Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Quit BIG 3!)


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

It can still get through your skin and into your system. I'm not insisting that it will happen, but it's definitely possible.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Yes, I have some scratched places under on my head, but I don't think it would hurt that much.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

You don't want to rub dutasteride on your scalp..


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Your talking about being scared of the sides... so your not going to take finasteride... Yet your going to rub something at least 2-3 times as strong as finasteride into your scalp... Which it is then absorbed into the bloodstream.. thereby doing the same thing it would be doing as if you had just swallowed it.

Horeshoe pattern, being NW7. Beatable? For one you don't know if that's where your hairloss is going. But of course it's "beatable" If you take things like finasteride you stop your hair from ever progressing to that point...

You need to spend some time browsing the archives.. theres a multitude of useful topics there. And look at the success stories forum... all kinds of people stop their hairloss..

I'd imagine Lars has been on finasteride himself since the mid 90s. His hairloss hasn't progressed nearly as quickly as it was at one time.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

But what if I put finasteride on my scalp? Would it grow my hair back? I don't think so much gets into my bloodstream, if I rub it in my skin. Maybe it's even going to work better, because it's going to the right place?
And I know I'm getting the horseshoe, because my whole family has it.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

hey man i am 16 aswell and like you i started to recede at 15. I just started Fincar(1/4) 3 days ago and i think you should start it aswell. I mean lets be honest, unless you are the cool kid of your school then your not going to be able to handle hairloss very well at 16. We are both destined to have horse shoes unless we take action rather than sitting around with the "Maybe it wont get any worse" mentality when we know there is a big chance it will. This is my look on it but i think that if i was norwood 4/5 before the age of 20 then it would some what damage me socially, so in my eyes the 2% risk of sides is only a blip on my radar compared to hairloss so young]


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

If my theories won't work, I will just start using Proscar (with extra small doses), Regaine (5%) and Nizoral, when I get 18. But I would still like to try that: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=46302


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Alright, I bought some Nizoral 2%. Haven't still had to wash my hair with it though. I will probably post some more whine, when I have done it.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

solomonf said:
hey man i am 16 aswell and like you i started to recede at 15. I just started Fincar(1/4) 3 days ago and i think you should start it aswell. I mean lets be honest, unless you are the cool kid of your school then your not going to be able to handle hairloss very well at 16. We are both destined to have horse shoes unless we take action rather than sitting around with the "Maybe it wont get any worse" mentality when we know there is a big chance it will. This is my look on it but i think that if i was norwood 4/5 before the age of 20 then it would some what damage me socially, so in my eyes the 2% risk of sides is only a blip on my radar compared to hairloss so young]

That is true, hairloss is very damaging to young (and older) people alike. But when you look at the grand scheme of things, if you're able to conquer it early and not let it bother you, you'd be that much stronger than perhaps holding on to your hair for 5-10 years and then have yourself go completely bald regardless of finasteride.

If you're of proper age and dont get side effects, Go for it. But seriously, EVERYONE should get blood tests prior to going on finasteride, just so you know what your baseline stats were.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Alright, I just heard that Regaine causes thinning. From now on I will try putting it only on completely bald spots and not touch my original hair with it. Have to lower the dosage too then.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

I cut my hair short. What do you think?
And I have stopped using minoxidil for a few days to see, if it's causing me any side effects.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Probably you shouldn't have had a haircut since it makes your hairloss more visible. Try and grow your front longer.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

barcafan said:
Wow dude your temples went pretty fast
The picture is taken, when I was still using minoxidil. Have been off it for like 3 days now.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

I'm planning to start Propecia, when I hit 18. Are brain fog and fat gain certain side effects? These are, what I'm the most worried of. If I'm losing my six pack, then there's no way I'm using that medication.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

I think your temples look fine...


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Isn't the places I'm having big receding called temples? Well, there is a very big corner there, that makes me look bald sometimes.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Posted this for another kid on one of the other forum subjects, but I'll paraphrase.

I started losing my hair at 21. My dad and uncle were in the same boat when they were younger. Tried a whole bunch of things - Propecia, plugs, you name it. Finally got a hair replacement that just plain rocks.

All I can say is that this is not the end of the world. There are worse things to deal with - and there are good companies that will take this problem away from you completely.

Below is the one I use. ... iew/57/190