And then my comrades.
I got my blood tests, I have been on bicalutamide for almost 1 month. I started with 25 mg and increased it to 50mg.
I had a 20% increase in my pyruvic and oxalactic glutamic transminase hepatitis markers.
I lowered the dose to 30mg to improve hepatitis markers I will repeat the exams if I can normalize with this dose I will return to 50mg.
I entered bicalutamide after a CPA and E2 cycle.
I spent 60 days in CPA and 100 days more or less in e2 enough to put myself in the castrative range for sure.
I didn’t have exams at the time of CPA with E2, maybe my enzymes may be altered by CPA yet, I lowered the dose of bicalutamide to make sure
TGO (AST) Liberação: 03/08/2021 Material: Soro, (coletado em 03/08/2021)
Método: Cinético - UV Resultado .................... ........................ .... 46 U / L VR 11 a 39 U / L
TGP (ALT) Liberação: 03/08/2021 Material: Soro, (coletado em 03/08/2021) Método: Cinético -
Resultado UV ................................................ 59 U / L VR 11 a 39 U / L
Bilirrubina direta ........................................ 0,54 mg / dL 0, 00 a 0,30 mg / dL
TESTOSTERONA TOTAL Valor de referência
628,51 ng / dL Homens 18 a 66 anos ..: 175,00 a 781,00 ng / dL
60,7 nmol / L VR 13,2-89,9
Testosterona livre:
9,022 ng/dL Homens: 17 a 40 anos: 3,400 a 24,600 ng/dL
DI-HIDROTESTOSTERONA - DHT Valor de referência Resultado: 421,2 pg/mL Homens.......: 135,0 a 1365,0 pg/mL
My normal testosterone is around 800ng / dl, Bicalutamide in less than 1 month practically threw my testosterone at my physiological level, after a cycle of CPA and E2, bicalutamide can be a good alternative in the post-testosterone cycle to return production endogenous
What do you think of my DHT levels?
I use finasteride 1mg for a few years
Sorry, I copied and pasted my exams so it's in Portuguese my language, sorry, but we can see the values
I have all the liver tests slightly altered, my testosterone has returned to male reference levels.
I increase the dosage of finasteride? , change to dutasteride? what do we think of the values DHT ?