So sorry for you man! It is good that you are seeing a doctor, although doctors can sometimes be quite ignorant or unknowing (unless you are seeing a specialist). I am not a doctor and are not going to pretend to be one, but this looks like the typical diffuse hairloss that can be observed in hypothyroid patients. Did you check thyroid lab values? Lab values of T3, T4, fT3, fT4, rT3, TSH, antibodies do not always give the whole picture. High rT3/fT3 ratio does say something about (non)-utilization of T3 by cells. Most doctors only check TSH which is completely ridiculous (including the so-called 'healthy' range). But again, check with your doctor. What does he/she think? To be honest, this does not look like Androgenetic Alopecia at all to me. Wishing you best of luck!