I've discussed my failings at length here.
Over the years I've been some or all of: Lazy, irritable, poor, smartass, self-righteous, sheltered, thin skinned, whiney, bitter, obsessive, politically incorrect, socially oblivious, in addition and independently of fat, buck-toothed, balding, arab, Jewish, weak-chinned, facially asymmetric, sexually dysfunctional, and thin-wristed to boot.
You're f*****g retarded. I like you. You are a great person. But you post a bile of sh*t here.
You have full right to be a smartass (because you are smart) self-righteous, bitter, obsessive, politically incorrect etc. You can work on all those things but don't have to.
Buch toothed can be fixed. Laziness can be fixed. Poorness can be fixed. Irritability can be fixed.
The meme of you not being enough is bullshit. What's wrong with you being Jewish and Arab? What's the big deal with having weak chin and facial assymetry. When you make money you can change them if you want to. Northern girls like darker men btw.
Sexual dysfunction isn't new.
Half of this sh*t can be fixed and other shouldn't matter to you. What am I supposed to do, cry because I am not blonde but have golden brown hair and green eyes instead of being Aryan Ubermensch? Because girls don't swoon over me ? f*** them. 95% of people I meet are bloody retards, women included with their stupid whining about " no good men

f*** the world and do whatever you want to do, it is your life. I was in ER few months ago and almost died. My regret was not having a family ( which I cant change because women are c****), biting my tongue too many times to not offend someone( that can be changed), and not spending more times with friends doing dumb sh*t ( doing that as well).
god, you realy need some perspective.
'sloot phase' strong misc analogy
Unfortunately your perspective is largely skewed.
All women, including men go through serial dating phases then eventually decide to relax and settle down. I have noticed this within my social group first hand. Ironically enough we all discussed this phase, and it seems that all of us had this experience around 18-23, upon gradually slowing down. tables shift, and I have noticed that most my friends are in long term relationships.
It's a phase everyone who has a normal social life goes through. All though those who never experience this seem to be riddned with hate and discomfort of the opposite sex. However, I have also a large group of attractive women that i routinely speak with that have not been with anymore then a handful of partners. These people usually fell into the LTR groups, while there were groups who would be STM.
Everyone is different. This gave me perspective, witnessing first hand beautiful women in my life that were not with more then a handful of men yet individuals like yourself want to believe otherwise. Serial dating is not as common as you want to believe with women, all though men try to live by this.
I could've easily married as a virgin with a virgin female and got over with it. I never had problem with cheating while I had around 15 relationships. Roasties just want to get their vagina tingles and as Patrick says get fucked by bunch of "dangerous looking" guys.
I worked hard to make wealth, I might go to medicine as my next major or comp science and I don't want to end up with washed up sl*t who wants a rich and hard working husband. Data say that women with higher partner count are more likely to cheat and divorce you. With virgins having 10% chance for it, and after 2nd partner your chances of her divorcing you are above 60%.
My greatest problem imo is that I look way too dangerous and angry to women, while being nice instead of playing the bad boy. Only when I start being sadistic towards them is when they stick to me like moths to the flame.