You would have picked that information up if you actually read our posts instead of scanning them in a hurry for points of attack.
Anyway, I fully admit to bragging (subtly and not subtly) about my "conquests" - which amounts to shagging a few average birds over the span of a month - but I have not exaggerated or fabricated anything. Can't speak for the other two, but I'm convinced Fred and shookwun aren't making things up either, based on what they've told me here and in private messages.
Usually, people who make things up tend to construct a coherent narrative, whereas people who are giving honest accounts will dart around and have unexpected twists/turns in both the real life events and their interpretation of them.
All three of us come from a position of insecurity around our relationship with the opposite sex, to actually having some measure of success with the ladies. In my case, I believed for almost thirty years that I was ugly and realized only very recently that I am slightly attractive (although unconventionally so).
Along the way we've made observations relating to things like hair, appearance, what women say/vs. what they do etc. Although they are inherently unreliable, I think these are much more interesting than YouTube clips, HuffPo articles and whatever passes as authoritative sources on dating these days. I think many of the other posters here feel the same way.
I don't know why you challenge the authenticity of our accounts, but there's no reason to, at least there isn't in my case, I'm honestly just stoked to be having an active sexual life of sorts, as I missed out completely on this in my youth and have always deeply regretted my myriad of failures in that respect.
No I have read that information, I was asking how he knows it, that's the point. Even if it's true, why are people just buying it at face value?
And if you read my posts, which are lengthy, but I'm sure you read the last few, I've already explained why I challenge the authenticity- probably initially to win internet debates, then to make them feel better about themselves.
I wouldn't have had a second thought about your authenticity actually, if it wasn't for the other two.
But if there's one thing I have never heard before it's "the witness who constantly changed his account of things is clearly the most reliable". I know what you're getting at, they don't go out of their way to give huge amounts of detail, like Fred will casually just bring up some story of banging a girl but he won't construct a huge cohesive story about it, I can see what you mean in how a person would go into such details to make the lie believable. But you're saying an inconsistent story shows honesty?
As I say, Fred's a good liar, unless you pay attention. For shooks the jury's still out, but he does make random patronising incel comments which either makes me think he's a genuine jerkoff douchebro who is actually getting laid, or somewhat incel himself and is compensating by being better than us all.
I like that you admit it's inherently unreliable advice, I mean great if it's worked for you, but here's my thesis on female attraction; it's all completely, and undeniably, ****ing random. There's no strategy, there's nothing to watch for, things go unpredictably, things can go exactly as you expect them to from previous interactions.
The idea that there's certain ways and means that make any sort of difference in pursuing in future is ridiculous. If you're talking about improving your appearance, dressing well, styling hair as good as possible, smelling nice, these are just starting points, it's meaningless because it's already implied as being the bare basics of where to start. From there, the irony is that shooks thinks personality and pick up artistry is bull****, yet he strides around here being our resident Roosh V.
To me that stinks of a charlatan.