).. I did some research and relative to breast tissue the dose I'm on should only be blocking around 600-700ng/dl of testosterone. My testosterone on blood tests went up from 913ng/dl to 1488ng/dl.

now I've added 12.5mg cpa to my regimen because at that dosage T (and E) Is reduced around 50%.

as for the partial agonist activity stuff. basically when u use bica/flut EVEN at low doses with a SAA, the AR is antagonized completely and partial agonist activity is irrelevant. this is because bicalutamide binds to the LBD of the AR and prevents coactivator activity in the presence of a transcriptionally inactive Androgen receptor. hence the AR becomes known as bicalhtamide-liganded AR
most people here block DHT, it doesn't stop their hairloss.

then they either go on the spironolactone/estrogen route, the cpa route, or the bica/raloxifene route. then they complain why they are still balding..

first of all spironolactone is an INSANELY weak anti androgen. 1mg of Spironolactone only blocks 0.6375ng/dl of total testosterone and it has partial agonist activity.

cyproterone doesn't reduce T that much but a lot more than spironolactone. Cyproterone by itself lowers T by around 40-70% and weakly inhibits the AR with partial agonist activity (albeit a lot stronger than spironolactone).

and then with bicalutamide. yeah this is the strongest route but I swear 90% of the people I see on bicalutamide on reddit are on letrozole/taamoxifen/raloxifene/arimidex all at the same time and at high doses bc they can't handle gyno. Most of the medical literature supports the theory that Bicalutamide blocks 8x more Total testosterone than spironolactone if not more. And with silent antagonist activity.

castration is tons stronger than all of these. the best plan is to use high dose cpa with low dose bicalutamide or Low dose bicalutamide with high dose cpa.

I tried bicalutamide for 4 months by itself and I regained my hairline but my top was still balding (although a lot slower than when I took dutas, spironolactone, estrogen, cpa by themselves or together).. I did some research and relative to breast tissue the dose I'm on should only be blocking around 600-700ng/dl of testosterone. My testosterone on blood tests went up from 913ng/dl to 1488ng/dl.

now I've added 12.5mg cpa to my regimen because at that dosage T (and E) Is reduced around 50%.

as for the partial agonist activity stuff. basically when u use bica/flut EVEN at low doses with a SAA, the AR is antagonized completely and partial agonist activity is irrelevant. this is because bicalutamide binds to the LBD of the AR and prevents coactivator activity in the presence of a transcriptionally inactive Androgen receptor. hence the AR becomes known as bicalhtamide-liganded AR

I've always thought the science behind bica seems sound. But I'm hard pressed to find very many success stories and it seems woefully underused if it's superior to every other method. Why do you think that is?


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most people don't even get to the point of using it, thats what I think at least.
Well it's existed since the 90's. So i'd assume by now there'd be something at least. Meanwhile there's no shortage of hair loss papers on spironolactone, cpa, flut, etc. On the other hand, it seems to be gaining favorability in the mtf trans world only in the last couple years, so maybe it truly has just been overlooked as an AA. Not sure. Still, I'm curious how similar it actually is to flut, despite the similarities on paper.


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bica and flut are very similar. main difference is that 750mg of flutamide blocks the same amount of testosterone as 50mg of bicalutamide (258ng/dl).

and before someone says, what? only 258 ng of Testosterone?

yeah, try blocking 20-30% of ur T levels, its way more effective than blocking DHT with finastershit.

theres a reason why they focus on blocking T in prostate cancer and don't just used dht blockers
how long have you been on bica? have you noticed any changes in your hair growth?


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yeah, try blocking 20-30% of ur T levels, its way more effective than blocking DHT with finastershit.
Except DHT is far more potent than T. And there's a proclivity for people with androgenetic alopecia to have a lower natural T blood levels than someone without. Meaning it's obviously not the ratio, but the sensitivity to androgens in general. Thus why finasteride and dutasteride are successful in many people since they purely inhibit type 2 5ar, regardless of available circulating T. I do agree that lower T means less potential androgenic activity as well as available DHT. But bica's main mode of action might be mutating AR like enza, if that is indeed what it does.


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Hello Brige!
Thanks for answer, but I think it will be depend on dosage, maybe 2 mg of estrogen will not dangerous.
Probably not, but E is stronger when combined with an AA


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I used Flutamide for 6-8 years and it works like magic.
your estradiol production is important here, if your testicles produce estradiol then it will work for you. if you have FSH it will work androgen aromatization


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I'm 21 yo and I was on 50 mg CPA for about 2,5 months and I'm still losing hair.
My chest hair are almost gone, my skin is the best in my entire life, dick works good, i've become more emotional and I'm still losing ground.

I've been on check-up and my T is 14 (8-30 is normal) and liver is all good.

It's hard to say for me but probably nothing will save me. I'm gradually losing all hope and motivation.

I'm going to increase CPA dosage to 75 -> then check-up -> then add estradiol, but I don't believe that ANYTHING will save my hair anymore.
Honey no! That is not nearly enough time. Just be consistent and wait.


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your estradiol production is important here, if your testicles produce estradiol then it will work for you. if you have FSH it will work androgen aromatization
Not really. Flutamide is a STRONG anti androgen at the right dose for your body. It is oral RU or bicalutamide. My e was a 30pg/ml the entire period I took Flutamide. My T was well off the charts as was my DHT.


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I've always thought the science behind bica seems sound. But I'm hard pressed to find very many success stories and it seems woefully underused if it's superior to every other method. Why do you think that is?
It is not regularly used in the dermatological environment. In fact, both Flutamide and bicalutamide are very limited even in the gynaecological environment at this moment in time. Perhaps a clever pharma company (heyyyy Purdue) may swoop in to exploit


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Not really. Flutamide is a STRONG anti androgen at the right dose for your body. It is oral RU or bicalutamide. My e was a 30pg/ml the entire period I took Flutamide. My T was well off the charts as was my DHT.
flutamide is not used hrt mtf, it is not prescribed mtf endocrinologists