Feel like missing out. Anyone else??


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If you guys had half a brain cell between you, you wouldn't be spending your 20's and 30's picking fights on here.


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>Literally can't even spell insight and multiple extremely basic elementary points of mine completely go over your head yet calling somebody dumb

i don't think anyone's got to the point where they need to ask incels for life advice


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Great, spoken down to by a naive 20 something, incel manlet......who can't even read my first post on this thread, which says go to a party island and instead keeps going on about, thailand even though ive never mentioned it, and talking about whatever else you have invented.... but keep coping danny devito i'll let you enjoy your tiny bit of power you have felt, flow through your tiny 5Ft 6 frame. Because i know its rare for you to feel any power in real life.
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bro just travel the world and go to Takijistan and bang different girls who want you for your money bro
stop being naive
Why do you think people go to ibiza? Instead of staying at home on the ps5?


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ibiza? i thought u were saying earlier u got to go somewhere where u will be better than most ti get laid
You keep interpreting things how you want to see them. How do i know your financial situation? Half the people partying in ibiza are broke kids sharing 4 to a rundown room.


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I said "Every Country you are in where people think you are wealthier than they are"


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Anyone got this constant feeling like they are missing out?
going out etc

Maybe its because everyone looks so good on social media? i got to delete thats sh*t

But still, like im working out trying to look good but i just go to bed hugging my pillow
spend my day on the ps5

feel like im missing out on life

or is it just in my head?
I’m just listening to Coldplay bro


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@Isaac Newton

Look I wasn't really paying attention before and wasn't really reading your posts as was doing several things at once.

But I have just gone back to re-read them and to be honest I still have no idea what you are talking about, what connection anything you have said has to my situation, who you think you were talking to, and why you have accused a married guy with kids in his 40's of crap, like raping a Thai woman multiple times?

My first post to feelsbadman simply says

3)buy plane ticket to an party Island
4)go out every night, get wasted and have fun.

Meaning get off your arse and go and live your life, and stop bitching about the past.

I haven't mentioned prostitutes, Thailand or abusing people in 3rd world countries once in this thread.

So like I said why you have gone off at me , and started accusing me of abusing Thai woman and calling them all retarded I have no idea.

When I hear people moaning constantly about not being able to get laid all this incel sh*t it comes across as a complete waste.

Most of my 20's and 30's I spent 3-5 nights a week in bars and clubs drinking parting and enjoying myself, not in some room on my own playing video games struggling to get laid.

My advice to feelsbadman still stands, there are loads of places you can go on vacation and enjoy life if you are not getting the life you want where you are.

I don't expect Incel's to ever listen to anyone's advice. So I still expect feelsbadman to be posting the same stuff on here for several years to come regardless of what advice anyone gives him.
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Isaac Newton

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Great, spoken down to by a naive 20 something, incel manlet......who can't even read my first post on this thread, which says go to a party island and instead keeps going on about, thailand even though ive never mentioned it, and talking about whatever else you have invented.... but keep coping danny devito i'll let you enjoy your tiny bit of power you have felt, flow through your tiny 5Ft 6 frame. Because i know its rare for you to feel any power in real life.
Lol bald shaming on a hair loss forum. There's your real self. Same yellow fever creepy rapist psychopath @Wolf Pack can you report this to the mods? Bald shaming should be bannable offense