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It's question of appreciating aesthetics. I appreciate nature, animals in motion. That does not mean I am sexually attracted to these things.

Exactly. Someone can find a dog or a cat cute but that doesn't mean it's sexual. Just like I find some dudes to be very handsome, that doesn't mean I'm even remotely sexually attracted to them. It's aestethics. I find the David sculpture by Michelangelo to be very pleasing to the eye but doesn't mean I am attracted sexually to the male body. It's a different story with the female body.


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There is no sexuality spectrum. And, contrary to what doctor house said, it isn't that complex. Sexuality hinges on arousal. Stimulus -> arousal determines our sexuality.

Gay people get aroused from stimulus relating to the same sex, straight people the opposite sex, and bisexuals both sexes. It's as simple as dopaminergic pathways in the brain activating in response to stimulus. These are not learned traits either. They are genetic and developmental.

Twins can have different sexualities; however, that does not suggest that sexuality is learned. Genetics is a blue print, but it isn't fool proof. Other things influence development. Autism can occur in 1 twin, but not the other. But that does not suggest that autism is learned. Development can just "go wrong" so to speak.

Moreover, you can't be a little gay or a little straight. These pathways either activate or not. Mind you, they will activate less in response to a weaker stimulus (eg a less attractive person... 7/10) and more to a stronger stimulus (eg a 10/10). If they do activate even a little, you will get aroused, an erection, etc.

If a man gets aroused by another man, he is either bisexual or gay, both of which are, for lack of a better term, neurological defects. There is no spectrum or continuity. It's rather black and white.

- - - Updated - - -

Our sexuality is not learned. It is evolved. It isn't evolutionarily advantageous to be attracted to goats because you wouldn't have many offspring if you spent all of your time screwing goats.

Likewise, it isn't advantageous to be attracted to the same sex. However, it also isn't advantageous to have diabetes, ALS, autism, cerebral palsy, etc. As I said, it's a defect.
Very interesting perspective. Definitely makes sense. A lot of different theories but I still think environmental influence is part of the cause and that will change evolution. And by the way, I am in no way thinking my theories are correct. I just learned things throughout life and try to make sense out of them.


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In what way?
using the word "defect" and saying there's no spectrum. u just admitted bisexuality exists and thats halfway between gay and straight, so its evidence for a "spectrum". i've also known some other guys that were a bit bi


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I don't think you understand what the word prejudice means.

You also don't seem to understand what a spectrum is.
"preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience." thats prejudice. you were being unreasonable about this and your bigotry shone through

and using the word "defect" which means "
a shortcoming, imperfection, or lack."

homosexuals are just as good as heterosexuals lol. you can't have kids though, so I can see it as a genetic "glitch" but "defect" is the wrong word.

and for the spectrum part here's an american psychological association article talking about the spectrum


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Defect implies a deviation from normal development. That is absolutely what it is. Everything about us has an evolutionary purpose. Homosexuality is a deviation from that. A flaw or imperfection. There's no need to be emotional. Political correctness is often incompatible with objectiveness.

Calling it a defect is not a preconceived notion. No offense, but you come off as extremely self-righteous and stupid. It's just comparing it to our understanding of evolution and instincts.

People can write articles about anything. And they do. However, if you don't get aroused by both sexes, you are either straight or gay. The few who do get aroused by both are bisexual.
homosexuality might just be an unintended consequence of evolution.

a possibility that the research shows is that the same genes that make men more likely to be gay also make women more likelly to have lots of kids, so the trait is still passed on.

and well its just not anyone thats writing that article, its the american psychological association. i would think that they have some research to back that up, but suspiciously there's no citations there.

still doesnt change the fact that bisexuality's existence IS spectrum. spectrum means there's a halfway point, and how is bisexuality not a halfway point?
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All the info you need is on ********** they talk about Hair replacement and Laser therapy.
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Spectrum implies continuity. I am arguing that there are 3 discrete states. Straight, gay, and bisexual.

Now, it is possible I guess that bisexuals could prefer one gender over the other, while still capable of being aroused by both. But I was essentially arguing against the notion that most straight people are a 'little bit' gay or that most gays are a little bit straight. That characteristic would be limited to actual bisexuals.

In my opinion, though, if a bisexual prefers one gender over the other, that is no different than any other sexual preference. For example, a straight guy preferring curvy women to thin women. I would still say that there are 3 distinct sexual orientations.

I think the point you're talking about makes sense in theory but in practice it gets a bit muddled. There's a lot of guys who identify as straight but have had (and enjoyed) a gay experience. That doesn't make them bisexual or gay. You can argue the validity of their identity as straight all you want but if someone says they're gay/straight/bi/whatever, they probably are. In my experience a lot of guys have had these gay experiences and admit to enjoying it to an extent but they still insist they are straight because it was all about the sensation for them and not actual attraction. I think this is what people mean when they say "everyone is a little bi", which is obviously not true in all cases but a lot of the time it is true. One act or even a set of acts does not define your sexuality. That'd be akin to saying a fully gay man who spent some time dating women while he was in the closet is actually bi even though he insists otherwise.

tl;dr - Attraction is what defines your sexuality, not what sexual acts you take part in. This is why the kinsey scale is useful in explaining sexuality because for a lot of people sexuality and the way they express that can be more fluid and more of a spectrum than you might think.
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at least you have the option of dating a bald man, bald straight men are put in the lurch due to inequity that women don't face hair loss (outside of rare conditions) and have to date DOWN.


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I think the point you're talking about makes sense in theory but in practice it gets a bit muddled. There's a lot of guys who identify as straight but have had (and enjoyed) a gay experience. That doesn't make them bisexual or gay. You can argue the validity of their identity as straight all you want but if someone says they're gay/straight/bi/whatever, they probably are. In my experience a lot of guys have had these gay experiences and admit to enjoying it to an extent but they still insist they are straight because it was all about the sensation for them and not actual attraction. I think this is what people mean when they say "everyone is a little bi", which is obviously not true in all cases but a lot of the time it is true. One act or even a set of acts does not define your sexuality. That'd be akin to saying a fully gay man who spent some time dating women while he was in the closet is actually bi even though he insists otherwise.

tl;dr - Attraction is what defines your sexuality, not what sexual acts you take part in. This is why the kinsey scale is useful in explaining sexuality because for a lot of people sexuality and the way they express that can be more fluid and more of a spectrum than you might think.
I guess the confusion lies in the word attraction. Man crushes are simply when one man is attracted to another man but not necessarily sexual. However it is a form of attraction that a homophobe might call "gay". Sometimes aesthetic attraction and sexual attraction get blurred together. Admiring someone for their aesthetics is considered aesthetic attraction but again the word attraction comes into play.

I think the word "bromance" or male crush is just a new fad of terminology that implies its ok for men to complement other men on their looks without being considered gay. And I am seeing more of these bromances get physical where guys are actually hugging and embracing each other every time they see each other. And this has to do with the fact that everyone is more accepting of homosexuality. If you did that 15 or 20 years ago, most people would label you as gay. The best way to solve this is just dissolve the words gay, homosexual, straight, and bisexual and stop with the labels. Let people love whoever they want and leave it that.


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I have two good friends that are gay. Yet, they are not attracted each other.


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already am :gay:
When you mean bottom, are you meaning a NW6/7? And top are you meaning a NW1? ...............................:whistle: