Fevipiprant Vs Setipiprant. Pgd2 Inhibitors.


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Regenerative medecine is the key, not just for hair but for everything, sooner you get that, sooner you will start respecting people work, plastic surgeons are f***ing jokes

helping disfigured people, yeah of course i respect that, but spoiling people for minor surgeries or injections, f*** them, f*** them good

I'll believe in it when its readily available.


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I'll believe in it when its readily available.

That's my point mate, it's a global effort, small and big researchers, posting their discoveries, piece by piece to achieve a greater good, some are even mistaken, but pointing directions for others and work goes on

I'm tired too of waiting, wish this go waayyy faster, but will all the mad diseases like cancer, genetic disorder and hundreds of others, Androgenetic Alopecia seems to be at a low priority, kinda logical, but sad


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That's my point mate, it's a global effort, small and big researchers, posting their discoveries, piece by piece to achieve a greater good, some are even mistaken, but pointing directions for others and work goes on

I'm tired too of waiting, wish this go waayyy faster, but will all the mad diseases like cancer, genetic disorder and hundreds of others, Androgenetic Alopecia seems to be at a low priority, kinda logical, but sad

When people get cancer, many including some I know personally say the worst aspect is losing their hair. Androgenetic Alopecia should be number one priority.


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When people get cancer, many including some I know personally say the worst aspect is losing their hair. Androgenetic Alopecia should be number one priority.

Remember that you are not your hair. I know it's important,we all share the same feeling bout being not completely ourselves and this depressed feeling but there is worse than AAG which is sad for us. But now,physical appearence is more than ever too important,there is huge money there,and when there is money,there is sharks tigers pharma lobbies etc. Dont worry we will have something new in the next 3 years for sure.


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Yeak i know this disease is driving you mad, known this for a while now too, and reply to this kind of sh**post is the same as pissing in the wind but anyway...

Ok I will reply to you seriously,since you look like a serious person.
First of all bro, apparently it's not me who goes mad,rather than you. Posting and spending so much time at this forum shows you are way more obsessed and not calm about your hairloss than me. That's your choice,I am not judging you for this but you can't make assumptions like "driving you mad"

People you denigrate their works spent actually many years to achieve this kind of breakthough, and for most of them are quite underpaid.
Sorry for my language,I dont know how MANY f*****g TIMES I have written to this forum that I know EXACTLY how academic research works. For your information,and Im not bragging about it,I am one of those people who their work is "denigrated" and is probably (at least now) underpaid for what I am doing. I have a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and currently in a PhD in Biomedical Engineering in a great University.
I KNOW VERY WELL how academic research works. Professors try to post useless papers all the time,with little or no importance at all, just to get promoted,to attract funds and eventually show some kind of "progress".

People who get sh*t done are in INDUSTRY. Yeap,that's right, I N D U S T R Y. In industry, no one gives a f*** about some random discovery with little or no significance. Serious and focused research is done in order to PRODUCE ACTUALLY something USEFUL.
On the other hand,many professors do research... just for the sake of... research. I don't really know if you can spot the difference. It's material only for scientific magazines and for a small community to show off. They have almost zero practical use.
What I am describing is almost 90% of academic research.

who said PGD2 antagonist is the cure ? No one...Just a pro-inflammatory marker suggesting a strong immune response from the body located in the scalp of baldies like us, and mast cells in particular.

Immune system, immunology, allergy and immunotherapy is still quite puzzling, ever for modern medecine, and yes good medecine takes actually TIME, real f*****g TIME, you don't mess with the immune system like that.

Now yeah, obvisouly, some random user, with all the knowledge acquired by every means, like Swisstemples, rubbing some PGD2 bought on an obscure Chinese online store is gonna do...nothing...BUT there has been some studies on it, and on Wound Induced Hair Follicle Neogenesis that strongly suggest that PGD2 reaction through Gpr44 messed up the process of WIHN

Prostaglandin D2 inhibits wound-induced hair follicle neogenesis through the receptor, Gpr44

Dr. Cots, during his research, faced the fact that this has to be inhibited in order to achieve the srongest result of WIHN, Follica protocol will have other chemicals and drugs, working in synergy, this is just a single piece of that messy complex puzzle we are talking here.

Concerning link between DHT and PGD2, no one has ever made that link or published it yet, no one can't connect dots yet....PGD2 might be elevated cause immune response to DHT is powerful, powerful enough to f*****g our hair obviously, anyway WE DON'T KNOW YET, and by WE i mean MANKIND
Cots himself said that regimen like Finasteride will most likely have to be pursue

Allergan is testing this hypothesis as we speak, and I insist on term "hypothesis", results and tests will provide proof...or not, that's how science work btw.
I am not gonna argue about prostaglandines,sorry. I have lost faith in this area like 1.5+ year now. Like I said before, you have every right to believe in them. Immunology, hormones, signal pathways are simply chaotic, or at least is seems like this today. Maybe in future when all this chaotic stuff will actually be mapped and we will understand the full mechanisms of human biology, MAYBE then we will be able to manipulate them. However, we are quite far from a sophisticated manipulation yet (with no unexpected results I mean)
But I want you to keep in mind what I wrote at the top of my text about academics anyway.

Regarding Wound Induced Hair Follicle Neogenesis, this process is known for nearly 70 f*****g years ! studied, dissected, analysed, there is litteraly tons of paper and evidences that this actually WORKS
you want it ? you name it :
https://scholar.google.fr/scholar?hair loss=fr&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1&q=wound+induced+follicular+neogenesis&btnG=
Sorry,no offence, but just out of simple curiosity: What are your credentials and your scientific background if you may? I have told you mine. And what exactly do you mean by "studied, dissected, analysed, there is litteraly tons of paper and evidences"? Please elaborate,although I am 99.9% sure I already know the answer :)

Now, Cots and his team spent many years using actual scientist methods discovering inherent mechanisms of that natural regeneration process in order to enhance it, and again it takes time, real time.

Refer to my top text about academics. Cotsarelis is doing the same thing.
That's the reason I believe in Tsuji-Kyocera-Organ Technologies.
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@ at me abelibacuck if you have the balls to.
Close your mouth old man.You're just talking non sense
Blablabla I have started saving money for a future FUE in one of Europe's top doctors blablabla

I already had one and in France. You ? Zero. You talk for nothing and blow hot hair.Silly to talk about things I really know :)
It's like 2015 blablablabla look at my ignorance and doesn't understand a word of people here.

There is bullshit members who open their mouth like ya and I shall repeat myself since you like twisting my post :
you don't know sh*t,neither how a follicle works,or what exactly does a Prostaglandin or a T reg in the body and even less Costa knowledge and science"

I never talked bout if you know how a FUE works.Go and make some babies to your lovely surgeron He will make you a discount price for your future surgery ;)

You don't know sh*t,have shitless knowledge,and just trolling around.
Please, if you don't have the science or knowledge or the patience to understand,leave intelligent,polite and curious people in peace.

"passionate members arguing about sh*t that won't solve their problems and attack those who simply tell them the truth"

Hahahaha ! Lol ! Quite a good one old man ! The truth hahahaha what a cheeky bast*** ! Yeah,won't solve the problem, I never said that PGD2 blockers are almighty and will make all of our hair back by itself,but it's part of the process ;)

Peace out old man,take your medicines don't worry it will be alright go make your FUE,leave this thread with people arguing about solid science and click on the red cross :)

ALightInTheDark, I really feel sorry for people like you,but its quite a common thing in hairloss forums. Sorry you also had a transplant in 19, when most people get it 10 years+ and I am sorry it failed and you are still miserable,desperate to show your e-penis just to get some kind of relief for your misery.
I strongly suggest you talk to a psychiatrist or people who will really help you. You really need to be helped man.

Added you on my ignore list, good luck dealing with your psychiatric issues and carrying on with your life :)
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pgd2 cause hair loss when bind to his receptor gpr44. This receptor is actived in response to an allergic reaction and pgd2 also increase when mast cell is activated from an allergic reaction and release pgd2 and others pro inflammatory mediators.
So if you havent any sistemic allergy reaction this product wont help you. Blocking dht its enought


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Ok I will reply to you seriously,since you look like a serious person.
First of all bro, apparently it's not me who goes mad,rather than you. Posting and spending so much time at this forum shows you are way more obsessed and not calm about your hairloss than me. That's your choice,I am not judging you for this but you can't make assumptions like "driving you mad"

Sorry for my language,I dont know how MANY f*****g TIMES I have written to this forum that I know EXACTLY how academic research works. For your information,and Im not bragging about it,I am one of those people who their work is "denigrated" and is probably (at least now) underpaid for what I am doing. I have a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and currently in a PhD in Biomedical Engineering in a great University.
I KNOW VERY WELL how academic research works. Professors try to post useless papers all the time,with little or no importance at all, just to get promoted,to attract funds and eventually show some kind of "progress".

People who get sh*t done are in INDUSTRY. Yeap,that's right, I N D U S T R Y. In industry, no one gives a f*** about some random discovery with little or no significance. Serious and focused research is done in order to PRODUCE ACTUALLY something USEFUL.
On the other hand,many professors do research... just for the sake of... research. I don't really know if you can spot the difference. It's material only for scientific magazines and for a small community to show off. They have almost zero practical use.
What I am describing is almost 90% of academic research.

I am not gonna argue about prostaglandines,sorry. I have lost faith in this area like 1.5+ year now. Like I said before, you have every right to believe in them. Immunology, hormones, signal pathways are simply chaotic, or at least is seems like this today. Maybe in future when all this chaotic stuff will actually be mapped and we will understand the full mechanisms of human biology, MAYBE then we will be able to manipulate them. However, we are quite far from a sophisticated manipulation yet (with no unexpected results I mean)
But I want you to keep in mind what I wrote at the top of my text about academics anyway.

Sorry,no offence, but just out of simple curiosity: What are your credentials and your scientific background if you may? I have told you mine. And what exactly do you mean by "studied, dissected, analysed, there is litteraly tons of paper and evidences"? Please elaborate,although I am 99.9% sure I already know the answer :)

Refer to my top text about academics. Cotsarelis is doing the same thing.
That's the reason I believe in Tsuji-Kyocera-Organ Technologies.

Now that is a good post, thank you
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Physics and a Master's Degree in Information Technology after a reconversion
Currently working on solutions development for industries, no background on a medical field, but yeah, i pretty much know how science progress, even if at this time all kind of research are done with no business applications yet, and we are far away to see the big picture.

Anyway, i agree on the fact that immunology is a chaotic mess, and we are unable to understand a lot of things, i posted it like a few hours ago.And unfortunately you are right, medecine now is pretty much an industry rather than a true altruistic science it once was.

But don't forget it was some professors, just for the sake of research, who discover Penicilin, and Rabies vaccine, true pioneers of modern medicine, not even aiming for that goal, or produce something useful, even less making money !

Random discoveries made science as we know it today, in Mathematics, Physics, Medicine, Energy....Nikola Tesla spent nearly all his life like a hobo and a pariah despite being one of the greatest mind of mankind.

With something as complex as human biology, we need those small advances, and if what you say is true, "useless papers to attract funds", well this is pretty much fucked for every one.But i want to believe some of them are published to actually bring one more piece to the puzzle, even if it's not relevant as of today.

Tsuji-sama, with all respect, must have spent a huge amount of times reading papers of academic research, inspired by some, refuted by others, in order to produce something actually useful, even published some to benefits others.

If what you say about Cots is true, that's a pretty long scam, like his entire career and all his researches are just a long and nasty scientifc joke.

Considering WIHN, well...you know...induce a wound...observed new hair follicles...make a biopsy....seeing new derma papilla cells with an electron microscope, to a neophyte in medicine like me, seems a rather pretty proof, and this proof already exists, now the f****r needs to do his job and make like 150 experiments to identify all the triggered biomechanisms, reads some papers on other experiments on that particular matter and find a way to reproduce it safely, I can puke all those scientific terms if you insist, but you can already find them in research papers.


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Now that is a good post, thank you
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Physics and a Master's Degree in Information Technology after a reconversion
Currently working on solutions development for industries, no background on a medical field, but yeah, i pretty much know how science progress, even if at this time all kind of research are done with no business applications yet, and we are far away to see the big picture.

Anyway, i agree on the fact that immunology is a chaotic mess, and we are unable to understand a lot of things, i posted it like a few hours ago.And unfortunately you are right, medecine now is pretty much an industry rather than a true altruistic science it once was.

But don't forget it was some professors, just for the sake of research, who discover Penicilin, and Rabies vaccine, true pioneers of modern medicine, not even aiming for that goal, or produce something useful, even less making money !

Random discoveries made science as we know it today, in Mathematics, Physics, Medicine, Energy....Nikola Tesla spent nearly all his life like a hobo and a pariah despite being one of the greatest mind of mankind.

With something as complex as human biology, we need those small advances, and if what you say is true, "useless papers to attract funds", well this is pretty much fucked for every one.But i want to believe some of them are published to actually bring one more piece to the puzzle, even if it's not relevant as of today.

Tsuji-sama, with all respect, must have spent a huge amount of times reading papers of academic research, inspired by some, refuted by others, in order to produce something actually useful, even published some to benefits others.

If what you say about Cots is true, that's a pretty long scam, like his entire career and all his researches are just a long and nasty scientifc joke.

Considering WIHN, well...you know...induce a wound...observed new hair follicles...make a biopsy....seeing new derma papilla cells with an electron microscope, to a neophyte in medicine like me, seems a rather pretty proof, and this proof already exists, now the f****r needs to do his job and make like 150 experiments to identify all the triggered biomechanisms, reads some papers on other experiments on that particular matter and find a way to reproduce it safely, I can puke all those scientific terms if you insist, but you can already find them in research papers.
Dude , did you the full study ?!?!?!?! So Allergan is full of idiots tha ate testin sepitiprant in phase 2 ?!
That you have studies and masters , do not tell anything . being a douchebag , tell a lot more about you ;) .
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Dude , did you the full study ?!?!?!?! So Allergan is full of idiots tha ate testin sepitiprant in phase 2 ?!
That you have studies and masters , do not tell anything . being a douchebag , tell a lot more about you ;) .

Why are you quoting me on this ? Did i say any of this things ? whatever the f*** that means anyway, your sentence makes no sense

Did you the full study ?? -> you mean read ? Yeah i've read it
So Allergan is full of idiots tha ate testin sepitiprant in phase 2 ?! -> tha ate testin ? i don't know the f*** it means, can't even complete the sentence here.

Are you drunk or high mate ? i never say Allergan is full of idiots, quite the opposite


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Why are you quoting me on this ? Did i say any of this things ? whatever the f*** that means anyway, your sentence makes no sense

Did you the full study ?? -> you mean read ? Yeah i've read it
So Allergan is full of idiots tha ate testin sepitiprant in phase 2 ?! -> tha ate testin ? i don't know the f*** it means, can't even complete the sentence here.

Are you drunk or high mate ? i never say Allergan is full of idiots, quite the opposite
Dude,. Allergan is running Sepitiprant phase 2 for Androgenetic Alopecia. What is the problem with you !?


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Dude,. Allergan is running Sepitiprant phase 2 for Androgenetic Alopecia. What is the problem with you !?

Yeah i know, did you even read my previous posts on this thread ? Wtf is wrong with YOU ?


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Yeah i know, did you even read my previous posts on this thread ? Wtf is wrong with YOU ?
Dude, you are going against a real study, one of the greates about male pattern baldness in the whole history, against a phase 2 of an multi national big lab like allergan. Why I will waste my time reading more of your dumb theories ? Last time I checked, Mathematics and Physics know a sh*t about pharmacology. So shut up and get out of here. This CRTH2 antagonist, so who the f*** care about you being a douchbag ?


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Ok I will reply to you seriously,since you look like a serious person.
First of all bro, apparently it's not me who goes mad,rather than you. Posting and spending so much time at this forum shows you are way more obsessed and not calm about your hairloss than me. That's your choice,I am not judging you for this but you can't make assumptions like "driving you mad"

Sorry for my language,I dont know how MANY f*****g TIMES I have written to this forum that I know EXACTLY how academic research works. For your information,and Im not bragging about it,I am one of those people who their work is "denigrated" and is probably (at least now) underpaid for what I am doing. I have a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and currently in a PhD in Biomedical Engineering in a great University.
I KNOW VERY WELL how academic research works. Professors try to post useless papers all the time,with little or no importance at all, just to get promoted,to attract funds and eventually show some kind of "progress".

People who get sh*t done are in INDUSTRY. Yeap,that's right, I N D U S T R Y. In industry, no one gives a f*** about some random discovery with little or no significance. Serious and focused research is done in order to PRODUCE ACTUALLY something USEFUL.
On the other hand,many professors do research... just for the sake of... research. I don't really know if you can spot the difference. It's material only for scientific magazines and for a small community to show off. They have almost zero practical use.
What I am describing is almost 90% of academic research.

I am not gonna argue about prostaglandines,sorry. I have lost faith in this area like 1.5+ year now. Like I said before, you have every right to believe in them. Immunology, hormones, signal pathways are simply chaotic, or at least is seems like this today. Maybe in future when all this chaotic stuff will actually be mapped and we will understand the full mechanisms of human biology, MAYBE then we will be able to manipulate them. However, we are quite far from a sophisticated manipulation yet (with no unexpected results I mean)
But I want you to keep in mind what I wrote at the top of my text about academics anyway.

Sorry,no offence, but just out of simple curiosity: What are your credentials and your scientific background if you may? I have told you mine. And what exactly do you mean by "studied, dissected, analysed, there is litteraly tons of paper and evidences"? Please elaborate,although I am 99.9% sure I already know the answer :)

Refer to my top text about academics. Cotsarelis is doing the same thing.
That's the reason I believe in Tsuji-Kyocera-Organ Technologies.

Hahahaha, man, If TSUJI is for you the solution, that mean that you are to young and did not even bother to read archives of hair cloning of the last 20 years. You know how many " Tsuji" companies bit the dust in the last 2 decades ? lol . It will not happen, no in the near future.


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pgd2 cause hair loss when bind to his receptor gpr44. This receptor is actived in response to an allergic reaction and pgd2 also increase when mast cell is activated from an allergic reaction and release pgd2 and others pro inflammatory mediators.
So if you havent any sistemic allergy reaction this product wont help you. Blocking dht its enought
Yeah , of course. Cause you name a way on blocking 100 % DHT without side effects ? lol. DHT is just the start of the cascade.


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ALightInTheDark, I really feel sorry for people like you,but its quite a common thing in hairloss forums. Sorry you also had a transplant in 19, when most people get it 10 years+ and I am sorry it failed and you are still miserable,desperate to show your e-penis just to get some kind of relief for your misery.
I strongly suggest you talk to a psychiatrist or people who will really help you. You really need to be helped man.

Added you on my ignore list, good luck dealing with your psychiatric issues and carrying on with your life :)
Dude, you have less active neurons than Maradona if you think that a hair transplant is a solution. Congratulion, you will have 20 K hairs where you should have 100 K . Lol.


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Yeah i know, did you even read my previous posts on this thread ? Wtf is wrong with YOU ?
Yeah i know, did you even read my previous posts on this thread ? Wtf is wrong with YOU ?
PGD 2 is elevates x 3 on androgenetic alopecia sites
PGD2 inhibit hair growth
Blocking the receptor CRTH2 make the "inhibit " the inhibitory effect of PGD2 on folicle .
There is one major pharmaceutical who knows exactly what it can be expect on blocking CTHR2 receptor on phase 2 .
If you don't understand this is :
1) you are an idiot
2) You have zero knowledge on pharmacology and physiology
3) Worst part, you try to argue it with " I am a mathematical " . Who the f*****g care, you can being a cooker or a taxi driver. You are a douchbag.