Follica Annual Reports And Accounts April 2017


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yes, we all know that the almighty dr. gardner had his doubts some years ago, but it doesn't mean anything for today. you simply don't understand that the fat thing only plays a small part which is not mandatory for growing and maintaining brand new healthy hair.

Please post links to articles by top hair loss researchers which confirm your statements that fat has been discounted as a key factor in hair loss/growth. Prove that what you're saying isn't just wishful thinking and delusions.
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In the interview this very website did with the Organ Tech CEO and other people involved that amazingly, no one ever reads.

I read that interview and it looked to me like it said they planned to start trials next year but that was contingent on them finding solutions to some tech problems.

Are you saying that all of their tech problems are solved? If that's your claim then please provide a link to Tsuji stating that all of the tech problems are solved. If you provide a link to Tsuji saying all of the tech problems are solved then of course I'll re-assess my timeline.
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Not everyone is like you.
In fact nobody in my country gives a f*** if you're 32 and you're dating a 18 year old girl, because that is the norm and the women are also very beautiful, it's fucked up when I see a beautiful girl and it hurts my heart so much, because I cannot have her and unlike you I'm allergic to older women (i have no romantical interests in them, only sexual), because I hate skeptical stuck up b****s who lost all signs of their girlishness and youthfulness aka mature, snoby women, a side effect they have for being in too much relationships. In fact half of the girls at my Highschool class, when they graduated had boyfriends who were 5-10 years older than them and nobody said that that was weird. Now, when a 58 year old man was reported f*****g a 20 year old girl on TV that was f*****g pathetic.
Don't forget that Brad Pitt was 30 when he started to get popular and he could get any woman easily.
So, calm the f*** down my fellow baldcels, you can have your youthful life back til you hit your 40s and if the cure is released.
You will also need:
Those are just excuses to explain your failures. You just need balls which you are obviously lacking. :)
And what is your country?


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People should not attack a man for simply stating his reasonable perceptions. I have been attacked quite a bit in this thread simply for stating my reasonable perceptions. All of you should be concerned about this because it could be any one of you. All you have to do is post a reasonable opinion that differs with the majority opinion and you could be harshly attacked relentlessly.
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My Regimen
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People should not attack a man for simply stating his reasonable perceptions. I have been attacked quite a bit in this thread simply for stating my reasonable perceptions. My feelings are very very hurt.

I did not read the 'attacks'
I had notice you seem pessimistic about treatments compared to a few months ago.
Is this emotional? It could be why they are impatient with you because it's a 'research' section.


My Regimen
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There is a difference between a woman wanting your money and a woman wanting you.

Excess Money does not hurt a mans desirability.
Lack of money does hurt a mans desirability.
Just truth.

That Guy

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if you have this you dont need that much hair actually.

A common, misguided "MGTOW" line of thinking.

Statistics repeatedly show that the overwhelming majority of people date within their own social and economic class and status. The only women who will be attracted to you specifically because $ and assets are gold diggers. Statistically, most "gold diggers" are women who grew up poor and/or raised to be this way by their mothers. Hypergamy is largely a feudalistic concept where it benefits the woman's FAMILY and not the woman.

Brad Pitt could have any woman he wants, right? Why then does he (and every other movie star) exclusively date other, rich movie stars? Each one less attractive than the woman he was with before? It's because he has nothing in common with the peasant woman working at Starbucks; they have two completely different ways of life. Not to mention, women like attention, but they want it from people they like. Most people wouldn't date a rich celebrity if it actually came to it because they're comfortable with leaving the house WITHOUT bodyguards, paparazzi, and the rest of it.

If it comes to money vs hair for the sake of pursuing women, choose hair every time because as long as you have looks, finding and keeping a mate of equivalent appearance and wealth shouldn't be a difficult task.


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you've been attacked because you pollute every thread with your nonsense, for so many years now, on many different hairloss forums. the majority of users know you and your history on the forums and your various user names very well. there have been so many stupid and unbelievable stories with you, and in those recent years you managed to make a total fool of yourself hundrets of times. and because you never learn, we will see that another hundret times in future. stay tuned

I only read the first line of your post because that's all it took to figure out it's more of your usual crap.

You're HIDING from the truth. Tsuji's tech problems are not solved and deep down inside you know it.

If you post a link to evidence that Tsuji's tech problems are solved I'll be the first to say I'm wrong, otherwise please shut up.

So these are your two choices:

1. Shut up already.


2. Post evidence that Tsuji says all of his tech problems are solved.

Be a man and do one of these two things. Put up or shut up.
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That Guy

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When I went through the interview with Team Tsuji there was a post by someone who posted (negatively) about how we're still facing the same problems we've been facing for a long long time. I shrugged his post off. I didn't want to believe what he said. But even though I shrugged off what he said it has haunted me ever since I read it. I simply can't shake the correctness of his point.

Since "That_Guy" recently said that Tsuji starts clinical trials next year I asked "That-Guy" if Tsuji has solved the tech problems and I asked him to post a link to that information if the tech problems are solved.

Note that "That_Guy" has not supplied any such link. People are acting like Tsuji clinical trials are a done deal but the tech problems are still unsolved and it's my recollection that Team Tsuji indicated they would start trials next year contingent on solving those tech problems.

It appears that the same as I didn't want to believe the poster who saidTsuji hasn't solved the key tech problems yet, many other posters also do not want to face that truth still to this date. At least I did finally face the truth.

A few months ago I was saying the same stuff other posters are still saying today, but I can't deny the truth any longer. That poster who said we still have to solve the same problems we've been wrestling with for years has a valid point. The tech problems still aren't solved as far as I know. And I can't say hopeful things based on bullshit any longer.

Jesus f*****g Christ

They stated two things in that interview that you are well aware of:

• Their studies have shown potential solutions to the problem

• They will be beginning trials in fiscal year 2019 (which begins in 2018)

From this there are only two possibilities:

• The problem is solved

• They're going to proceed with trials even if it isn't

You don't get 3 companies worth billions of dollars to agree to spending this kind of money and manpower on "maybe" science. You keep speaking like it is a mandatory thing that they have epithelial cells cultured en masse before trying the transplantation in people. If worse comes to worst, as shown by Sanford-Burnham's research, iPSCs seem to be a workaround; You even said that yourself.

If they had said "we've solved the epithelial cell culturing issue" you'd be all "YEAH BUT DOES IT WORK IN PEOPLE!? I want to know it works in people before I give two shits about this!" which it's obvious that of course it's going to work in people. Strictly human cells that grow human hair in mouse skin will logically grow human hair in human skin as well.

The human trials will be PR more than anything. They show that it works and people are going to f*****g NUTS 'round the world.

So how about you stop screaming at everyone and just buckle in and wait to see what happens like the rest of us are — it's all you can do anyway.


My Regimen
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A common, misguided "MGTOW" line of thinking.

Statistics repeatedly show that the overwhelming majority of people date within their own social and economic class and status. The only women who will be attracted to you specifically because $ and assets are gold diggers. Statistically, most "gold diggers" are women who grew up poor and/or raised to be this way by their mothers. Hypergamy is largely a feudalistic concept where it benefits the woman's FAMILY and not the woman.

Brad Pitt could have any woman he wants, right? Why then does he (and every other movie star) exclusively date other, rich movie stars? Each one less attractive than the woman he was with before? It's because he has nothing in common with the peasant woman working at Starbucks; they have two completely different ways of life. Not to mention, women like attention, but they want it from people they like. Most people wouldn't date a rich celebrity if it actually came to it because they're comfortable with leaving the house WITHOUT bodyguards, paparazzi, and the rest of it.

If it comes to money vs hair for the sake of pursuing women, choose hair every time because as long as you have looks, finding and keeping a mate of equivalent appearance and wealth shouldn't be a difficult task.
not 100% true. people prefer to date within their social class because that is what is comfortable to them. that doesnt mean that women dont look up. it will always be up. if she is with someone that can only provide looks at some point it won't be enough anymore to her and keeping her will be difficult. it is true with men too ,at least to me, you dont want a girl that looks 10 and has zero brain for a life time partner because you will be bored when you realize you have a sex doll. it is proven until this day that women like a guy who can provide. why dont we see hot rich women with a hot Starbucks dude and since you brought up celebrities, think again about hypergamy: Brad pitt's career > Angelina's.

we dont know anything about the personal life of celebrities but when something comes out it will be a sex tape or ben afflick cheating on his wife with the nanny. brad pitt can have any peasant as you say but then there is the huge risk of a law suit or public shaming when it comes out if he played her, his reputation will be gone and the end of his career. irresponsible life style killed a lot of celebrity careers see lindsey lohan.

That Guy

My Regimen
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people prefer to date within their social class because that is what is comfortable to them.

Which is exactly what I said.

that doesnt mean that women dont look up. it will always be up.

and men will always notice attractive women; women more attractive than the one they are with. But most guys aren't running out and cheating on their girlfriends and wives just because there are hotter women out there and they could get with them.

There is ALWAYS going to be a hotter woman and there is always going to be a richer guy. Anyone with a brain knows this, yet even after multiple failed relationships, they still wind up with a person in the much the same class. Refer to the first quote of this post.

if she is with someone that can only provide looks at some point it won't be enough anymore to her and keeping her will be difficult.

Sure, but this is a strawman.

If she dates men in the same class as her, then it means she is comfortable with what he is capable of providing financially beforehand. Not, "I'm suddenly bored of living comfortably and decided I want a guy with a yacht". This is what "the manosphere" would have you believe, but reality tells a different tale.

Most couples work to build a better life together.

why dont we see hot rich women with a hot Starbucks dude

For the same reasons you don't generally see hot rich men with a hot Starbucks girl.

Look, hypergamy is a real thing, no doubt; but you can spot gold diggers from a mile away and it's not the "norm" as MGTOW bro-sheep who have no experience dating offline or outside of clubs would have you believe.

This is just men's way of shifting the blame onto the woman and her "nature" for why she doesn't like him. His beer gut and horseshoe couldn't possibly have anything to do with it. No, it's all about the $ and "resources", bruh.

That's totally why Bill Gates and Zuckerberg are married to the hottest women on the planet...


My Regimen
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"I'm suddenly bored of living comfortably and decided I want a guy with a yacht". This is what "the manosphere" would have you believe, but reality tells a different tale.
no it won't happen suddenly but if she is exposed to this lifestyle in her life. say she met a woman who is with a rich guy. she would then feel different about her relationship even if her partner is doing financially equally or somehow better but still financially ok not rich. just like if she is with an average guy and sees nick bateman she wouldn't suddenly jump on his d***, but she wish she is riding it deep inside. just like a man with nice girl and sees a super model. he wishes to be on top of her deep inside but he wouldn't actually do it even if opportunity presented.
a Starbucks lady in wall-street would never date her equal even if super hot. she has seen what it is like to be rich. it is exposed to her in real life. if not a super rich guy, she would at least settle for a guy with a decent job not because she is a gold digger. she just see things differently out of arrogance to be honest. only if she couldn't get what she hoped for she would look at her equal and say: oh I guess he is cute.
I have seen in my life a lot of men who are below average with gut and horseshoe btw who are not even rich but with decent well paying jobs
with very hot and gorgeous women. you might say she is a gold digger but she live with him and a loyal wife. unless she is a scum she must love him at this point. it is not a manoshpere delusion, it is reality. think about eastern Europe. full of bankrupt supermodels males and females. even if you have a decent job there you dont get paid well. what do you think the female is looking for a guy there and in this society she can get it and if she couldn't she would consider shady ways to get money or maybe become a p**rn star. generally they look perfect and normalized to population they provide the most for the industry. this is two cases provide clear evidence that money > whatever else. this is not an outlier this is the norm dude.
I am not disagreeing with you. you simply say what it should be and I say what it actually is.


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You have a great image of women. I am not surprise at all of your envious and poor behavior. Just so you know, '"hot chics"' are and will never be for you.
Having said that this part of the forum is New Research, Studies, and Technologies, not the "'I never had a girl in my life, but I would be with Miss Universe with hairs please, help me"'.