Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Quit BIG 3!)


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Why don't you go on finasteride instead of moping around?


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Yeah, now i see what you're saying. My hairline is only slightly worse. Im sorry to say i think unless finasteride is used, we're both going to go bald.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Obsidian said:
Why don't you go on finasteride instead of moping around?
I'm afraid it will have a bad effect on my sexuality, if I start it this early.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Are you still 17?


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Thanks a lot, jetset!

Arcon biospray... never heard of it.

Drinking tea? That's easy. Will try!


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!


Anyone on here will most likely tell you to use proven treatments first. If they don't work then I'd try alternative methods. I'm unsure why you're listening to a guy with 7 posts as apposed to your 307. You've been around, so you know the drill.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Well, I see the arcon stuff come up for the first time, yes, but the green tea has been an available topic for a long time.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Yeah felt for you so I answered, but Fanjeera i have to say that if I was 17 now I would just shave my head, relax, drink some tea, and some other non dangerous stuff, and see if it's that bad to live with short hair.
Stressing about treatments can make you stressed and with stupid side effects.
People without hair but with relaxed and compassionate eyes are much more beautiful than cold selfish eyes under big hair.

After 5 years we might have hair multiplication or something I dunno.. maybe you could see then if you need more hair and relax now :p

Anyway my point on previous post was that every dht suppressor - *including betasitosterol spray* lower hormones that you need.youre body needs them to function and grow properly. That's why it's not good to suggest any dht suppressing compound for you.
Betasitosterol spray can make you tired too and it can affect your penis and prostate function and growth.Not funny. It made me go pee often and in the night and sh*t like that........
If you going to try that stuff, then monitor if you get some sides becourse now that I googled, there are others that got sides from betasit. too. It mainly decreases libido but also can affect erection.
Traditionally dht reducing drugs and herbs are for older men - not for teenagers! ... =6&t=18701

If you have to take something I would recommend tea/nettle,
nizoral, hemp oil.
About tea.. i ordered big amount of good quality tea from the net for good price.. not anymore but used to.
The best qualities have many times the amount of antioxidants compared to those qualities that are sold in basic grocery stores.Basic consumer green tea won't do nothing for hair.
Those qualities that are in tea bags or big brands tea packgaes are super cheap before they put 'Lipton' name on it.

If you ever happen to try yoga don't take synthetic drugs or even powerful herbs like betasitosterol.
that should be clear without saying.
Take care


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Hubert Gruber said:
Nizoral is too harsh on your scalp and hair...choose something else.

A matter of opinion and perhaps experience...

Hubert Gruber said:
Start taking finasteride...I started when I was 18.5 and I dont have sides.

Same as above. Some people do get sides, and some people's scalp and hair aren't hurt from nizoral like others might be. I agree nizoral can be overused and harsh to the scalp, many people overuse it or their hair just doesn't like it. Best way to be sure is try for yourself. Just like finasteride although; do your own research. There can be potent sides; but it can help you sure.

I do agree tho I wouldn't go on it at 17 but that's me. I'm sure like Hubert you may not experience any sides and it'll work.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

I have been using Nizoral 2% for a while now. I don't feel an effect at all actually. It may cure some dandruff, though, and wash my hair, but nothing strange. I've heard people get some rough side effects with it, so if I don't, maybe it's the same with all the other medications. I'm also at peace with minoxidil.
The growth of penis... is what bothers all of the men. So that's a really tough case. I don't know if it has finished its growing or not, so I can't be sure, if finasteride will have an effect on its length. Going to thoroughly consult a doctor about this matter. And if I get a negative answer, then I should be giving up the fight altogether and just fade bald, I guess? Because Regaine alone can't do anything for a developing NW6 -- I need at least the big 3.
Jetset, thanks! I'm am definitely going to start drinking green tea, if I find a good place to buy it from. Do chemist's shops sell it? I'm not very fond of ordering things from the Internet, because that includes messing with the custom's.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

haha..yeas you easily get the idea that all and everybody are obsessed on fallos size but I'm not! :p's the internets fault or something.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

use xandrox 15 plus from this crap helped my hair out a whole lot.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

I can't order it here. They won't let it over the border :(.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

I was planning to start using Propecia and shave my hair right, when I hit 18, so that means mid spring. I'm starting to doubt a little now however, because the summer is coming: there will be lots of parties and being naked, where I have to look nice. First, the shaved head will suck anyway, but with more girls in the summer it can be a greater backlash, and secondly, I don't want to be fat at the beach either. As we all know finasteride causes gaining fat, but the question is: how rapid is it? I currently have a very trimmed body. If I start to eat finasteride in April, will I be able to look beautiful in the beach in August?


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Really sorry man...I started to lose hair maybe a few years after you, but didn't realize it was male pattern until I was 19.

Propecia (drug) and minoxidil (topical solution) is currently the best treatment out there.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

I have reached another phase on my road: people have started telling me "You really are getting bald!" with a strange look on their face. I just reply "You don't surprise me with that -- been knowing it for my whole life." So that's that. I still think Regaine has really helped the look of my hair. The angels don't really highlight, because of the sparse minoxidil hair covering it. I'm desperately looking forward to my 18th birthday, so I can start using Propecia.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Fan, finasteride usually is the best method to at least maintain, and I think it will improve your hair a bit. Don't drop the minoxidil. I would also use Nizoral shampoo. Where do you live that you don't have any access to certain drugs?

Anyway, there's still hope. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Estonia is the place. Have been using Nizoral too for quite some time now.