Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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为什么不先尝试非那雄胺,也许首先口服米诺地尔呢?如果这些药物可能会使您无法正常工作,您仍然可以切换到雌激素。无论如何方式,除了基本上是针对变性女性的激素替代疗法以外,还有很多选择。在使厨房水槽出现问题之I have tried all the medicines you mentioned in the first place. I can't see the effect.


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Well, if you don't want to become infertile then estradiol is simply not an option for you. Taking anti-androgens might induce the same state of infertility but you can always choose to stop taking them and when doing that your fertility will come back too eventually. With estrogens you cannot do that. The odds are heavily stacked against you in this.

So like I said, look into other options. I was specifically talking about oral minoxidil for example. It was originally developed as a hypertensive medication and was sold under the name "Loniten" and you can actually still buy it today. It's much more potent when taken by mouth and it doesn't interfere with your hormones in any way.
RU58841 is another popular alternative treament, albeit a bit experimental.
If you feel like Finasteride failed you, there's Dutasteride which for all intents and purposes is a pimped-up version of Finasteride.
Microneedling comes to mind too. It's purely mechanical too.
Stemoxydine is a bit obscure but it actually does work from what I can understand.

These are just some of the alternatives I could come off the top of my head. Really, there are plenty of options available to you that aren't estradiol.


因此,就像我说的那样,请研究其他选择。例如,我专门在谈论口服米诺地尔。它最初是作为一种高血压药物开发的,并以“ Loniten”的名称出售,实际上您今天仍然可以购买。口服时效果更强,并且不会以任何方式干扰您的激素。







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Reducing sugar intake is always a good option, and metformin can help too.

I plan to go on the latter because I personally cannot maintain my energy levels by eliminating sugar from my diet, I've tried many times before, so it's now time to go the route of insulin sensitization.


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RU caused cardiac problems with me, so be aware it -can- go systemic very easily.


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Weekly? Are you bleeding a lot? Yeah, I bet if you took oral minoxidil you would grow a thicket there.


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My exact regimen changed throughout this thread, however it was always extreme.

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before and afters:

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Figured it's time to start a thread and document my hair journey.
I started losing hair sometime between 16-17. I never saw my temples slowly go away, i had long hair and kind of a bushy white mans fro at the time and one day at 17 I lifted it and was shocked to see that my temples were destroyed. I know that a few months before that I had a full head of hair, but at that time I was going through puberty and was super horny and masturbating all the time...

I didn't know about finasteride or this website and believed that once hair is dead, its dead. My hair still looked full when I styled it correctly. It receeded very slowly over the next several years...
I had kinda a Hippie mentality back then, hated society and didnt trust any commercial or pharmaceutical industry, Lol. I thought that Sodium Lauyral Sulfate was the reason because I googled it since i noticed it was literaly listed in almost every shampoo ingredients and many alternative health articles claimed it was the devil..I bought natural sulfate free shampoos.

eventually, i started searching online more. The first things i ever read unfortunately about finasteride were about sexual side effects, brain fog, etc. and I immediately decided No way! If only there was less scaremongering online things could have been different..
I tried minoxidil a couple of times but i wasn't very consistent with it.

I expected my hair to only recceed and thought i could grow my hair long to hide the reccession. But one day i noticed that the hairline was reeceding AND the hair all over ghe top was getting thinner.

Here's a pic from last year which was used as my college ID pic.
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at the time that pic was taken I had been experimenting with the Swiss Temples theory. Swiss Temples was the first thing I found which showed me that its possible to actually get hair back. I knew about that before i knew how powerful feminizing drugs were And everything I searched was focused more on Prostaglandins, I was heavy into the PGD2/Pge2 way of thinking...

I tried dermarolling, lithium chloride, sunlight exposure, castor oil with dmso, stemoxydine, sulfasalazine, miconazole, ...
I spent maybe hundreds of dollars on these and many supplements. also trying Evening primrose oil since i found studies showing omega fatty acids reduce 5ar, vitamin E since there was a study showing reduced pgd2 with the succinate form,... also used tretinoin, sulforaphane, rosemary, Melatonin, caffeine, zinc, green apple peel extract, biotin, taurine, drinking a spoonful of tabasco sauce everyday(yes, I'm serious), soy isoflavones... not sure if i can even remember everything i tried at some point, I even had a schedule to only ejaculate every 6 days, Lol.

I think theres some truth in the Pgd2 theory but I realized that Pgd2 is not the only negative growth factor. Sometimes it seemed like my hair condition approved a little bit. but Im not sure and the hair never continued to get better and my hair become worse despite my treatments.

Finally i gave up on my hope to discover some kinda uncommon hair secret and went with the more established Antiandrogen route. Eventually I learned that extreme regimens might regrow hair. AntyDHTor was a big inspiration. I wanted REAL results, not looking closely in the mirror and getting excited if I think I might see 2 vellus hairs that weren't there before.
I started off really cautious because I was nervous. scared of the effects on the liver from Cypro and worried about growing boobs on Estrogen. starting on June 2nd I took Cyproterone Acetate 50mg and .75mg topical estradiol 2 times a week. I took this about 2 x a week until July 5th. and I started taking dutasteride everyday on June 29th. I may have noticed some fuzzies on my temples during June. but they didn't grow at all or develope. They were very very tiny.

During June, Im not sure if can count as part of my total treatment time. I still had a strong libido, i think it might have been a little bit lower??, but Im not sure. maybe just nocebo.
Anyway, I felt more comfortable and started taking 50mg cypro Everyday on July 5th. Also started minoxidil 2x a day every other day, and estrogel Every Other day. My temples started filling with more fuzzy hairs. I could clearly see them in certain light but when i tried to take pictures even in the same light, my camera couldn't see them. I tried many times. The fuzzies become slowly easier to see, finally about 3 weeks later I was able to capture my fuzzy vellus on camera.
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They became easier to see in certain light over time.

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They were starting to look good under certain lighting but under most normal lighting I still looked Bald as f***!

on July 25th, I switched to taking Estradiol .75mg from Estrogel Everyday. On July 31st I noticed black dot things on my right temple. Use my 3 freckles for reference.
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and then a few days later.. Boom! there's tiny real hairs!
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getting longer...

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This was pretty exciting since my temples had been nothing but just Bare skin for about 9 years!! I was worried that even with an extreme regimen if it was too late..

At that point my results were not yet cosmetically significant.. could be a coincidence but it did seem that right after I switched to using estrogel everyday, results jumped up.
and when i made more extreme switches later results jumped up again.

On July 30th I had taken this first picture below which is the first area I noticed actually getting cosmetically significant under normal lighting.. I noticed the area at the side was darker on my left side. i took pics in the same bathroom during the month of August and it got darker throughout.

July 30th:
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August 8:
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August 13:
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August 28:
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Starting On August 4th I took 100mg of Cypro Everyday for 3 weeks. and then went back down to 50mg. Also sometime in August I switched to using 1.5mg topical Estradiol.

considering ive only been on a decently full dose since July. these results were fast!

Next my right side which was my worse recceded side became more cosmetically significant too on the side part.

on August 31st, I had ran out of cypro and couldn't take any for a week. i still had all the other stuff. I dont feel like my Testosterone returned any during that week and my hair didn't suffer either.

below are pics of my right side. use my freckle as a reference point.

July 28:
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Sept 9th: Ignore the scratch on my nose.

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Oct 10:
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Now for the top of the head. you saw my horrible student id photo. my hair has thickened up all over the top now.
here's a couple photos taken during the beginning of treatment in June..

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My hair very very bad!! it was devasting.

Now heres a pic of the top taken Sept. 24th:
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My hair became much healthier after those 3 months. I know that it is longer in the Sept pic but believe me it is thicker and it wouldn't even grow much at all before this treatment!!! It would fall out before getting longer or become extremely wirey and thin at the ends.

Temples have tiny dark thin hairs and they can be seen if looking very closely. They are slowly becoming longer. My left temple has responded better.
Heres some pics of it from August until end of September. I was standing in the same location in my home when i took these except for the first one.

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temple hairs have gotten a little longer since this last photo but Im not sure if they are any thicker, i think i have to wait until the next cycle. I still havent been on an my extreme regimen that long. less than 6 months. so im looking forward to the future!
Ok, I know people will criticize and think I'm crazy. As Anty used to say, " I have the sides in my ***".
Ask me anything you want about the other effects of this regimen.
I'm not reccomending this extreme strategy to anyone unless they truly understand what to expect from it and are actually willing to accept it. If any cis males are tempted to try, it might be a good idea to get sperm frozen unless youre positive of not wanting kids and also to save up money for gyno surgery.

ok, Ill keep this updated. hopefully it gets better.

---Update-- Dec. 14th 2017

I'm going to start posting pics from different viewpoints since I now have the confidence to. Most of time I haven't shown my right temple up close and only from a distance because the center of it has not responded as well. But lately it has been responding more and catching up. it looks like this close up under a bright light.

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sometimes I feel like results are slow but thats really not the case at all. I was also looking at multiple pics of my hair from this summer and I realize I had forgotten just how horrible I looked only a short time ago!! :eek:
Focus on those 2 freckles on my temple in the pic above as reference points and it can be seen how much has been grown on slick bald areas! I took this pic at the end of July when I was still very early into treatment and without any cosmetically significant gains yet:

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also my skin looked more shitty back then, lol. I have 3 freckles on my right temple, now the 3rd one which is the highest is covered by hair and the 2nd one is starting to get covered.
The difference between these 2 pics is 4.5 months!!

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mostly I have only been posting super close ups on my left temple because the results could not be shown as well from a distance other than that section at the side. I know that my left temple looks amazing super close up in the right lighting, but from even a little distance it honestly still looked very bald!!
it also looks much thicker if it is wet with minoxidil.
I have wrote about this before so don't be decieved by those previous pictures and overestimate. but finally I am able to faintly see my new hairline appearing on my left side even from a further distance

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I took both of these new pics 2 days ago.
one more thing, it seems I got a ton of hairs between my hairline in front of my ears and my eyebrows o.o this area is probably from the minoxidil.

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I popped a diane-35 for 2 weeks and continued to use 1.5mg estrogel as well... breasts are sore o_O

pic taken 12/26/2017
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pic on the right is 12/29/2017

6 months difference!
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Plzz help me man...I had reflex hyperandrogensity from duta...so since yesterday I took estradiol 1mg nd my scalp is tingling and itching ..shedding like crazy....I don't know wht else to do..estrogen is supposed down regulate androgen receptor ryt...


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None of that sounds like it's because of estrogen.

Estrogen is explicitly anti inflammatory, I'm using estriol and I don't get -any- itching or anything of the sort from it, if anything it calms my scalp down and helps my hair grow.


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None of that sounds like it's because of estrogen.

Estrogen is explicitly anti inflammatory, I'm using estriol and I don't get -any- itching or anything of the sort from it, if anything it calms my scalp down and helps my hair grow.
Hopefully it's been only a day I'll see a week nd decide ...I'm not taking anything else than estradiol


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I've been on strong AA for 2.5 years ... and I lost 70% of my hair on the top, and I will remain on Lupron + Estradiol for at least 3 years.
I should give up, because I know it's useless but I cannot accept it. You cannot say I don't give my treatments enough time, even doctors told me to stop so many times.
R u around bro?


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Hello, all.
I just signed up to the forum, but I've been following this thread for a few months now.

I am about a year older than Bridgeburn, but my miniaturization started in early 2020, I believe. So, I think I am at the beginning of losing my hair, rather than the advanced stage at which he started. I think very few of my hair follicles, if any, are close to permanently gone and my hairline is still more or less intact at this stage, but I can see it is starting to weaken. I feel like there is a lot of hope for me if I just figure out the right treatment quickly enough.

I'll start by saying that I do not mind things like facial feminization or even gyno. One of the primary reasons I started growing my hair out was because I wanted to be androgynous. It is not enough for me to maintain coverage, I want my hair to grow, at least have the miniaturized hairs eventually grow to shoulder length like so much of my hair had before this all started, or at the very least have those hairs look like they belong on the same head of hair with the unaffected strands. I recently ordered 1 mg Finasteride from Keeps, I'll be taking that to, hopefully, pause miniaturization and maintain current density while I figure everything out.

From what I can gather, Bridgeburn used an AA, CPA. But from more recent posts, it would seem that an antiandrogen might not be necessary(?) Other than that, he used topical oestrogel, as well as estrofem sublingually. I recall that he also used Dutasteride and oral minoxidil. From what I gather from the more recent pages on this thread, his complete regimen might not be necessary(?)

My hair was already quite long when this started, so I am not starting from nothing and I still have pretty full coverage including vellus hairs. What do you guys think would be the best approach for me at this stage?


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Hello, all.
I just signed up to the forum, but I've been following this thread for a few months now.

I am about a year older than Bridgeburn, but my miniaturization started in early 2020, I believe. So, I think I am at the beginning of losing my hair, rather than the advanced stage at which he started. I think very few of my hair follicles, if any, are close to permanently gone and my hairline is still more or less intact at this stage, but I can see it is starting to weaken. I feel like there is a lot of hope for me if I just figure out the right treatment quickly enough.

I'll start by saying that I do not mind things like facial feminization or even gyno. One of the primary reasons I started growing my hair out was because I wanted to be androgynous. It is not enough for me to maintain coverage, I want my hair to grow, at least have the miniaturized hairs eventually grow to shoulder length like so much of my hair had before this all started, or at the very least have those hairs look like they belong on the same head of hair with the unaffected strands. I recently ordered 1 mg Finasteride from Keeps, I'll be taking that to, hopefully, pause miniaturization and maintain current density while I figure everything out.

From what I can gather, Bridgeburn used an AA, CPA. But from more recent posts, it would seem that an antiandrogen might not be necessary(?) Other than that, he used topical oestrogel, as well as estrofem sublingually. I recall that he also used Dutasteride and oral minoxidil. From what I gather from the more recent pages on this thread, his complete regimen might not be necessary(?)

My hair was already quite long when this started, so I am not starting from nothing and I still have pretty full coverage including vellus hairs. What do you guys think would be the best approach for me at this stage?
I just started a similar regimen 1 week ago which includes
1mg finasteride (been on it for 3 years)
Oral minoxidil (11 months)
Spironalactone 50mg( 1 week )
Estradiol 1mg (1 week )
Estrogel .75mg ( 1 week )

my baseline is not as severe as @bridgeburn and I don’t see how this regimen can’t work and give me growth in density, I may just have to tweak the doses a bit.


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I just started a similar regimen 1 week ago which includes
1mg finasteride (been on it for 3 years)
Oral minoxidil (11 months)
Spironalactone 50mg( 1 week )
Estradiol 1mg (1 week )
Estrogel .75mg ( 1 week )

my baseline is not as severe as @bridgeburn and I don’t see how this regimen can’t work and give me growth in density, I may just have to tweak the doses a bit.
How effective has the Finasteride been?
Did it pause miniaturization at least?
How effective has oral minoxidil been?

My main concern about spironolactone and and other antiandrogens are the potential health risks from the side effects.
Don't want to end up doing permanent harm to my health or worse.
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eventually, i started searching online more. The first things i ever read unfortunately about finasteride were about sexual side effects, brain fog, etc. and I immediately decided No way!
It's strange how you went from being afraid of Finasteride to commiting to a regimen like this, the desperation that hair loss brings is really intense.


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How effective has the Finasteride been?
Did it pause miniaturization at least?
How effective has oral minoxidil been?

My main concern about spironolactone and and other antiandrogens are the potential health risks from the side effects.
Don't want to end up doing permanent harm to my health or worse.
The Finasteride has helped tremendously. I got some re-growth from it and after the 6month mark I have not lost any ground. I have seen some decent re-growth from the oral minoxidil when I was on 10mg but cut it down to 5mg because I got brain frog and by blood pressure dropped.