Female But Needing To Talk About This


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It's absolutely crazy how just about every female is the exact same person. It's like all their "personalities" are made in the same factory.

Their mind is controlled by their emotions and they're unable to use logic in any circumstance whatseover. They're tunnelvisioning so hard on chasing Chad that it's not even tunnelvision at this point, it's more like looking through a straw. All of their "problems" stem from chasing the same Chads as every other female. Then when they finally catch a Chad they break up at the first sight of a problem, because Chad has other non bald, non sad girls lined up.

@Georgie ex Chad (2 year relationship): "You are too sad. That's it for me."
@EvilLocks ex Chad:"You are losing your hair. That's it for me."

Your relationships are based on nothing but your primitive desire for Chad sperm.
Real funny you would talk about tunnel visioning.


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Yeah, cause EVERY single female on this motherfucking earth is exactly the same, CuckForLife!

The Eternal NAWALT shames you as she shrieks " I'm not like the other ones !"

1) For NAWALT to exist, AWALT has to first. In other words, you have to have a bunch of men who are either bitter, or enlightened, or possibly both, about the nature of women. Only then can the insinuation of AWALT be made, to which someone responds "NAWALT". Men have enough trouble getting women that they eventually realize certain truths about female sexuality; the same doesn't happen with women until they hit middle age.

2) Men inherently care less how they're socially perceived. This could probably apply on a genderwide basis as well, such that men don't feel compelled to say "NAMALT" when a woman states AMALT, while women would if a man insinuated AWALT.

3) Biologically, men are more diverse than women. Men have a wider IQ distribution spread (more geniuses and more retards), only one X chromosome (less of an averaging effect), and most importantly, a wider range of sexual interests. Women tend to center on a very limited demographic of men, and are literally attracted to men based on whether other women are attracted to them. This, by definition, supports AWALT. Men are the opposite, and like a large variety of girls, and are unaffected by whether a certain girl is popular among his peers; the attraction comes from within.


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This is hilarious. A few posts earlier you say not all women are the same.
I thought it would be obvious, but if I have to explain I'm basically saying that you are using tunnel vision on women. And why would I stand as an example for other women? Just because I say one thing, does it mean that all the other billions of women on this planet would say the same? That you truly think that is the only hilarious part here.


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Men are the opposite, and like a large variety of girls, and are unaffected by whether a certain girl is popular among his peers; the attraction comes from within.


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Nice cherrypicking. The attraction comes from within means comes from within their personal feelings and likes and do not care whether the female is famous sports star or a barista as long as she is not a landwhale with retarded personality.
So I guess you know why I love my boyfriend, then:) It is funny how some men seem to think they know everything about women without actually having real experience.


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Women does not love men.
They love what a man can provide for them.
- Looks
- Status
- House
- Car
- The ability to make other females jealous of you
- Money
- Etc
Let's see how long your love (which I define as unconditional) will last if all of these were to be taken from him.
-security and sense of safeness might I add