Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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correct, with those, i didn't notice anything with about my hair i could quantify.

i see. when do you expect to have a valid data point on apalutamide? i'd like to check in with you again then, in case there was something wrong with the vehicle. i like to learn what's working for people.

you do you, but my data point is terminals on temples. and i don't need to wait a year for them to show up.
(i ran way to check these reports, and popped (a few) terminals on temples in 2 weeks, but is out of my budget long term...)
Way316606 extremely antidepressant/anti-anhedonia? : Nootropics (reddit.com)
Is anyone using Way-316606? : tressless (reddit.com)

at this day in my journey, talking topcials, popping (a few) terminals on temples i have tacrolimus, trentinoin, tadalafil, tocopherols, melatonin, minoxodil sulphate & progesterone; magnesium ascorbyl palmitate, msm, adenosine & caffeine.

what actives do you use that pop terminals on temples for you?
First, everyone interested in hormonal treatments should realise that HRT is not a panacea at all. Some have great results, some none and a majority somewhere in the middle (i.e. normally distributed). Overall, it seems to be more effective than conventional treatments on average (5ARI, minoxidil). Furthermore, the frontotemporal region seems especially stubborn, also in individuals on HRT. So, I would not assess frontotemporal regrowth within a week as an accurate marker whether the treatment is working or not. I would say that HRT combined with microneedling is more so a treatment for the long run, where it may be effective in (partly) reversing fibrosis and thus making other treatments more effective. If you want quick regrowth, I would encourage you to read up on oral minoxidil. However, not even considering potential side effects, I do not think oral minoxidil is capable of maintaining hair for decades. I do believe HRT may be able to do that. Thus, I would view HRT more as a long term, primarily maintenance, possibly more treatment. It creates a follicular environment that is ideal for hair growth, and thus makes other treatments such as minoxidil and microneedling much more effective and allows the results to last way longer. I do not think you are expecting too much from HRT compounds, I believe that you are expecting the wrong things from them in the wrong timeframe.

From your topicals, I would guess that minoxidil sulphate is responsible for most if not all of your regrowth. I have been interested in calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus or cyclosporine A) for some time now, but I am hesitant to include them in my regimen as evidence for their effectiveness is weak at best. Also there may be (very) harsh side effects (i.e. cancer) if some of it goes systemic. Personally, I am not a fan of including too many compounds because assessment of what is effective and what not becomes impossible after a certain point. Did you try to assess every compound's effectiveness individually?

Also, as already mentioned, the vehicle determines the effectiveness of your topicals.
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What you propose is impossible. The key here is to limit diffusion into the subcutaneous layer, where most blood vessels reside. At the same time, the vehicle should be powerful enough to penetrate the stratum corneum. Some systemic absorption is inevitable, which is why I do not advise anyone to experiment unless they know exactly what they are doing. Run a quick search on nanoparticle vehicles and you will find that localized delivery is definitely within the realm of possibilities. I am still trying to assess whether such an assembly is feasible with the equipment at my disposal. For the time being, I am using a Azone-based vehicle. There are plenty of articles indicating that Azone does a great job in localized delivery. I have linked one already, another one can be found in this post.

What vehicle did you use? If you were using any of the conventional vehicles, it is no surprise you did not get any results. Furthermore, experiments should be run for at least 6 months to preferably one year to assess effectiveness. I completely agree with @JaneyElizabeth that it can sometimes takes years to fully reverse fibrosis and generate new growth. Any experiment run for a couple of weeks/months cannot be regarded as a valid data point.

Weekly microneedling is likely needed as well to get results. Using AA's and E2 alone will not release any growth factors whatsoever but merely create an ideal environment for hair growth to occur again. Again, this also depends on individual parameters that can impossibly be predicted a priori.

Source: In Vitro and in Vivo Evaluation of DMSO and Azone as Penetration Enhancers for Cutaneous Application of Celecoxib.

Localized delivery of celecoxib with Azone (vehicle #5, SC = stratum corneum, EP+D = epidermis + dermis (follicular site), permeated through skin = compound detection in subcutaneous layers).
Now with you on board I can get some new outfits and start trying to court my ex-wife again because like Bridge, there's a point where you are like, this is happening and well, except for some Polish guy and my mate from Australia and Bridge, whom I have never met or written to and it's not easy posting all of those pictures of your before naked crown but those are the pictures where other MtF's message me and say, "your pics give me hope" and I love pretty much everybody on here and nobody gives me crap.

Goddess bless and I look forward to your future posts. Great vocabulary, too. Lol, but I am strictly chickly still but maybe no longer "just in it for the hair" but it made my mum feel so much better.
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Bi-estro contains E2 and E3. E3 has very poor intrinsic activity at the ER (see one of my previous posts on this thread) and as I am sceptical anyway about the transcriptional effects being positive I do not see the merit of E3. Furthermore, to achieve a purely (or as pure as possible) dermal delivery you need a specialized vehicle. This may be the reason that many topicals are not effective: they may have effective actives but they do not have an effective vehicle. Bi-estro is no exception. Using a custom vehicle is extremely important, and I have mentioned a few ways how to proceed in my previous post.

@JaneyElizabeth. Higher systemic E2 will very likely increase local concentrations as well. However, I feel like I need to stress that this is not an option for males whatsoever. Even for transgenders I would advise to be hesitant about introducing large amount of hormones in systemic circulation. Hormones are extremely complex, and have countless downstream effects that are not well understood. With a purely dermal delivery local concentrations can be achieved that trump any systemic dose, without any of the systemic (side) effects. This goes not only for E2 but literally any drug that is not a prodrug and can be metabolized by the skin (you would have to check the presence of the particular cytochrome P450 enzyme for your drug in the skin). Estrogel and bi-estro are not suitable for such dermal delivery. I would place them under the umbrella of systemic E2.

@Norwoody. RU is actually a mediocre antiandrogen. IdealForehead once made a great thread (although not entirely scientifically sound) about the binding affinities of different AA's. Not only the binding affinities matter when looking at AA's. Receptor binding time is important as well, as is half-life (RU has a very short serum half-life which is extended somewhat in the skin) and diffusive ability (which should ideally as low as possible to keep things local). However, the most important variable is again the vehicle. A PG-based vehicle is poor and will not yield maximum results for everyone as it is not ideally dermal (or local). Personally I would never use a drug (RU) that is not clinically approved, which (for me) is the minimum threshold for anything to even consider experimenting with. Currently I am using Apalutamide as it has a decent half-life (which means it is not broken down in a matter of hours. When using a good vehicle that can keep things as local as possible the serum half-life should ideally be around a day or so), is clinically approved and is currently the most effective drug against prostate cancer, which is a good measure of antiandrogenic potency (Enzalutamide shares the same effectivity, but has a half-life too long for my liking). Darolutamide has a perfect half-life but is intrinsically inferior to Apalutamide. The lack of results reported in the past with Darolutamide and Enzalutamide can be attributed to use of very poor vehicles (I mean DMSO, come on...) or AR upregulation. Upregulation can be effectively prevented by E2 as mentioned. To further increase the efficiency finasteride or dutasteride can be added. Microneedling should be done in order to provide the necessary growth factors. Possibly add a PKCa/b inhibitor like BIM-I after wounding to stop epidermal differentiation à la pegasus2 as a bonus.
True but estradiol is like cannabis to me and T is like Adderall or alcohol. Many MtF's have something akin to an allergy to T but we suffer in silence. By the time, I started HRT the dermatitis on both hair and scalp and hair loss was about to kill me and I had a "vision" that God was Goddess and that I was her acolyte and I just submissively did it and it took 7 years to happen but it's happening and no more infected beard that took 30 minutes to shave before and which bled regardless.

I am very impressed with your knowledge and a lot of this is luck but we had the Goddess-damn custody status hearing today and I was dressed to the nine's and my executive ex-"husband" looked tired and sort of tattered, her having taken all four children and I felt a lot of peace. Love your knowledge and manner of didactic instruction.

Goddess bless,


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After the second week, I noticed that the facial skin became softer. I am amazed at how soft it feels - it's great
Skin fat did not decrease compared with Bicalutamide monotherapy at a dose of 50mg


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After the second week, I noticed that the facial skin became softer. I am amazed at how soft it feels - it's great
Skin fat did not decrease compared with Bicalutamide monotherapy at a dose of 50mg
While you're young I still don't think skin can regenerate that fast, it's more likely to be due to minor swelling common for estradiol.
Just be patient and you'll see real semi-permanent changes in a few months. :)


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As a first-time poster, I'd like to say thank-you to those of you who so generously share your vast knowledge, and experience. In fact, reading this forum is better than any visit I've had, to any practitioner, in regards to addressing my serious hairloss-issues.

Also, though I've spent a few hours combing (no pun :>) this site, I'm still not sure where the best places are to access the neat pharma-items that are mentioned? I live in the US, and am hoping someone can point me in the right direction? Thanks!


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As a first-time poster, I'd like to say thank-you to those of you who so generously share your vast knowledge, and experience. In fact, reading this forum is better than any visit I've had, to any practitioner, in regards to addressing my serious hairloss-issues.

Also, though I've spent a few hours combing (no pun :>) this site, I'm still not sure where the best places are to access the neat pharma-items that are mentioned? I live in the US, and am hoping someone can point me in the right direction? Thanks!
You can probably go to planned parenthood and get on legal HRT with informed consent. If not, hrt.cafe


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Thanks, Gergely. Also, this is my first time back, and I'd noticed that your reply was grayed-out. Could someone please tell me how to change the Profile Settings, so that everyone (myself included) can view replies to my posts, without having to Log In?


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My eyes have decreased in size, my eyelids have become thicker - is it swelling? I look like I just woke up. Will it go away with time, or do you need to reduce the dosage of E? I have an injection every 2 weeks, my peak levels are above 1500 pg / ml. For more even levels of 250-600, I can inject once a week. It seems my face is swelling a little


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Now, now. Always look at the adam's apple and you can always do like the French and "tais-toi et soit belle".
I don't have an Adam's apple. Was always small, but also had a trachea shave


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Cool. Thanks for feeling the need to point that out. Already knew where you stood based on your insecure bro jokes about me
I don't think I've made jokes about you specifically. I usually make general "milker" jokes with PNW1, but that's us finding the humor in taking risks with these drugs. But I'm pretty sure I never made fun of you. If I have though, I apologize. What I just said is not meant to make fun of you, just a little reality check to bring you down to earth, that's all. Can't have us all ;)


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I don't think I've made jokes about you specifically. I usually make general "milker" jokes with PNW1, but that's us finding the humor in taking risks with these drugs. But I'm pretty sure I never made fun of you. If I have though, I apologize. What I just said is not meant to make fun of you, just a little reality check to bring you down to earth, that's all. Can't have us all ;)
Fair enough, I couldn't care less who finds me attractive or not.... But ya did make jokes about my holes and potential voice which have a very clear implication. All good tho


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Ehhh I just looked back at them, that's really just sarcasm more than anything lol. Kind of legitimate questions too...