finasteride long term effects?



Bryan said:
abcdefg said:
I like the whole people born without 5ar2 story myself. The men in the Dominican republic they speak of don't all have boobs while some men on finasteride get them. What are these peoples estrogen and hormone levels? do these all compare with normal people? Did merk even bother to check?

The hormonal profiles of the pseudohermaphrodites are strikingly similar to those of finasteride users.


what about dutasteride users?

The Dangerman

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johnnyseville said:
Drugs companies could care less what happens to us, they will try to get away with anything, its all about profits. If you think otherwise, there is a bridge I have for sale.

I'm sorry if you have felt unhappy taking the drug, that's unfortunate and I hope things improve for you. But nothing in this life is without risk. To do nothing is not without risks, for example if your hairloss is seriously affecting your self-esteem, social life, work life etc. That's extreme, but for somepeople, it could be the case.

If your basis for saying Finasteride is unsafe "because all drug companies are only interested in profits" then that's highly irresponsible to potential users. If you have some evidence, or even a theory of why finasteride is unsafe, then that's different, and you should try and back that up if possible. Of course the major drug companies want to make money, thats why they exist. But it DOES NOT follow that they have no concern about the people who are taking their products. Profits and safety are not mutally exclusive.


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Sorry DM, I do not have the empirical evidence you speak of. I have my own experience plus I have read countless posts by members here and other forums of their experience good and bad with finasteride and dutasteride. The figures the pharmaceutical companies supply us with concerning side effects is grossly misrepresented. The percentage of those suffering from these effects may very well be 20%, not at all what is stated in literature. I have read where figures up to 19% are stated, many of which subsided when the drug was withdrawn, but there were those in which these effects did not subside for months and even years.

I still stand by my statement concerning the profit motives of these companies, that is the only reason they exist.

The Dangerman

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Well of course they have a profit motive. I can't believe that would be shocking to anybody. All commercial businesses do, I mean come on this basic economics. But it is completely unreasonable and illogical to suggest to people that Finasteride must have long-term side effects because drug companies exist to make profits. That's like saying your local car mechanic must preform shoddy and dangerous work because he exists to make a profit, as, afterall, he isn't fixing your car for the good of his health. Please note, I'm attacking your reasoning for saying Finasteride is unsafe, not defending the drug per-se, although personally I believe it is. It's upto individuals to decide if they want to take it or not however.

I also take the so-called evidence that finasteride causes sides in 20% of people with a pinch of salt. Several reasons for this:

1) The trials reported nowhere near this level, but it's upto you if you believe them.
2) People in hair-loss forums generally only hang around if proven treatments don't work. Those that do have successful treatment tend, on average, to post less frequently if at all.
3) The unlucky few who do get sides shout louder then those that don't.
4) The power of suggestion is very stong. If your told your going to get sides, you will believe it. The mind is very powerful, how do you think placebos "work"?
5) Those nervously taking the drug will believe every ailment they get from then onwards is a result of taking finasteride. They never get ailments randomly anymore.


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I noticed a change on finasteride right away. Its important to remember that not everyone will have the same effect. however for me, I had less strong erections, less sensitivity downstairs. no more nocturnal erections, no more spontanious erections. very low sex drive. I was on propecia for about 8 months, ive been off it for about 2 years with little improvement. Some guys get mad when you talk about finasteride side effects but for me they are a reality. With all that being said hair loss is pretty freaky and it may be worth taking a risk(i wouldent do it again but thats me). Now im lossing my hair AND have no sex drive (double screwed). All the bad things about testosterone with none of the good.

If you want to try it go ahead but if you feel messed up go to an endocrine Doctor. immediately


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I'd like to chime in as someone who has had sides. It'll be one year on march 15th since I quit and I'm still suffering. Countless tests and doctors appointments, stress, you name it. It's been a nightmare. Can't get back on track. I just think it's crazy when someone posts seemingly logical info based on studies, draw their own conclusions, and influence others to make decisions that can hurt them. I've been to the best doctors around who say they don't know what this stuff can do, how can YOU be so sure? Not trying to be a scare monger, it's just that I continued use for quite a while when others were saying "give it time, the sides will go away...". The best think I can add to this is - if you have sides, STOP!

The Dangerman

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rkim said:
how can YOU be so sure?

Excuse me!

I stressed my believe was personal, hence the bold type. My posts were directed to the illiogical and irresponsible approach that JohnnySeville was taking to show Finasteride was unsafe. That being that "Drug companies make profits ergo the drugs therefore are unsafe". That is simply irrational. I'm sorry you have suffer sides you say are caused by finasteride, but it's also damaging to suggest to potential users who maybe suffering terrible self-esteem issues because of male pattern baldness that Finasteride is so dangerous. It's suprising how much weight somepeople place on anecdotal evidence posted by people on a hair-loss forum.

Do you not agree that those with sides or no regrowth/maintence are likely to shoult a hell of a lot louder then those without?


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hey rkim, i am tired of the perminent sides, I am trying tribulus and 6-oxo. Im pretty nervous to mess with hormones again but im and really tired of feeling like a 70 year old (im in my late 20's). From what i understand we are going through something similar to guys that have used, and quit, steroids. After quitting finasteride your testosterone settles at a lower baseline, and your estrogen settles at a higher baseline perminently unless you do something to jumpstart your system. Steroid users use Clomid to do this which is a powerful fertility drug that scares the crap out of me. any input?


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depress said:
hey rkim, i am tired of the perminent sides, I am trying tribulus and 6-oxo. Im pretty nervous to mess with hormones again but im and really tired of feeling like a 70 year old (im in my late 20's). From what i understand we are going through something similar to guys that have used, and quit, steroids. After quitting finasteride your testosterone settles at a lower baseline, and your estrogen settles at a higher baseline perminently unless you do something to jumpstart your system. Steroid users use Clomid to do this which is a powerful fertility drug that scares the crap out of me. any input?

Were you takeing propecia? You can fill out a form or something with your Doctor if you were takeing it under supervision..
Why is it that none of these long term sides people experience havnt been mentioned by Merck? People should be reporting these if they occur


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yeah i took it under supervision. My Doctor says that the side effects go away when you stop, and my testosterone is in range (very low side of normal) and it is more like the level you would see in 40+ year old male (im late 20's). basically my Doctor doesn't believe me. I've been of finasteride for 2+years. Merck is full of crap. I never NEVER had any type of erection,sensitivty,semen volume, morning wood,spontainous erction problems, sex drive problems, up to the day before i started finasteride. I kick myself everyday. I was so worried about hair that i took a creepy drug that I never would have touched for any other reason.


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damn all this has made me very weary on taking this drug..........DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN...i was this ( ) close to starting on proscar..but i dont want permanet side u guys think spironolactone cream is a good alternative to finasteride?

thinking of

Rogaine Foam
spironolactone Cream
Retin a (to go with the rogaine)

also taking MSM, and fish oil

i heard Saw palmetto extract is good? any suggesstions on that?


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sorry to freak you out im just telling you my story. Guys go bald because their hair follicles are sensitive to DHT. Its not that they have excessive DHT. DHT is a vital good hormone, and unfortunatly for us it is bad for hair follicles. The hair on the back of the head is not sensitive to DHT that is why people get the horseshoe pattern. It the real problem was DHT all your hair would fall out, not just the top. The logic with finasteride is that you take away the DHT and save your hair, with the same logic cutting off your balls would save your hair. not worth in my opinion.


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yea i might stay topical for awhile.. i havent read any GOOD evidence that this finasteride. DOESNT do any harm in the long run. i think everyone is backing it up because they want to believe that.


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usmcmarine083 said:
yea i might stay topical for awhile.. i havent read any GOOD evidence that this finasteride. DOESNT do any harm in the long run. i think everyone is backing it up because they want to believe that.

Well no, Im sure most people are going by the trial results.


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Everyone has to quit being stupid and remember taking any drug is playing the lottery. The doctors, scientists, and even george bush do not have a clue what a drug will do to you for sure. You play the odds when you take this. Odds are good you will be ok, but for some they are not. You know this you decide.
Stacks and stacks of studies, but when 1 merk scientist forgot to carry that 1 you pay for it not merk.


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abcdefg said:
Everyone has to quit being stupid and remember taking any drug is playing the lottery. The doctors, scientists, and even george bush do not have a clue what a drug will do to you for sure. You play the odds when you take this. Odds are good you will be ok, but for some they are not. You know this you decide.
Stacks and stacks of studies, but when 1 merk scientist forgot to carry that 1 you pay for it not merk.

You are right moron. I mean look how ravaged little boys are across America because they have low DHT in their systems.

Quick, lets inject every little boy in the world with some steroids to get their DHT levels back up, because we all know low DHT levels lead to death!

Get real stupid. Your DHT levels will rise back up to normal a few days after you quit the drug, and if DHT was such a vital thing to have in your bloodsteam, than every child, woman, and old man on the planet would be dead.

How is my girlfriend able to maintain a healthy body, I mean, her DHT levels are astronomically low comapred to that of the average man.


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WorldofWarcraft said:
How is my girlfriend able to maintain a healthy body, I mean, her DHT levels are astronomically low comapred to that of the average man.

You gotta be kidding with this statement. Screw around with her estrogen levels and see what she look like then! Can't believe you said this.