Getting Pissed Drunk


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I don't know man, I think these insults are solid. You need to come stronger than the repetitive "you guys are losers/dweebs in High School/losers."

In the end, none of these comebacks are particuarly good. You all need to start taking it to a new, crazy-*** level.


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how you'd...thats what you wrote that means how you would..thats improper hope lol maybe you can move up from the 4th grade with me
you should have typed how would you or How;d you.jackass.
remember that little thing called conjuctions?...just readup on them and what they mean and you will do alright.


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Axon give example of crazy *** level comebacks.


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You would say something like...."I'm your father. I traveled back through time to protect your mom from a cybernetic organism sent back to assassinate her. But since she was a ho, we ended up doin' the deed with yo' moms taking my huge future c*** in the ***. I also busted one on her face. What? This is nothing like the plot of Terminator."


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ok i see what you mean by about
"I would kidnap him and throw him in the back seat of my car then during the ride turn around and accidentlly shoot him in the head while askin him if he believed that God came down and stopped the bullets earlier.
Then i would call up a friend, ask him if i can use his garage to clean up the mess in the car,after that was cleaned i would go to an apartment waitin till kill a boxer who dicked my boss millions of dollars only to be shot multiple times in the chest by the boxer who i came to kill after just getting done takin a sh*t and walkin out the door of the boxers bathroom.What? sound like Pulp Fiction?


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blue said:
how you'd...thats what you wrote that means how you would..thats improper hope lol maybe you can move up from the 4th grade with me
you should have typed how would you or How;d you.jackass.
remember that little thing called conjuctions?...just readup on them and what they mean and you will do alright.

you're wrong. the way i used it in that sentence was the right way to use it. and axon. i think i'll start joking on you too. i'll start by saying that that kid in your avatar seems to get more pussy than you


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Axon said:
You would say something like...."I'm your father. I traveled back through time to protect your mom from a cybernetic organism sent back to assassinate her. But since she was a ho, we ended up doin' the deed with yo' moms taking my huge future c*** in the ***. I also busted one on her face. What? This is nothing like the plot of Terminator."

that's funny to you? are you german or something?


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I'm not German and I found it very funny :lol:

I'd bust one in you mums face even if she wasn't a ho


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you guys are sticking together could be the corniest sh*t and you would because i'm joking on all of's common sense. i enjoy it though. it's a good time killer. even 5 against me..none of you can say anything that i can't outjoke. you can really tell that you guys are losing your battle with hairloss due to your sense of humor


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hopewas said:
you guys are sticking together could be the corniest sh*t and you would because i'm joking on all of's common sense. i enjoy it though. it's a good time killer. even 5 against me..none of you can say anything that i can't outjoke. you can really tell that you guys are losing your battle with hairloss due to your sense of humor

You've been defeated already, and if this were in my neighborhood and not the internet you'd have been run (or laughed) off the block. Sorry to burst your bubble, but basically, all you keep saying is that we're not funny. That is not a good comeback and betrays limited linguistic abilities.

If you got a zinger I'd award it; thus far, all you've managed to do was get defensive about your life, call some people a loser and make some nonsensical commentary on my country of origin, irregardless that my location is clearly labeled as Brooklyn, NY.

But yes, it is fun as hell. I think you're a good guy to have around as you keep things interesting. And yes, no one should take your bullshit seriously - I certainly don't, and I'm sure you do the same to me.


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who are you fooling with your reverse psychology? does that work with morons you know where you live. and i always find it funny that you quote the posts where i don't joke on you. why didn't you post the post i made when i said the kid on your avatar seems to get more pussy than you? no, you can't do that because your reverse psychology response wouldn't make sense. pathetic. and thanks for the i make this board a little more interesting comment..that's the goal 8)


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thanks for the i make this board a little more interesting comment..that's the goal

Hopewas, its starting to seem like you rely on this board for you sole means of entertainment. I'm not sure if you realize this but this boards purpose isn't to provide entertainment to people; it's to educate and help them with their hairloss. Personally I feel if your resorting to hanging out at this place all the time just to make friends or allienate yourself for some sort of sick humour then that makes you really pathetic.

Don't you have friends you can joke on? It's great that you relish "joking on people" but I think its getting f*****g stupid and i'm tired of hearing your redundant comebacks to people. Why don't you go hang out at the elementary school you work at and "joke on" some kids that have the same maturity level as yourself. Maybe you can throw water balloons at the particularly feeble ones and watch as they scramble to avoid what your mistankenly believe to be your omnipotent wrath.


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my list of things i do... masterbate, go out with 2 girls for the last 2 months at the same time, posting here and in the mixed martial arts board at . and yeah, i do post here..if i weren't joking back at you guys like i am today i'd be posting twice a week like i was before yesterday. and? you guys have been posting here a lot to..because of me i might add. you'll reply to this post like i did to's common nature. maybe you won't now that i said it.. but usually when people post something to you, you reply to it which makes you come back more. get it now? doesn't take a genius. if you guys stopped posting to me..i'd stop posting back to reply to all of you and this would have brushed over a while ago. but you people continued to reply to me which means you like this charade


hopewas.....i thought you said you used to have a hot girl. i don't see how that's offense but you're one ugly mother fuker. what's with the hair????? it looks like someone dropped a duecer on top your head. i'm glad you're lifting weights like you said, you're gonna need too with that ugly mug. peace


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hopewas said:
who are you fooling with your reverse psychology? does that work with morons you know where you live. and i always find it funny that you quote the posts where i don't joke on you. why didn't you post the post i made when i said the kid on your avatar seems to get more pussy than you? no, you can't do that because your reverse psychology response wouldn't make sense. pathetic. and thanks for the i make this board a little more interesting comment..that's the goal 8)

Reverse psychology? I'm doing the same thing you're doing, talking sh*t. Nothing more, nothing less. You must be the worst f*****g teacher in the world with the mental "skills" you possess and I feel incredbily sorry for any child that has you within his or her development cycle. You teach retards how to be retarted or somethin'? Is that your job, retard 101?

We all know you're dating two dudes man, there's no need to brag about it. How's it feel when your big stud comes in your ***? Or do you let them both take you at once?


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pics of my x's :




about the ugly motherfucker comment. for an ugly motherfucker i sure do well with the ladies... and when are you going to post your picture i wonder?


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if you guys want a truly funny picture of me here's one below of me at age 15 or 16 with a friend with my long beautiful hair..oh how i miss it. have fun..i'm giving you guys this picture to use against me to have more material against me because you guys seem to be bitching at me not joking back. quit taking sh*t seriously..joke back..don't b**ch. i'm still waiting for a joke on me..not a lecture



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Axon said:
hopewas said:
who are you fooling with your reverse psychology? does that work with morons you know where you live. and i always find it funny that you quote the posts where i don't joke on you. why didn't you post the post i made when i said the kid on your avatar seems to get more pussy than you? no, you can't do that because your reverse psychology response wouldn't make sense. pathetic. and thanks for the i make this board a little more interesting comment..that's the goal 8)

Reverse psychology? I'm doing the same thing you're doing, talking sh*t. Nothing more, nothing less. You must be the worst f*****g teacher in the world with the mental "skills" you possess and I feel incredbily sorry for any child that has you within his or her development cycle. You teach retards how to be retarted or somethin'? Is that your job, retard 101?

We all know you're dating two dudes man, there's no need to brag about it. How's it feel when your big stud comes in your ***? Or do you let them both take you at once?

my god.. i feel bad for that the sense of humor you have? retard 101? i sure hope you have a woman because once your hair is gone your personality isn't going to save you..i can come in handy on this board. you all can take your going bald anger out on me.. i don't mind it. i hope all of you people are enjoying this as much as i am