Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I think if you were in my situation you would do even more. you cannot know what you would do in my place. I understand very well what I'm doing. and I understand that this can end badly. I would give everything for small doses to work for me. I pay a lot of money for this, why even having money is so hard to get what I want? thank god that your micro doses work for you, unlike mine. in desperation, a person goes to different actions. just if I have a goal, then I go to the end. nothing will stop me. I tried absolutely all modes and tablets. now found a mode that is slow but working. it is written in my signature.
Have you had any blood tests to see what your lvls are at (T, dht, shbg, lh, fsh)? Raising dosages exponentially doesn't exactly guarantee better results since the meds have greatly diminishing returns after a certain point. So you might be risking sides without much of an added gain.


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Hey guys,

This is the most legendary elite extreme thread I can find on the internet. So I beg for your help and wish to ask here. I am diffusing in a NW6/7 pattern and am currently on Duta 2x per week (2 weeks) and finasteride 2.5mg daily for 3 months. I ise topical minoxidil 5% morning and 15% + fina night time.
What do you think of my test and DHT levels from the attached blood test? I am possibly looking at very low dose cypro to lower test a little but I want DHT nuked out of my system. I dont know what exactly this report states, I think my test is median.
What suggestions do you hair loss experts give me? Thanks dearly for your help. Ive undergone 3175 graft frontal FUE and want regrowth mid scalp and crown to have decent head of hair. I have had big shedding with Minoxidl so should have a little more hair than in pic.


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I forgot to mention I also derma roll daily 0.5 mm and apply Minoxidl straight after and use topical Spironolactone. I use Biotin and saw palmetto + other supplements and will be starting oral 5mg Minoxidl daily when it arrives. Any suggestions what to add and if low dose cypro is worth while adding? I dont want gyno so will have Raloxifene at hand...


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Hey guys,

This is the most legendary elite extreme thread I can find on the internet. So I beg for your help and wish to ask here. I am diffusing in a NW6/7 pattern and am currently on Duta 2x per week (2 weeks) and finasteride 2.5mg daily for 3 months. I ise topical minoxidil 5% morning and 15% + fina night time.
What do you think of my test and DHT levels from the attached blood test? I am possibly looking at very low dose cypro to lower test a little but I want DHT nuked out of my system. I dont know what exactly this report states, I think my test is median.
What suggestions do you hair loss experts give me? Thanks dearly for your help. Ive undergone 3175 graft frontal FUE and want regrowth mid scalp and crown to have decent head of hair. I have had big shedding with Minoxidl so should have a little more hair than in pic.
Both your T and free T are on the higher end of normal, which may be due to finasteride/dutasteride blocking 5ar from converting any to DHT, thus there being more T available. T is a less potent androgen than DHT obviously, so binding affinity isn't as strong, but can still cause hair loss if follicle receptors are particularly sensitive. Low dose CPA indeed would appreciably lower your T, but having no hormones (T or E) isn't exactly a viable long term solution health wise.


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Hey Keepcool,

Thank you for your feedback!
Do you suggest any antiandrogen that can be used to reduce T but not eliminate it that I can use long term? Wondering what micro dose cypro would do.
Im also using topical spironolactone in the scalp in the hopes of reducing local scalp test levels. Maybe I should apply 3 or 4 times instead of 2?
Or maybe something I can cycle Every year?

Id like to go through a hair growth phase and then try and maintain. I dont think DHT is listed in the hormone report which is a bummer as I asked for it to be. Hair loss is having a massive toll on my life and with my frontal hair transplant I need a solution for the rest of my head, before I end up with FUE chest and body hair to mid scalp and crown (and possibly end up bald through diffuse shock loss).


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Hey Keepcool,

Thank you for your feedback!
Do you suggest any antiandrogen that can be used to reduce T but not eliminate it that I can use long term? Wondering what micro dose cypro would do.
Im also using topical spironolactone in the scalp in the hopes of reducing local scalp test levels. Maybe I should apply 3 or 4 times instead of 2?
Or maybe something I can cycle Every year?

Id like to go through a hair growth phase and then try and maintain. I dont think DHT is listed in the hormone report which is a bummer as I asked for it to be. Hair loss is having a massive toll on my life and with my frontal hair transplant I need a solution for the rest of my head, before I end up with FUE chest and body hair to mid scalp and crown (and possibly end up bald through diffuse shock loss).
Well CPA will definitely reduce T. It's unlikely to eliminate it if you don't take E as well. You can try a dose of around 12.5mg then test T again after a couple months to gauge the difference.

Topical spironolactone, from everything i've seen, hasn't been shown to be very effective. If you look back on this forum, it was a popular option at one time, but few use anymore. I think it likely has poor absorption rate through the skin. Because you microneedle, it might do more, but at that point you may as well use oral spironolactone since it's effects would be from going more systemic.

Based on your pic, you still seem to have decent enough density that FUE would have a strong possibility of shock loss in the area, so would be risky.


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Thanks keepcool,
I may crush some cypro tabs and mix with topical spironolactone and see what happens, I do use after derma rolling so it may go systematic. I will buy anti gyno meds just incase. Oh f&$king hairloss and what it makes us do.....

On a positive note, my temples are seriously slowly filling in around the transplanted area(pic1). Hopefully all these small vellous follicle ‘dots’ turn into terminal hair. If only my mid scalp and vertex would show atleast some progress (pic2). Everything works upside down in my life :(

Sorry for hijacking your thread bridgeburn, but you seem to be a mission accomplished anyways, big kudos to you!!!


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Hey Keepcool,

Thank you for your feedback!
Do you suggest any antiandrogen that can be used to reduce T but not eliminate it that I can use long term? Wondering what micro dose cypro would do.
Im also using topical spironolactone in the scalp in the hopes of reducing local scalp test levels. Maybe I should apply 3 or 4 times instead of 2?
Or maybe something I can cycle Every year?

Id like to go through a hair growth phase and then try and maintain. I dont think DHT is listed in the hormone report which is a bummer as I asked for it to be. Hair loss is having a massive toll on my life and with my frontal hair transplant I need a solution for the rest of my head, before I end up with FUE chest and body hair to mid scalp and crown (and possibly end up bald through diffuse shock loss).
If you are willing to accept some side effects, bicalutamide would be a great option. It has minimal sexual side effects. As @keepcoolmybabies said, having no hormones is not good for general health but most of guys can’t tolerate estradiol. Your whole appearance would change dramatically if you choose to take estradiol.


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Thanks for your reply father of shiseido,

Would Bicalutamide be a replacement for cypro?
Does it also cause hair regrowth and gyno?
There so many drugs out there!
I am considering anything at this point! Except a shiny bald head ofcourse!!! :)


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Bicalutamide is much better anti-androgen compared to Cypro and spironolactone. Most likely it will thicken up your existing hair follicles within 18-24 months, so that you can consider hair transplant without a risk of permanent shock loss. Gynocosmetia is a real issue which can be fixed using arimidex 0.25 mg EOD or Raloxifene 60 mg ED. You can’t gain muscles on any anti androgen. But with a routine workout you will be able maintain the existing muscles otherwise you will lose your muscles for sure.


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Bicalutamide is much better anti-androgen compared to Cypro and spironolactone. Most likely it will thicken up your existing hair follicles within 18-24 months, so that you can consider hair transplant without a risk of permanent shock loss. Gynocosmetia is a real issue which can be fixed using arimidex 0.25 mg EOD or Raloxifene 60 mg ED. You can’t gain muscles on any anti androgen. But with a routine workout you will be able maintain the existing muscles otherwise you will lose your muscles for sure.
What is the typical dose for Bicalutamide? And is there a cheap-ish source for buying it? Seems super expensive online. Id be happy just to keep my current muscle mass, even loose some and gain hair.

With arimidex or ralox can I permanently take them? I would need a permanent solution else id have to get gyno surgery if I really want hair...


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What is the typical dose for Bicalutamide? And is there a cheap-ish source for buying it? Seems super expensive online. Id be happy just to keep my current muscle mass, even loose some and gain hair.

With arimidex or ralox can I permanently take them? I would need a permanent solution else id have to get gyno surgery if I really want hair...
50 mg is a typical dose of bicalutamide. You can buy generic Bicalutamide from Sun pharma or Dr. Reddy. They are super cheap. As for the gyno, you have to keep recycling AI or ralox. Once the gyno has gone stop them.
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50 mg is a typical dose of bicalutamide. You can by generic Bicalutamide from Sun Farma or Dr. Reddy. They are super cheap. As for the gyno, you have to keep recycling AI or ralox. Once the gyno has gone stop them.
Thanks for your valuable time and feedback.
I will look into bicalutamide and for what duration I can take it. Thanks


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Try it at least 7-9 months to see if it’s actually working for your hair. @Ein, this guy got massive success on bicalutamide.
Awesome, should i just email sun farma or dr reddy to buy without prescription or is there some medium I must go through? I will update with progress if it works ❤️


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Have you had any blood tests to see what your lvls are at (T, dht, shbg, lh, fsh)? Raising dosages exponentially doesn't exactly guarantee better results since the meds have greatly diminishing returns after a certain point. So you might be risking sides without much of an added gain.

Yes, I did a blood test. female hormone levels. DHT is also at a female level. I also tested for the state of my blood and liver health. The doctor told me that over the past 10 years I have not seen such good tests at my age. I do not smoke or drink. I don’t eat anything from white flour, I don’t eat fast food. I do not drink cocacola. I take biotin, I take calcium magnesium and zinc with vitamin D, I take iron, copper and manganese, collagen and vitamin C, I take the amino acid cysteine that makes up my hair, I have 21 more amino acids. I take b12. take b12 without iron does not make sense. I dilute my blood with pills. all of these vitamins are good for hair and liver. I am very glad that my health is in excellent condition. because I don’t eat processed foods. I think it’s more harmful to go to McDonald once than to eat as many hormones a day as I do. you all absolutely know me, here I’m here for about 9 months. I was most afraid of taking a lot of pills. Do you remember I started with 0.5 mg E2, 1/4 tablet. 0.5 mg finasteride. They told me that this is small and you need to take 100 mg of cyproterone. I didn’t do this and considered you crazy. then I increased all doses very smoothly, very carefully, in the end I tried all the drugs. and reached large doses, 20 mg E2 and 7 mg avodart. 400 mg of cyproterone, 600 mg of spironolactone, I will not say more. others will faint. I can say that antiandrogens do not make any sense. and yet all antiandrogens cause terrible depression. there is no point in lowering testosterone because it has nothing to do with hair loss. The only official version of hair loss is DHT. therefore, if you want to remain a man, you must understand this. I can say that one avodart is enough to grow new hair, but it needs a lot of capsules. even just one estradiol is enough, but it needs a lot, somewhere around 22 mg. I am sure that it is less harmful than any antiandrogen. I understood a lot during this time. firstly, spironolactone greatly reduces the acidity of the stomach; as a result, everything you take is not absorbed. spironolactone is very harmful, like cyproterone. they cause anemia. and reduce the acidity of the stomach. I was fine until I started taking AA. now I have enough estradiol 8 mg and 2 mg avodart. may start taking 10 mg of estradiol and not afraid of it. E2 is very necessary for health and heart, I will not list all the benefits that it brings. from him again constant euphoria. I will never return to AA. Testosterone does not make sense to lower, it lowers itself from estradiol. DHT is more difficult to remove only with estradiol. but still possible. estradiol does not feminize me. he gives me a very large libido, but it is different, more like a woman. I would not take estradiol, But now I do not have testosterone, and dht, I need hormones. when testosterone rises I’ll think about what to do next. I do not need anti androgens, without testosterone you will look like a woman, it is better to lower DHT, since testosterone tct has absolutely nothing to do with it. this is an appeal to everyone. think well, do you have to make yourself a woman for your hair ?!

this is exactly my experience, but I do not think that others can have it differently. you accept everything at once and you cannot even know what exactly helps. most likely it is estradiol. but not AA.

I definitely do not recommend repeating my past schemes. your health is not enough for this. It took me 1700 euros for HRT and 500 euros for vitamins and the right natural food. but as I said, one good beer party or a eaten hot dog instead of a normal dinner is much more harmful for your liver than 10 extra pills. This is a proven fact, I had problems with the liver before HRT. not now.

good luck
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when I stop taking AA hair instantly starts to grow and stops falling out. I'm happy again


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Yes, I did a blood test. female hormone levels. DHT is also at a female level. I also tested for the state of my blood and liver health. The doctor told me that over the past 10 years I have not seen such good tests at my age. I do not smoke or drink. I don’t eat anything from white flour, I don’t eat fast food. I do not drink cocacola. I take biotin, I take calcium magnesium and zinc with vitamin D, I take iron, copper and manganese, collagen and vitamin C, I take the amino acid cysteine that makes up my hair, I have 21 more amino acids. I take b12. take b12 without iron does not make sense. I dilute my blood with pills. all of these vitamins are good for hair and liver. I am very glad that my health is in excellent condition. because I don’t eat processed foods. I think it’s more harmful to go to McDonald once than to eat as many hormones a day as I do. you all absolutely know me, here I’m here for about 9 months. I was most afraid of taking a lot of pills. Do you remember I started with 0.5 mg E2, 1/4 tablet. 0.5 mg finasteride. They told me that this is small and you need to take 100 mg of cyproterone. I didn’t do this and considered you crazy. then I increased all doses very smoothly, very carefully, in the end I tried all the drugs. and reached large doses, 20 mg E2 and 7 mg avodart. 400 mg of cyproterone, 600 mg of spironolactone, I will not say more. others will faint. I can say that antiandrogens do not make any sense. and yet all antiandrogens cause terrible depression. there is no point in lowering testosterone because it has nothing to do with hair loss. The only official version of hair loss is DHT. therefore, if you want to remain a man, you must understand this. I can say that one avodart is enough to grow new hair, but it needs a lot of capsules. even just one estradiol is enough, but it needs a lot, somewhere around 22 mg. I am sure that it is less harmful than any antiandrogen. I understood a lot during this time. firstly, spironolactone greatly reduces the acidity of the stomach; as a result, everything you take is not absorbed. spironolactone is very harmful, like cyproterone. they cause anemia. and reduce the acidity of the stomach. I was fine until I started taking AA. now I have enough estradiol 8 mg and 2 mg avodart. may start taking 10 mg of estradiol and not afraid of it. E2 is very necessary for health and heart, I will not list all the benefits that it brings. from him again constant euphoria. I will never return to AA. Testosterone does not make sense to lower, it lowers itself from estradiol. DHT is more difficult to remove only with estradiol. but still possible. estradiol does not feminize me. he gives me a very large libido, but it is different, more like a woman. I would not take estradiol, But now I do not have testosterone, and dht, I need hormones. when testosterone rises I’ll think about what to do next. I do not need anti androgens, without testosterone you will look like a woman, it is better to lower DHT, since testosterone tct has absolutely nothing to do with it. this is an appeal to everyone. think well, do you have to make yourself a woman for your hair ?!

this is exactly my experience, but I do not think that others can have it differently. you accept everything at once and you cannot even know what exactly helps. most likely it is estradiol. but not AA.

I definitely do not recommend repeating my past schemes. your health is not enough for this. It took me 1700 euros for HRT and 500 euros for vitamins and the right natural food. but as I said, one good beer party or a eaten hot dog instead of a normal dinner is much more harmful for your liver than 10 extra pills. This is a proven fact, I had problems with the liver before HRT. not now.

good luck
You may be totally nuts lol, but I agree with some of what you say. Using AA to block T is not the way to go.
-estrogel does work a little if you use enough (~1-2 mg). Sexual sides are not that bad.
-1-2 mg estrogel lowers my T ~25%
-Oral AA are not for me (spironolactone; 100 mg, helped very little over 4 months and caused skin to appear more aged and crepey). Bica was even worse (for 1 month). I never got gyno with estrogel. It wasn't until I added spironolactone that gyno occurred.
-My best gains with lowest side effects were with with combo of estrogel,1 mg finasteride, and oral min. I was then able to drop oral min and maintain for a few months with topical min.