I hope and pray for every bald person that was sarcasm. Ginger is miles better than being bald, and they could always dye their hair some different colour. To be honest I'd rather have neon green hair than being bald.
You know me.. I'm dead serious
I hope and pray for every bald person that was sarcasm. Ginger is miles better than being bald, and they could always dye their hair some different colour. To be honest I'd rather have neon green hair than being bald.
You dont have to be bald to hate your life!
Cheer up! You could be a ginger!
Of course there are also other factors in play. The I could factor. If it weren't for my very aggressive hair loss I could have been happy right now, enjoying life. After 5 years of major depression, anxiety, panic attack and go on I could finally live life again and be happy. But now everytime I look at the mirror I am reminded to that. You know what normal teen problems are? A bad mark for a test, breaking up with your girlfriend or a quarrel with a friend. Not worrying about hairloss and "unwanted hairgrowth". I see how my youth is wasting away and there is nothing I can do about it. You have no idea how much my life suc**. But let's just forget about it and cheer up because I could be a (hot) ginger! -.-
normal? Its a relative term. Ask some kid in Somalia or Sierra Leon.
But hej! What worse than being NW5? Being NW5 ginger.
I've broken my back and lost my job.
Yeah? Tough ****.
I have cancer.
Seriously though. because you need to be dying to have the right to complain or be upset...
No one should ever complain about anything!! /sarcasm over
How can you really determine how someone has the right to be upset,sad,depressed or even happy. This isn't a competition of who's got a ****ter life.
Of course there are also other factors in play. The I could factor. If it weren't for my very aggressive hair loss I could have been happy right now, enjoying life. After 5 years of major depression, anxiety, panic attack and go on I could finally live life again and be happy. But now everytime I look at the mirror I am reminded to that. You know what normal teen problems are? A bad mark for a test, breaking up with your girlfriend or a quarrel with a friend. Not worrying about hairloss and "unwanted hairgrowth". I see how my youth is wasting away and there is nothing I can do about it. You have no idea how much my life suc**. But let's just forget about it and cheer up because I could be a (hot) ginger! -.-
I agree. Yeah sure "everyone" has their ups and downs, and bad things happen to them. But when your life is one big DOWN with no UPS, it's sad and I understand OP a lot. When you only have down's and no up's it's a hell. "Normal" people have the flu, lose their job, break up with their B/GF, fail an exam, get a bad haircut +++ While genetic trainwreaks like OP and myself have to deal with some serious ****ty'ness full time. I imagine if OP and myself ever had a kid it would be such a disaster... I can't even think about it!
2b2y, you are me in male form. What you wrote I could have written. I too, after 5 (now 6) yrs of major depression, panic attacks and anxiety I thought I was heading in the right direction to finally be happy and BOOM hair loss happened and now I'm worse off than I ever was. It ruined my one chance of finally being happy.
“Voice pitch is a cue as to how good a mate a man is in terms of genetic quality. Lower pitch voices are going to have what we call good genes, and that’s what women are picking up on. They may not know this consciously but they know it subconsciously because they demonstrate it by being attracted to these men,â€
If we are doing a pity party, I have mentioned before that I have a high pitched voice.
Great, I have a much higher pitched voice than Beckam.
Forget hair, even science says I am genetic trash otherwise :woot:.
You have been dealt a ****ty hand in life. Give up and let it ruin you even more, or step up and kick it in the ***.
You should not let these issues make you any less of a man you can be.
wise words uncomfortable manChange what you can and accept what you cannot.... problem is it sounds like his list of can't changes is much longer than his list of can changes. His isn't your average joes challenge of loosing his beer gut. I doubt any of us could so easily recover if we found ourselves in his shoes.
not that it will change much, but you could shave your unibrow