Getting Pissed Drunk


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LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!theres no way he has a hot girl friend.


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errrrr the more obvious question, whats he doin on a hairloss site with that big old brush of his?


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Hairybush wins....Fatality.



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damn i loved that game...those were the days.


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i think posting a picture of me made me look ten times better than any of you myself..who are you people fooling? for more info on me feel free to visit my homepage at ..

concerning hot women ..i'm losing my hair and i still had the guts of dumping my hot g\f of 4 many of you people would have the guts to do that losing your hair? i'm currently dating hot girls and having fun while i still have hair before i settle down again. and if that was your attempt at reverse psychology, you people have got to be kidding me. truth is i'm strong enough mentally to take sh*t because my life is good...maybe you people should try that. i like this board. and i just joke around..makes it a little more addicting..people come back to see what you write next. concerning putting the picture of me giving the finger, good pick. b****s love when i give them the finger... i knew some of you people wouldn't be any different ..har har.. i have no problem being the outcast on this board..makes it more entertaining to me. most people here know i'm f*****g around. for those who don't'll be fun to f*** with them because they are such easy joking on you people will make some of you stronger in the end because some of you will finally take it as a joke.. except for xcel..because like i said..i mean everything i say about him..he's one dull motherfucker


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Hairybush1 said:
You are pathetic Hopewas. Keep it up and I'll have your home address up here next.


Nice lid, jerk off. Are you trying to comb the sides of your head up to your crown?

why would i be embarassed for my homepage to get out? post a picture of yourself here to get a true laugh. and i'm losing my hair.. that's why my hair looks like sh*t there. make any sense to you? my homepage is provided in my previous you'd think posting that picture of me would bother me is beyond me. when i have time i'll post a more recent picture of me .. that one was 2 years ago. i have it combed forward and flipped on the front now and i have 20 pounds more of muscle now..and some of you can eat your heart outs when you see how good my hair looks nowadays after 2 years compared to most of yours..har i said before, post a picture of yourself. show us a real laugh


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For someone who doesn't take this very seriously, those were some seriously defensive posts.

Frankly, I think you're a funny motherfucker.


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hopewas said:
i don't know why but i don't like you.. i always thought you were dull..all your posts sound like you think we care about what you do. no one gives a sh*t

Damn, I thought I would never have to answer to something like that, but if you insist.. Okay. The thing is that there is a member on this forum that calls himself "hopewas" that is always anwering back to my posts to complain about a problem that he has with them, and tries to add the concept that "others" are also bothered just to give his statement added credibility.

Quite frankly I am entertained by this character's actions who upon seeing my "dull" posts, cannot help himself but to answer back and b**ch about them, as if disclosing his personal opinion makes him feel better and decreases his insecurities. For now, you can answer back cursing, bitching, complaining, and trying to create an argument.

I just want you to know one thing... there will never be an argument between you and me. I will not waste my time to respond to people that spend most of their time "f*****g around" (as you say) in forums that are meant to help with superficial problems such as hairloss. And if everything you say about me you mean, great!

Like I can't wipe my *** with some individual on a hairloss forum that can't help to draw negativity out of other peoples interests, even if he has it bad exclusively with someone named "xzel". I can care less about your comments, opinions, and statements in regards to my posts as much as you can care about mine.

So unless you have some personal beef that you are willing to travel to where my physical location is to get it solved, further internet communication between us is futile.

Best Regards,


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hopewas said:
read your posts

Oh and one more thing. I do something more exciting than reading my posts. I create them.



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my god you're boring xcel. i couldn't get through the first sentence of your next to last post.. am i seriously the only guy who finds this guy dull?


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well.. i started to try to read your post again without losing interest and i made it to the second sentence. i'm proud of myself.


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hopewas said:
Hairybush1 said:
You are pathetic Hopewas. Keep it up and I'll have your home address up here next.


Nice lid, jerk off. Are you trying to comb the sides of your head up to your crown?

why would i be embarassed for my homepage to get out? post a picture of yourself here to get a true laugh. and i'm losing my hair.. that's why my hair looks like sh*t there. make any sense to you? my homepage is provided in my previous you'd think posting that picture of me would bother me is beyond me. when i have time i'll post a more recent picture of me .. that one was 2 years ago. i have it combed forward and flipped on the front now and i have 20 pounds more of muscle now..and some of you can eat your heart outs when you see how good my hair looks nowadays after 2 years compared to most of yours..har i said before, post a picture of yourself. show us a real laugh



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I didnt even bother to read your posts but now that I did, I have to admit you are even more of a loser than your previous posts led us to believe.

Give it up before you embaress us all.

From Hopewas's home page:

"Hello, God? Is that you? You want me to kill myself because I was an accident?! Gee, I dont know if I have the brain power to throw myself down the stairs but I promise Ill try once I start annoying people at Hair Loss Talk."


.....and we're still waiting.... :roll:

The Gardener

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Hopewas, what is your f*****g problem? We are all friends here, can you please can your sh*t and if you are to post here at least TRY to be somewhat productive with them?

Hopewas, what is it? What the f*** is bothering you so much? I have never heard you talk like you have recently here. We are all friends here, so please tell us WHAT THE f*** IS UP. I hope you are doing well. Garderner.


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Hopewas, you look very familiar... You wouldn't happen to live in Colorado and be named Mike, would you??????? My apologies if I'm wrong


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wasn't i the cutest kid? how does posting those pictures of me make me look bad? i don't get it. and you people need to stop taking things so bad. you guys should be happy,..i mean it's not like i'm ignoring you guys here like everyone else does in reality. all this attention you people are giving me's like i'm holding a donut in front of the screen..gardener..i'm just joking on people. all i said was xcel is dull and to stop posting about his life like anyone cares. then i get attacked and i joked on those people who attacked me. i didn't take it in a bad way...i just joked on them. if they can't take me joking back on them. they should have never done in it to me in the first place. i can take what people say.. i'm a big boy


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Quote from Hopewas-"" you'd think posting that picture of me would bother me ..and some of you can eat your heart outs when you see how good my hair looks""
How you'd?....Heart outs?
In Hopewas's former life he was an english teacher!!


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ha ha..that's correct grammar you moron. how you would think (how you'd)'s in question form...what a moron. and i am a teacher in real life by the way. suck on that..the only typo was the s on out instead of heart. and i can look back in any of your posts and find typos all the time. anyways, is that supposed to be the comment that gets me back and teaches me a lesson? you have got to be kidding me. you people suck at comebacks. i'm looking forward to when most of you move up to 4th grade humor / comebacks. were you all dweebs in high school or something?