Follica Annual Reports And Accounts April 2017


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And you still can't have a convincing explanation of why Tsuji targets for 2020 but you think it will definitely fail, with that said you are more knowledgeable than team Tsuji to conclude that they will fail. ok then show us your qualification, otherwise you are just being psychotic and basing your conclusion on your broscience and gut feeling. Come on, most of us must be looking forward to your resume and certificate and your scientific article in magazine.


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Thanks for the answer. Well, if replicel and histogen could stop hair loss progression, then it´s great. You will only need one or two hair transplants to get coverage, considering you still have native hairs. In my case, i am a NW3 still using finasteride and minoxidil, since 1997. I hope i can substitute them for Replicel´s treatment in a few years.

Anyway, i´m curious to know your actual regimen and which treatment you believe is closer to reach the market.

Thanks again!

If you want neutral and realistic opinion I suggest you to ask Swoop or That guy.


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I don't understand why people still respond to nameless. He fits the profile of somebody with a serious personality disorder.

Furthermore - and much worse - he's a f*****g troll. This is the guy who is convinced we will have a cure for the aging process within three years (so convinced that if you disagree he berates you and leaves half a dozen posts attacking you and name calling), but is now saying that a cure for hairloss is *at least* 25 years away. No rational, self respecting person would even try to quantify a timeline like that. The guy is simply desperate for attention, desperate for people to validate his opinions, and desperate for some semblance of human interaction - even if it means mixing it up with total strangers on an anonymous forum board.


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1. One problem is that the fat layer base under the follicle has thinned. This fat layer is important because it sends necessary growth factors to the follicles. The only way to solve this problem is to add fat to the appropriate place. But if they do this the fat will soon leave the target area. In order to solve the fat layer problem the fat has to stay in the target area PERMANENTLY.

2. And there's also talk that the shrinkage of the collagen area is also playing a role in hair loss so they will also have to find a permanent solution to this problem as well.

Plain old hair transplants say this won't be a problem. It may take a few passes but the skin will recover.

3. Then there is the issue of inductivity. They have been trying to find a solution to this problem for quite some time and they still haven't got it licked. They may never solve this problem.

Follica isn't replicating cells.

Thousands of guys have seen minor wounding bring back fully thick individual hairs in shiny-bald areas. Follica has produce new early-follicles for sure. This does work. It is possible.

4. Then there is the issue that the follicles will be grown from your cells - which have a genetic vulnerability to androgen. So they will have to do gene editing to remove the genetic vulnerability to androgen from your cells. It could take 5 - 10 years to advance genetic editing far enough to accomplish this.

5. But first they have to locate that genetic vulnerability to androgens. They don't know where the genetic vulnerability to androgens is situated exactly inside the cells. It could be more than one gene, and they might not be located next to each other, or even near each other. Finding the genetic vulnerability genes in your cells could easily take 5 years or so.

6. And removing the defective genetics of the androgen sensitivity won't completely solve that problem. They will also have to replace the defective genetics with something...healthy genes that are impervious to androgens. Then they'll have to edit those genes (that are impervious to androgen) INTO some hair cells of the person they edited the bad genes out of. And they will have to edit those good genes in at the right spot (in the cells) with technology that has no chance of causing an immune response from the host when billions of edited copies of the cells are implanted into the host. Since hair loss is a genetic condition regulatory agencies are unlikely to allow even the slightest possibility of an immune response. The risk factor for an immune response would probably have to be down to ZERO in order to get regulatory clearance once gene editing is involved.

Do you plan on going through puberty a second time? I don't. That means any regenerated hair will see a fraction of the total androgen bombardment that the originals did. How many years did your original scalp hairs continue to last after that process started when you were 11-13 years old? And that's WITH the puberty bombardment wearing them down. If Follica's deal has to be repeated every decade or something to keep the hairs thick, big deal. Our androgen levels are going nowhere but down every year.

I personally have a few individual new hairs on my hairline that were produced by simple needling. They are most of a decade old, and they have far outlasted the other native hair in the area.

It will easily be 25 years before they can do all 6 of these things. And when they accomplish these 6 things they might find there are additional hurdles. I think we're 25 - 100 years away from a cure for hair loss. And there is the very real possibility that they may NEVER be able to cure hair loss.

25 years? I just solved it in less than 25 sentences.


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Plain old hair transplants say this won't be a problem. It may take a few passes but the skin will recover.

Follica isn't replicating cells.

Thousands of guys have seen minor wounding bring back fully thick individual hairs in shiny-bald areas. Follica has produce new early-follicles for sure. This does work. It is possible.

Do you plan on going through puberty a second time? I don't. That means any regenerated hair will see a fraction of the total androgen bombardment that the originals did. How many years did your original scalp hairs continue to last after that process started when you were 11-13 years old? And that's WITH the puberty bombardment wearing them down. If Follica's deal has to be repeated every decade or something to keep the hairs thick, big deal. Our androgen levels are going nowhere but down every year.

I personally have a few individual new hairs on my hairline that were produced by simple needling. They are most of a decade old, and they have far outlasted the other native hair in the area.

25 years? I just solved it in less than 25 sentences.

Great! Try marketing it.


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I don't understand why people still respond to nameless. He fits the profile of somebody with a serious personality disorder.

Furthermore - and much worse - he's a f*****g troll. This is the guy who is convinced we will have a cure for the aging process within three years (so convinced that if you disagree he berates you and leaves half a dozen posts attacking you and name calling), but is now saying that a cure for hairloss is *at least* 25 years away. No rational, self respecting person would even try to quantify a timeline like that. The guy is simply desperate for attention, desperate for people to validate his opinions, and desperate for some semblance of human interaction - even if it means mixing it up with total strangers on an anonymous forum board.

Thanks for sharing.


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I don't understand why people still respond to nameless. He fits the profile of somebody with a serious personality disorder.

Furthermore - and much worse - he's a f*****g troll. This is the guy who is convinced we will have a cure for the aging process within three years (so convinced that if you disagree he berates you and leaves half a dozen posts attacking you and name calling), but is now saying that a cure for hairloss is *at least* 25 years away. No rational, self respecting person would even try to quantify a timeline like that. The guy is simply desperate for attention, desperate for people to validate his opinions, and desperate for some semblance of human interaction - even if it means mixing it up with total strangers on an anonymous forum board.

Ok let's ignore him. On the other hand I think he's quite poor to act like this because of his psychological status. He needs therapy.


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And you still can't have a convincing explanation of why Tsuji targets for 2020 but you think it will definitely fail, with that said you are more knowledgeable than team Tsuji to conclude that they will fail. ok then show us your qualification, otherwise you are just being psychotic and basing your conclusion on your broscience and gut feeling. Come on, most of us must be looking forward to your resume and certificate and your scientific article in magazine.

* Aderans also had a projected market date but that fell through and the company shut down. Intercytex also had a projected market date but that fell through and the company shut down. Histogen has had a number of projected market dates but they keep extending the date.

* I don't need qualifications. I just need facts. ALL cell-based hair loss treatments are failing for the same reasons. When push comes to shove Tsuji is just another cell-based hair loss treatment and Tsuji hasn't solved the problems that made the other cell-based treatments fail. Hence, Tsuji will also fail.

* Over at TBT they're even saying that Tsuji's lab has closed.
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Ok let's ignore him. On the other hand I think he's quite poor to act like this because of his psychological status. He needs therapy.

I don't care if you ignore me. But don't lie to yourself. Don't kid yourself that you're ignoring me for a good reason. Admit to yourself that you're ignoring me because you don't want to hear negative stuff about hair loss treatments. Now ignore me and only talk to people who tell you that all of the treatments in the pipeline will grow full heads of hair, and they will all be available in a year or two.
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* Aderans had a projected market date but that fell through and the company shut down. Intercytex had a projected market date but that fell through and the company shut down. Histogen has had a number of projected market dates but they keep extending the date.

* I don't need qualifications. I just need facts. ALL cell-based hair loss treatments are failing for the same reasons. When push comes to shove Tsuji is just another cell-based hair loss treatment and Tsuji hasn't solved the problems that made the other cell-based treatments fail. Hence, Tsuji will also fail.

* Over at TBT they're even saying that Tsuji's lab has closed.

It looks like those responses in the thread were from 2015, and mostly assumptive. We've heard since that they are still plugging along with Kyocera to deliver a product by 2020. Whether it happens by then is obviously up in the air, but they aren't closed.


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* Aderans had a projected market date but that fell through and the company shut down. Intercytex had a projected market date but that fell through and the company shut down. Histogen has had a number of projected market dates but they keep extending the date.

* I don't need qualifications. I just need facts. ALL cell-based hair loss treatments are failing for the same reasons. When push comes to shove Tsuji is just another cell-based hair loss treatment and Tsuji hasn't solved the problems that made the other cell-based treatments fail. Hence, Tsuji will also fail.

* Over at TBT they're even saying that Tsuji's lab has closed.

Hahah yeah posters said that on btt but the original question is by Pentarou from 29.3.2015!!!!! That is way before they got bought by Koycera/Riken!!! And the posters on BTT with the reading comprehension of a native GAulic tribesman from 2nd century BC kept qouting PEntarous questions lat month and posting about how Tsujis lab has lost funding. BECAUSE as I said they have a reading comprehension of Atilla the Hun(I'm aware he is not GAulic).


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It looks like those responses in the thread were from 2015, and mostly assumptive. We've heard since that they are still plugging along with Kyocera to deliver a product by 2020. Whether it happens by then is obviously up in the air, but they aren't closed.

Well, at least that's some good news. When I read that Tsuji closed shop I figured he gave up on trying to solve the inductivity problem.


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Well, at least that's some good news. When I read that Tsuji closed shop I figured he gave up on trying to solve the inductivity problem.

so you went apeshit and came here to write about the dark future so people will hug you and tell you it's going to be alright, right ?

That Guy

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Nameless has finally completely snapped.


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Balding doesn't stop bothering you at some specific age. Some guys get transplants in their 70s.

Nameless is right to point out that the cell inductivity problem is not a minor bump in the road. It's the entire problem at this point. It has been sinking one hair multiplication company after another for 15 years now. There is no reason to assume this problem is about to be solved until we get specific evidence. "Tsuji is working on it and he's confident" doesn't mean squat.

That Guy

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Balding doesn't stop bothering you at some specific age. Some guys get transplants in their 70s.

Nameless is right to point out that the cell inductivity problem is not a minor bump in the road. It's the entire problem at this point. It has been sinking one hair multiplication company after another for 15 years now. There is no reason to assume this problem is about to be solved until we get specific evidence. "Tsuji is working on it and he's confident" doesn't mean squat.

First off, there have not been dozens of hair multiplication companies as you suggest. There were two and what killed each was ultimately a lack of $. Investors want to see immediate returns and you can't hope to solve a problem if the cash flow is cut off the second the investors are disappointed because they don't see the result they hope for even if the results in general are still good. Paul Kemp has said this was the problem that happened with Intercytex when he worked there and Aderans went to making wigs because apparently halting of hairloss just wasn't good enough for the fat cats in suits to allow it to go to market. It's only in the last 10 years anyone has been trying to actually do this.

Second, there has been a lot of research regarding either ways of solving or avoiding the problem entirely and Nameless is well aware of it.

Hair multiplication also has jack and sh*t to do with Follica, which is the subject of this thread.

Lastly, you'll have to forgive me for when an esteemed doctor, who is a leader in his field's team at one of the most world-renowned institutes from the Asian continent says "Our research has shown us potential solutions to this problem" that I will believe them rather than some whiny, old, bald guys bitching about how they're old and 19-year-old women with incredible, waxed-so-cleanly-you-can-eat-off-it bodies find them even LESS attractive than they did before; they're scared of finasteride, won't wear a piece or get a transplant and it's been like this since *gasp* the 80s for them and this must mean there is no hope ever while they assail the forums with their misunderstandings of basic science and extreme exaggeration of past failures.


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so you went apeshit and came here to write about the dark future so people will hug you and tell you it's going to be alright, right ?

No. And it's still not going to be alright. And if you try to hug me I'll put holes in you.

It's good news that Tsiji lab didn't shut down but it doesn't change my opinion that it will take a long, long time to cure hair loss because last I heard Tsuji was working on key technical issues that MUST be resolved in order for his treatment to work. You clowns don't seem to get it that these necessary technical issues prevent success. This is why Aderans and Intercytex failed and even shut down. It's why Replicel grew sh*t for hair.

We're still sunk. We need to find a solution to the inductivity problem. We need solutions to the expansion problems. We need to locate specific genes inside hair cells. We need to advance new technologies like gene editing so we can edit some genes once we find them. We're a long way from success. It should take at least 25 years to reach the finish line. I suggest you all settle in here for the long haul.
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