
Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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... yes you figured him all out. Damn son. You must be a top FBI recruit.

Writing my message, I already expected some soo sarcastic "smartass" to come up with exactly this type of remark. So uh... Prognostic research central would be more like it.

I mean anyone who has not lost it yet should come to the very same conclusion in a matter of seconds. It does not make you an FBI recruit. It simply makes you sane.

you gave him the best compliment man ! indeed look a decade younger

...and I also expected this. Yeah, you grow a dozen of pubes in your temples and suddenly, your eyes, your skin and the overall glow of youth return from thirty to eighteen. Your beard loses density. Your hair regains a youthful color.

He couldn't fool you like this if you didn't want to be fooled.

(For anyone who swallows the red pill: You see none of these people are clinically insane or idiots in the strictest sense of the word. But they're insecure and very, very gullible / vulnerable to exploitation of some sort. It was not the OP who made them this way; he's just fooling them for kicks. But the principle is universal.)


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Am I really the only one to realize the OP is trolling everyone?

He simply presents the AFTER pics as the BEFORE pics and vice versa. And by after, I mean after he went bald, whereas the pics with his supposedly miraculous hormone therapy results date back to when he began balding or was not even balding yet.

I'm really not sure what he's getting out of this, but you gotta be blind not to notice he's like a decade younger, almost a child, in those hairy pics.

EDIT: Thinking about it for a second, I probably know what he is getting out of it. A laugh. Lots of it. Well earned dude. You fooled them all.
Bwahahhahahahaaha, this is hilarious. I'm not even offended. I doubt anyone else believes you lol. yes, I look younger but its because of my treatments.

here's the date time stamp on my phone when I took this picture for example.
Screenshot_20180630-052207.jpg and if you think I took it 10 years ago and then downloaded on my phone. no, it also has the name of the device used to take listed in code.

google Asus_z01bda and you will see I have a Zenfone 3 laser (a japanese phone because I live in Japan)
which according to internet wasn't released until 2016. sure I guess It doesn't prove solidly I didn't take it 2 years ago, but at least it shows it wasn't many years back. I sware I use current pics and if you don't believe thats totally fine lol.


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Bwahahhahahahaaha, this is hilarious. I'm not even offended. I doubt anyone else believes you lol. yes, I look younger but its because of my treatments.

here's the date time stamp on my phone when I took this picture for example.
View attachment 91995 and if you think I took it 10 years ago and then downloaded on my phone. no, it also has the name of the device used to take listed in code.
View attachment 91996

google Asus_z01bda and you will see I have a Zenfone 3 laser (a japanese phone because I live in Japan)
View attachment 91997
which according to internet wasn't released until 2016. sure I guess It doesn't prove solidly I didn't take it 2 years ago, but at least it shows it wasn't many years back. I sware I use current pics and if you don't believe thats totally fine lol.

Let me tell you what I believe.

I believe that you won't take a hairy one holding a handwritten piece of paper with the current date and this thread title. That's the only thing I believe. It's quite easy to prove me wrong, but something tells me we will have to make do with "if you don't believe me it's totally fine lol".

nWo Wolfpac

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Ha Ha! way to go Bridgeburn! This shows how impressive your results are that people are having a hard time beliving you.

You have definitely proven that estrogen helps to keep people looking young. I know most people think men age better than women but I dont, I think whats going on is that people dont realize that they just have much higher standards for women. as soon as a woman starts getting some wrinkles people think oh shes over the hill now but when a guy gets wrinkles its like hes entered into bad *** clint eastwood phase. Clint Eastwood is a perfect example, he was always considered very handsome and sexy even though he has looked old as sh*t since the 70's. Think of his dirty harry films. Men can have many wrinkles with grey receding hair and still be considered sexy like james bond whereas women just get a couple of wrinkles and no fucks with them any more. When I think of all my aunts and uncles the aunts all look years younger. Next time you guys go out pay attention to all the couples you see whether theyre in their 30s or 60s the women 99% of the time look years younger even though statistically most of those couple are very close in age.
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Ha Ha! way to go Bridgeburn! This shows how impressive your results are that people are having a hard time beliving you.

You have definitely proven that estrogen helps to keep people looking young. I know most people think men age better than women but I dont, I think whats going on is that people dont realize that they just have much higher standards for women. as soon as a woman starts getting some wrinkles people think oh shes over the hill now but when a guy gets wrinkles its like hes entered into bad *** clint eastwood phase. Clint Eastwood is a perfect example, he was always considered very handsome and sexy even though he has looked old as sh*t since the 70's. Think of his dirty harry films. Men can have many wrinkles with grey receding hair and still be considered sexy like james bond whereas women just get a couple of wrinkles and no fucks with them any more. When I think of all my aunts and uncles the aunts all look years younger. Next time you guys go out pay attention to all the couples you see whether theyre in their 30s or 60s the women 99% of the time look years younger even though statistically most of those couple are very close in age.
yes exactly! I agree with all of this in general.

I would say maybe men age better in late age while women definitely age better up to menopause but menopause speeds the process messing them up, men have a steady gradual decline in their hormone production. But totally the attraction of women is that they look more youthful!
Youth is a huge part of the female gender and so signs of age don't look right on women. Men are acceptable more easily with wrinkles and aging because thats just a normal part of being a man. Maybe women are a bit less superficial too. Many masculine features actually make people look older!
Hairloss, oily rough skin, facial hair.

plus men don't statically live as long.

And if you really think about it, there is not much difference between becoming more feminine and becoming more youthful. Its practically a synonym.

Little kids for example are more feminine than masculine. They have nice smooth skin, full heads of hair, no facial hair, emotional, etc.

see the correalation, what does estrogen do? it makes us closer to being like a little kid! it lessened my body hair, made me more emotional, gave more head hair, practically no body odor hm come to think about it nobody told me I stunk Before puberty! cleared up acne and gave better skin, stopped my sperm production and we didn't make sperm yet when we were little kids did we?

there's definitely something to this.
we all start off as female by default in the womb even. and then change based on the level of androgen exposure.


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yes exactly! I agree with all of this in general.

I would say maybe men age better in late age while women definitely age better up to menopause but menopause speeds the process messing them up, men have a steady gradual decline in their hormone production. But totally the attraction of women is that they look more youthful!
Youth is a huge part of the female gender and so signs of age don't look right on women. Men are acceptable more easily with wrinkles and aging because thats just a normal part of being a man. Maybe women are a bit less superficial too. Many masculine features actually make people look older!
Hairloss, oily rough skin, facial hair.

plus men don't statically live as long.

And if you really think about it, there is not much difference between becoming more feminine and becoming more youthful. Its practically a synonym.

Little kids for example are more feminine than masculine. They have nice smooth skin, full heads of hair, no facial hair, emotional, etc.

see the correalation, what does estrogen do? it makes us closer to being like a little kid! it lessened my body hair, made me more emotional, gave more head hair, practically no body odor hm come to think about it nobody told me I stunk Before puberty! cleared up acne and gave better skin, stopped my sperm production and we didn't make sperm yet when we were little kids did we?

there's definitely something to this.
we all start off as female by default in the womb even. and then change based on the level of androgen exposure.

Dude (no offense intended), by stopping your sperm production, you actually do mean to have dried up completely? What about boners and desire?


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Dude (no offense intended), by stopping your sperm production, you actually do mean to have dried up completely? What about boners and desire?
yeah, Im pretty dry. maybe from time to time I can get a tiny amount of clear liquid to ooze out, But usually totally dry.
I get boners no problem when aroused or if I make myself. I don't get morning wood though.
desire is perfect. It's like a switch either I have to turn on or someone else does. My libido is no longer Involuntary. I could go a month without orgasm and feel totally fine. Or I could do it everyday if I wanted.


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but little kid have oestradiol level below 20 pg/ml bro !
and they have awesome hair .
newborns have high estrogen. E is something which changes gene expression, like a switch. Androgens develop facial hair but old men with low T still have beards cause the genes are still on. Physical castration stops further balding but doesn't reverse hairloss or regrow long lost hair. But chemical castration or hormone therapy can in many cases.

nWo Wolfpac

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Youth is a huge part of the female gender and so signs of age don't look right on women. Men are acceptable more easily with wrinkles and aging because thats just a normal part of being a man. Maybe women are a bit less superficial too. Many masculine features actually make people look older!

And if you really think about it, there is not much difference between becoming more feminine and becoming more youthful. Its practically a synonym.

Little kids for example are more feminine than masculine. They have nice smooth skin, full heads of hair, no facial hair, emotional, etc.

Wow! those are great points that I have never realized before. This is a topic i've been wondering about for years and I could never quite figure out why but you just explained the reasons for the dichotomy in the perception of aging between men and women perfectly. Well done!


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A really cool hair transplant could have giving you an acceptable head of hair. Surely you did not need the extreme route you took. Maybe in moderation and over time you'd have gotten good results, but this was'' i want it now '' so you over loaded big time. With a 1/5 of the dose and over 3 year you'd probably have same results minus all the effects.

michel sapin

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sure , but kids before puberty have low T , low androgen and LOW oestradiol .
So having low oestradiol is good if you wan't to remain a man ^^

michel sapin

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hey @bridgeburn ; sorry to challenge you like this , you know that i respect you , but can you post a clear pic of your hairline with the hair pull back ?
because i am almost sure that even with such a strong regimen you can't regrow bare temple .


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hey @bridgeburn ; sorry to challenge you like this , you know that i respect you , but can you post a clear pic of your hairline with the hair pull back ?
because i am almost sure that even with such a strong regimen you can't regrow bare temple .

Sounds like you wanna nut one rather than “for educational purposes only”. Guy is pretty much a woman by now, I hope you realize that. Go see page 1 and the latest attachment it’s almost scary.


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your optimism is stange

its like your perfectly happy to be chemically castrated. I wonder if its from the estrogen. There is this wierd eneregy that I sense from your posts as if nothing can touch you

not sure if you get what I mean