You don't have to forcus on one square centimeter at a time. You can move it in larger overlapping circles sort of like these. Don't pick up the pen, and don't stop, just keep moving in a circular motion. You can do it in lines of a few cm across the scalp, or you can do the whole left temple, then the forelock area, then the other temple and so on. This might be easier for you. Don't be too worried about precision, it's more important to worry about being thorough. If you have to go over the same area twice to make sure you get the area next to it, that's fine.
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You're exactly right, we want to wound the skin, not remove it.
If all hairs are plucked then then there is zero regrowth. Plucking is not the solution at all. This is a mouse study, and I do not think that just plucking would be sufficient in humans with Androgenetic Alopecia even if it were feasible, which it's not. It would take hours and hours to pluck at the right density. We can still learn things from the plucking response as it relates to microneedling.
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